What a day

It seems my parents are coming home late. It's already eleven pm and still no sign of them. I am getting worried

and I don't even get a phone call or text message from them. I better call mom. So I went to get my mobile phone in my bag and when I check it is a low bat. I hurriedly changed it and put it on. Oh my, I got two messages from my mom. The first one says" Don't wait for us sweetie, we're coming home late. Love you ".The second SMS says "Not even a reply, what are you doing? are you even at home.?!!" So I replied quickly I am sorry mom I didn't realize my phone was dead. I just charged it right now. I was also wondering why I did not receive a message from you and it's already late. I am home and ate dinner with Angel and Victoria then we watch some YouTube videos. After that, they went home at ten pm. I am going to sleep now. Good night mom and say good night to dad as well".

Then I went to the bathroom brush my teeth for five minutes, then wash my face and change into my Hello Kitty pajama. I brush my hair to make it soft and smooth. While I am doing my routine beauty care I was engrossed with my thoughts of today's event.

My best friend is emotionally in chaos. I want to help her solve the problem but I don't even know-how. The stupid YouTube video's suggestions in dealing with narcissistic mothers are not even realistic. I feel it was a joke. I wish I can go back in time to stop my best friend from slashing her wrist.

It is nice to see Ben today and he even walks with me. Although I'm too preoccupied thinking about how to help my best friend.

Angel and Victoria seem to have ambivalent feelings about Marjorie. I hope they get over soon their anger and disappointment. Maybe this notion of anger and disappointment arises from not being able to do anything to help you from her suffering. It is frustrating!!!

I am worried if the news spread in the school. How Marjorie is going to handle it. Wait why am overthinking this. It did not even happen yet. It is really hard to be a teenager. In my mind, I perceive that I can do anything but in the end, there is a limit to what I can do.

Better go to sleep for tomorrow is another day. Oh, I almost forget to pray. Here is my prayer " Dear God thank you for giving me a mom that is not narcissistic and thanks to you for my wonderful loving and supportive family. Thank you to my friends. Please help my best friend Marjorie get better soon and please help me to help her. Also please help Marjorie to learn to deal with her frustration and to deal with her narcissistic mother. Please forgive my selfish thoughts and actions. I ask this prayer through Jesus Christ my Lord, Amen".