Dinner Guests

Who says dinner with parents is boring? Well, it is but I will never trade it for anything else in the world. I may sound exaggerating, This is what I strongly believe, and stand firm with it!

Dinner in my family is the most important meal of the day. We don't eat together during breakfast or lunch but at dinner, we make sure we do. My dad very rarely misses dinner. I can even count them with my fingers.

I arrived early for dinner and my mom was still busy cooking. Hi mom I said. Hi sweetie, help mommy set the table and set it for six people. Oh, we have a dinner guest? I ask. Yes, your dad is bringing his college buddy and his family for dinner. Wow, this gonna be another tedious dinner full of sports talk or nostalgia. I can't wait to hear how my dad behaves in college. I teasingly said.

Then we heard Dad shouting Honey, I'm home. Mom and I went to the door and we saw another tall man with my dad and good looking woman with them came into our home. Then to my surprise, Ben is with them.

Daddy performed the necessary introduction. Ben smiled at me with enthusiasm and I smile back as well heartily. I found out that dad's friend's name is Benjamin Ericsen and his wife is Carmella. Ben is their only son and has the same name as his pop with added jr. Mom ushered in our guests and make them seat in the living room. Dad entertains them while I and mom excuse ourselves to continue organizing the dinner table.

Mom, you only made three servings of Tiramisu. Is it enough with our guests here? I questioned her. No worries sweetie I plan to make Tiramisu topping chocolate ice cream with spicy rum sauce. Wow! it sounds so delicious just hearing it. Can't wait to taste this new creation I exclaimed.

Then mom asks me are the table is all set? Yes, it is mom. Then let's call them for dinner. We went to call them and seated them at our rectangular dining table. Dad and his friend sit facing each other at both ends of the table while mom sits beside dad and I sit on the other side of dad facing mom. Same arrangement with Dad's friend. So Ben is seated beside me facing his mother. While two moms sitting side by side.

We have a western style spread today. Mom bakes fresh bread, cooks chicken cordon bleu, and made a fresh garden salad that she organically grows in her garden. Dad brings out white wines today for our guests. The adults drink it with their food while I and Ben have the choice of soda or juice. I choose juice and so is Ben.

As expected, The two dads dominated the talk about their college life, football, career, and family

They also praise my mom's delicious chicken cordon blue and the fresh garden salad. Of course, mom cooking is the best. I always look forward to our boring dinner, mainly for my parent's company and for the delicious fare.

Ben's mom said that my mother's cordon blue tastes so good and she even asks for the recipe. My mother graciously accepted the shower of compliments that tickles her moods and happily shared her recipe.

We finished all the food which is a testimony to how mouth-watering it is. Now time for desserts. I volunteer to help mon prepared it. I stood the ice cream in a bowl while mom added the slice of Tiramisu as the toppings then swish it with spice rum syrup that she made earlier. Then mom garnishes it with cherries. We concoct 6 bowls and place them in the serving tray and I added the dessert spoon to it. The dessert looks good and I bet it tastes so delicious.

I hear dad ask Ericsen if they want coffee or tea with their desserts or after desserts and they refused. I gladly carried the tray and serve it to everyone. I notice my y dad's eyes light up and his satisfied smile when he sees the desserts. I know what dad feels right now. Heavenly!!! I and my dad have a sweet tooth. Chocolate and its by production are some of our favorite.

Dad hurriedly tried his dessert and declared, Honey this dessert is perfect. The smooth texture of ice cream with Tiramisu, spike up with spice rum syrup and cherries. I love it! Me too mom it tastes wonderful I added. The Ericsen family tried it. They also like it and eat it with enthusiasm.

After dinner, my dad and Mr. Ericsen continue with their chat and drinks. Mom and Mrs.Ericsen chat about the recipe. I and Ben smile at each other and talk about school. Next weekend we're invited to have dinner with the Ericsen. Looks like Dad and his buddy are igniting their old flame, just kidding! My dad gonna kill me if he can see my thoughts right now!