I got bullied...They can just try!!!

Mardin!! Mardin wait for me, I heard my bestie Marjorie called my name.

Me: Hurry up, we're going to be late for school.

Marjorie: You always walk so fast.

I just smile at her and still walk faster.

My best friend is the muse of our class. She was born with beautiful classical features. High elegant nose, prominent cheekbones, and heart shape face.

My bestie is humble, feminine and never let her beauty affect her. She is so neat too. Her hair is always tied properly or braided. If you see us together, we look fundamentally different. I don't even know why we click together. Maybe opposites attract in our case.

As for me, I was never feminine in my ways, I walk fast, my long hair untied, and I only comb it once after my bath and I never carry a comb to tidy my hair. So, it looks unruly.

I join sports like basketball and football, but Marjorie just sat on the bench and enjoy watching the game in her lady-like manner.

One day, while I was passing by a group of boys. I heard one boy said look at a girl, pointing at me. I heard another boy said let me have a look at her. He came near me and laugh and said, "do you think this one is a poor excuse of a girl"? And they all laugh. Upon hearing this, I stomp on his foot so hard, and he winched with pain. I said, glaring at him. Next time you disrespect me I will give you a stomp in your private area where your egg is, so you will know what true pain is! and I left head held high.

I don't care about my appearance, but I will not allow any boys to bully me for it. Besides, a school for me is to advance my education, not to flirt with boys!! Although it sounds so nerdy, I truly believe in it.

Sometimes I thought something is wrong with me. Most of the girls in school starts having a boyfriend or gushing at their crushes, while me daydreaming about Sai one of the character in Naruto anime!!!

Marjorie didn't go to school today because she has a cold, and I am going to be late this time as I oversleep. I walk faster than before while glancing at my watch, praying that I am not going to be late.

I hate being late for school because all my classmate's eyes are looking at me, and I don't like that kind of attention!!

Bang!!!!! I crashed into someone and all the books that I used to shield my top fall all over the ground.

And a blue-eyed handsome boy with dark brown hair look at me and keep apologizing, and I said it's ok. I was also at fault. As I want to avoid wasting more time talking. He helps me gather my books and I say thank you and I hurried to my class thinking who is that good-looking boy that I have never seen here in school before!!!

Yeah, I am late, and I slowly creep my way into my classroom trying very hard not to disturb my teacher as she was writing on the board, but unfortunately, one of my class saw me and squeal. Mardin is late!!!! My teacher turned and said, I know. No need to shout and disturb the class. Mardin sits at the back and stays after the class will talk about you being late today.

After class, my teacher told me to write an essay about ways and means not to be late, and I need to write it in five thousand words to be submitted on Friday.

Finally, class ended. I hurriedly walk home after bidding my friend goodbye.

At home, mom told me. Mardin I bought a bathing suit for you, it is time you stop wearing shorts and a shirt when you go swimming. It is more comfortable. You will see the difference when tried you go swimming tomorrow morning, she said. Mom knows I love swimming in the ocean, especially in the morning.

I can't wait to try this new bathing suit my mom bought me. Although I feel that short and shirt is the best swimming attire ever, I was also curious if my mom is right.

Me: Mom, what time is dinner?

Mom: 7 pm sweetie

Oh good, it is only 5:00 pm, I still have two hours of free time since I don't have homework today.

Me: Mom, can I go swimming in my new bathing suit?

Mom laugh and said see you can't wait to try it. Ok, have fun sweetheart be sure to be back before dinner ok.

Me: Ok mom. Then run to my room to quickly change into my new bathing suit. Then wear my shirt and shorts on top of it. In my room, I have a small mirror that only my face I can see, and I never complained about it since I don't care much about how I look.

The beach is within walking distance of my house. Sometimes I wish we are rich enough to live in front of the beach. Then scold me why I am thinking like this, my parents work hard, and I am well taken care of.

My dad and mom are government employees. Dad works as an accountant in the accounting department of the Mayor's office, while my mom is a clerk.

The good thing about swimming late in the afternoon and early morning is that fewer people are on the beach, so it is quiet.

I bring my backpack with me to place my towel and my water bottle in case I got thirsty swimming. Nice, soon it will be sunset, telling me. I take off my shirt and shorts and was about to run to the water when a hand touches me, so I stop, and I heard a familiar voice said are you going to run over me this time? I freeze and look at up and saw it was the blue-eyed boy that I accidentally knock off this morning.

He was looking at me in surprise. I notice he is scanning me from face to my legs and seem to enjoy doing it, then smile at me. I have never seen a boy look at me like this before, so I blushed and smile shyly.

He said my name is Ben. It's nice meeting you here. Oh. Does this wow girl is having a perfect figure and long legs, Ben thinking to himself?

And I said the same here, Ben. I need to go swimming now. Bye. I run as fast as I can to the water, feeling shy at the way Ben appraising my appearance.

Ben: This girl has no clue how attractive she looks with her long hair flying softly with a body that has the right curve in all places and a long leg to die for.

Then Ben continue jogging on the beach.

Friday came, and my first-period class is English, and time to submit my five thousand words essay. Of course, I wrote my essay diligently and am so proud of it. The first thing I did when I arrived in my class is submitting it and Miss Lindy gladly received it and quickly browsed and said Mardi stays after class.

After class, Miss Lindy told me this essay is good Mardin and funny. You wrote one way and means not to be late "is to make sure that my pet cat should stay away from my breakfast that my mom cook, otherwise I need to make another one, and I'm going to be late again to school". Did your cat eat your breakfast? Yes, Crinkles that's my cat name, is stupid and loves to compete for my food especially if mom made it. At that time, my mom was in a haste to go to her office and left my breakfast on the table without covering and my naughty cat eats all of it.

My teacher stippled her laugh. She smiles at me and gives me a pat on my back. She told me "You seem to have a talent for writing stories". Keep up the good work.