Three Beauties and half

I arrived five minutes early at the hospital's main entrance. I waited for my friends at the side of the door to avoid obstructing other people. The beauty you came early! There is only one person who calls me with an adjective and that is Angel. I replied to Angel, just a few minutes early half beauty! Martin, really I am just half beautiful? I said yes! Do I have to explain again why? Remember, you are half handsome too. I laughed boisterously. The good thing about having good pals is that they never get offended by your sarcasm and they always make you smile and laugh.

Hey guys! Victoria greeted us. Look I'm on the dot. I bought a chocolate milkshake for us. That is very nice Victoria I said. I bought Marjorie's favorite flowers too, Daisies, Angel added. Wow, that is very sweet Angel. I and Victoria clamored together. Ok, two beauties and half let's go.

Marjorie's room in a private ward. Since we live on an Island the tallest building is only 6 meters high and her private room is on the sixth floor. We take the elevator and shortly we arrive in the private ward. We walk a few meters and Angel knocks on the door. We heard Marjorie's voice mumbled came in. Angel announces in a cheerful and enthusiastic voice surprised! Then we all get in the room and greeted Majorie one by one. Hello, beautiful girl!

Angel declared we bring you your favorites Tiramisu, chocolate milkshake, and Daisies. Marjorie look pleased to see us and smile. Thank you guys for coming.Thank you for remembering to bring my favorites. Your welcome we replied. Angel throws the old flower from the base and replaces it with the daisies he brought. Victoria and I place the choco milkshakes and Tiramisu on the table.

I heard Angel said, How are you doing after slashing your wrist Marjorie? Ok, I guess, and slashing my wrist hurts like hell and I don't recommend you guys doing it she jokingly said. Cool thank you for the info, I laugh. I saw Victoria silently open the Tiramisu and put one serving on each plate. Here let's have some snacks then she gives us Tiramisu and choco milkshake. Thank you we said. I miss your mom's Tiramisu Mardin. It has some hints of herbs and spices in it Marjorie convey. Yes, it's mom's secret recipe. Maybe mom added some in it in the rum I responded. When are you going to get a discharge? Angel inquire. Maybe tomorrow. I am going for counseling then family therapy with my parents. That is nice we blurted. When is your counseling appointment I want to accompany you, I inquired. This coming Friday she answered. Cool, I am going with you Angel added. I look at Victoria querying. Victoria reacted, I have to ask mom first and update you guys later. You guys don't have to, I can go by myself Marjorie told us. We love to come with you then we can go to watch a movie after. It's been a while that we go out as a group as I expanded. Ok, then it's a date! Angel declared.

And so the three beauties and a half!! are going out to see a movie after Marjorie's counseling appointment.