Ben is helping with my campaign

As I and Victoria walkout from the library. Every student we meet, we give them one flier and keep saying the words "Vote for me you won't regret it", while Victoria says vote for my friend you won't regret it!

Then I heard a sweet manly familiar voice calling my name. Mardin! Mardin!, I turned my head to where the voice came from and I saw Ben flashing me with his charming smile. I feel my face heated up and hoping that I am not blushing while I replied hi Ben. Then he notices Victoria beside me and he said hi to Victoria and she replied hi Ben nice meeting you here. Ben walks hurriedly beside me while saying the same here.

I heard your aunt died, I want to give my heartfelt condolence. Thank you Ben I said. Then Ben added, I saw your name in the list running as student body president, so I made this bookmark to help with your campaign. Then he gives me a stack of bookmarks and I said thank you. I scrutinize it and they look amazing. I praise him by saying, this bookmark is delightfully done and I highly appreciate your effort. He replied don't mention it, just want to help with your campaign.

Then Victoria but in and said I need to go ahead and see you later guys. Ok see you later both me and Ben blurted then we look at each other eyes and smile. Victoria left in a flash and I laugh at her action in my head. I know she just wants to give me and Ben some time to talk and doesn't want to be the third wheeler.

Ben asked me if I am going home and I said yes. Then he suggests let us walk home together then and I said ok I like that.

Ben and I talk about school stuff and his about basketball. He invited me and my friends to watch the district competition. I promise to try to bring my friends to watch and if they can't come. I will be there. He looks happy upon hearing my words.

I feel Ben is a good friend. He cares a lot to support my campaign and I did not even ask him. The bookmarks he made look so cute. I even keep one for myself. I am so happy with Ben's effort today. It warms my heart.