The moment I wake up

I wake up fresher after an eight-hour sleep. I do my routine morning hygiene. Gargle my mouth and wash my face. Then went to the kitchen for my breakfast.

Oh! No. I did not smell any food cooking in the kitchen. It looks like my parents went home very late last night, as no mom or dad making breakfast at this moment. You may think I am one lazy sixteen-year-old teenager who depends on her mom's cooking for breakfast? Umm... Yeah, you are right!!!! Who wants to eat instant foods like cereals or clumpy no-cook oatmeal or one-step mix pancake? When I can eat my mother's egg omelet with garlic, onions, tomatoes, and bacon. Just imagine the savory taste of garlic, onion, and tomatoes sautéed in bacon. Yummy!!!! Right. Or Pancakes with strawberries or blueberries or banana in it? Delicious yum yum yum!!! Or pride rice with bacon, sausage, sweet corn, diced carrots and garnished with shallots and pride garlic? Yes, it's a mouth-watering delight!!! Now, can you still doubt why I am looking for my mom's for breakfast? Guess not!!!

Well, I don't have a choice but to make my breakfast. I rummage through the cupboard and saw cereals with fruit flavors, oatmeal, and an instant pancake. I decided on the pancake. All I need is to add an egg and milk or water. I better used milk, it will taste much better. Oh, wait, preparing food seems too much effort for a breakfast, maybe I just have fruit flavor cereal instead. So, I opened the new box of fruit cereals and pour it into a bowl, then I added the milk. Wallah, I have a quick, yummy breakfast.

After breakfast, I brush my teeth and waited for my mom to wake up. I need to request her to make her famous Tiramisu. Meanwhile, I am going to browse on the internet using my phone about how to deal with patients who commit suicide and survive.

I was engrossed reading all of this abundant information right in front of my eyes. The most important is * don't judge, accept them for who they are. Keep talking and don't avoid the topic of suicide but make sure this is not the only topic you discuss. Help them feel there is the hope of things getting better. Don't give up on them even when they are ignoring you, if they want to avoid talking to you ask other people whom you both trust to support them. Help them with the things they enjoy. Let them know about free counseling services and assist them to access professional help like doctors. You offer to go with them or make appointments for them. If they are ready encourage and assist them to make plans for their future, solve problems, and set goals *. I message this data to Angel and Victoria as they may need this in dealing with Marjorie. I also copy and paste the link in their private message on FB just for their further knowledge.

Good morning sweetie, my mom greeted me. I was astonished to hear my mom's voice as I was preoccupied reading. Look at my mom with a dazed look and answer her good morning mother in my buttering up sweet loving voice. This voice is used if I need something special from my mom. My mother looks at me suspiciously. Did you have your breakfast, she asked? Yes, I have mom, I replied. Spill it out, what do you want from your mother. I flashed my mother with my sugary smile and replied, I am waiting for you to wake up and serve you breakfast called fruit cereal Ala milk. My mom laugh and utter, what do you desire this time? My beautiful loving mother who makes the best Tiramisu in the world, can you please make me one, I beg you? I am going to visit Marjorie with Angel and Victoria this afternoon and I promise them to bring it. Ok, I will make the usual twelve servings and I keep three for our dessert later. Now, where is my fruit cereals Ala milk? I like fresh fruits with it, and hurry up and make one for your father as well. Right away your highness I jokingly said.

My father came into the kitchen and sit on the chair and greet us good morning. Wow. My only child is making breakfast today? Yes, dad, it is called fruit cereals Ala milk, I added fresh banana, apple, dried blueberries, and strawberry, I proudly replied. Looks tasty sweetie, my dad responded.

After breakfast, my dad bid mom and me goodbye because he is going to help his friends do their tax returns to earn some extra money.

I help mom by washing the dishes and volunteer to prepare the ingredients for Tiramisu to see if I can still remember them. My mom said OK and she told me to call her when I am done as she is going to water her herb and vegetable garden.

I open the fridge and remove fresh cream, mascarpone cheese, and eggs. Unlock the cupboard to take ladyfinger cookies, Belgian cocoa, caster sugar, freshly ground coffee, and vanilla extract. Then went to the wine rack and remove a bottle of rum. Yes, my mom is going to drink alcohol while making her Tiramisu. That is her secret, why her Tiramisu is amazingly tasty. Gotcha! She just needs 2 tablespoons of it. Now that I gather all the ingredients, I need to separate the egg yolk from the white. Keep the yolk and place the egg white in a sealed container for making sponge cake or meringue later. Brewed 1/4 cup of strong coffee and when it cools down, will call mom. Now all ingredients and utensils needed are prepared, time to call the queen of our kitchen to do her magic.

I went to the backyard and told mom that everything is prepared. Mom said be right there. Went back to the kitchen, then mom followed me. She washed her hand and put on her apron. You have done a good job remembering all the ingredients needed, Mardin. Always remember fresh ingredients are one of the keys to tasty food. Also, the quality of the ingredients as well. Herbs and spices enhance the flavor too. Now watch carefully and learn. Next time, you can make your Tiramisu. Noted on that mother.

And so mother and daughter mess up the kitchen and Mardi will have to do the cleaning later.
