Monday: Manic or depressive

"When you have so much fun on the weekends, then Monday came and hits you hard early in the morning, that you need to wake up and go to school."

Monday means the end of my free, wonderful fun weekend and the start of my dreading normal days. I know I sound dramatic. How I wish that all days are weekends.

The alarm clock wakes me up, and I thumped it to shut it up. Then I go back to sleep and told myself just ten more minutes of sleep. Then my mom's said in a loud voice. Mardin stops prolonging your agony, wake up and get ready for school unless you want to write a five thousand words essay again. Yeah, that reminder wakes me and I scram out of bed. Rapidly I do my wash and brush. Wear my uniform and grab my backpack and went to the kitchen to pick something for breakfast.

I smell bacon from the kitchen. I did not expect my mom to make food for breakfast today, but with that delightful smell. I yelled, yes! My mom is cooking breakfast. Then I make some dancing moves going to the kitchen. Singing Oh yeah, oh yeah! I'm getting breakfast.

Upon my arrival in the kitchen, the first thing I saw is my dear sweet loving mother, putting the fried rice on a plate. Furthermore, I saw big slabs of bacon and sausage in it, with small cube carrots, sweet corn kernel, stripes of cabbage, pieces of roasted garlic, and a wad of scallion as the toppings. What a sight to see! My mouth is salivating and my gut bacteria is strutting.

Good morning to the best home chef in the world who makes delicious breakfast called mom. Thank you for making me breakfast. This shows how much you love your only lovable child. I am grateful for your time and effort to make this breakfast. I know you and dad are busy and goes to work early and making breakfast is bothersome, but for me, it means a lot. It makes me feel so special and even if you don't cook breakfast I can still feel your affection when you buy me an instant one that I like, I dramatically announced. My mother giggled and said, Mardin stop buttering me and such a big speech early in the morning. In short, you prefer a cooked breakfast to an instant one! Oh, mom, you're so getting me. I love you so much.

Then I notice my dad eating my mom's food and greeted him, good morning Dad, enjoying mom's fried rice already? My dad chuckle and said yes, you know how crazy I am with her cooking. My mom pretending angry and told, So you are only crazy with my cooking. My dad feigns hurt and said, honey course not, I am crazy in love with you and your cooking. We all laugh and enjoy our breakfast as a family.

We don't often eat together during breakfast as our schedules differ, but when we do, I always feel so elated. Monday morning is not disastrous at all when it starts with the affectionate breakfast with my family. Monday is not all depressing.