Gwens Revenge

Ben no... Gwen shouted as the Rv sped away.

why did you let him do that?

we were outnumbered out powered and vilgax wasn't going to stop till either ben or he was dead.

but but but Gwen stuttered. it's ok Gwen your cousin did it for you. Kai said hugging her. he didn't want to see you hurt anymore.

that dweeb should have told me we could have fouled him like we did last time.

Do you think vilgax would have fallen for such a ruse again?

you think Kevin made it out Jessica asked changing her clothes.

not now Kai exclaimed giving her the death stare.

If any of them lived it would have been Charm-Caster she can create portals. I hope she saved Kevin Jessica added.

the girls gave her the death stare.

oh look we're here at the hospital Gwen you ok Kai asked turning off the autopilot. you're going to go find Charm-Caster aren't you?

no0... I'll turn the autopilot on she replied switching it back on.

why get revenge on her it was vilgax who ben lured into the nor void.

Charm Caster knows magic maybe she can track his life force or something.

this isn't going to be like pet semterty is it? you find ben's life force but he's different and things go crazy and you have to admit he's gone and get over it? no no no I just need to know if he's actually dead if he is we have her arrested for murder and we continue fighting bad guy butt.

if you say so.

I see Jessica got her wish and Charm Caster saved you extorted Gwen... last night was fun. not for me you monster where's charm caster she saved me from your cousin blowing up.

i'm right here twerp Charmcaster exclaimed coming out of a portal.

why you little Gwen shouted angrily shooting a magical bolt at him.

ohh looks like I hit a nerve Kevin retorted getting.

Enough games CharmCaster I need you to trace Ben's lifeForce

and why in the world would I do that?

not even you can outrun the texas state police, can you?

Charmcaster looks up and notices the dozens of police cars and helicopters.

so you want this to turn ugly or do you want the chance to walk free Gwen asked.

the sheriff here his brother is Mr smith the same man that turned ben into you freaks. if word got out that his brother let a criminal organization kidnap and rape 3 little girls it will make him look bad.

and how do you have the proof to back that up Kevin asked?

the camera's at the park. y'all freaks aren't the only ones to cause mayhem there.

I told vilgax we needed to destroy those cameras.

so if I track ben down wherever I find him or not I walk?

pretty much ya. what about alien face over there looking over at Kevin hitting on Jessica.

him I don't care texas can fry his ass for all I care.

you charmcaster all you did was destroy a taco stand and knock ben out.

you get 5-10 years max him

he kidnapped 3 10-year-old girls and raped two of them he'll probably get life... or fry either way and aren't you like a mega feminist? would you want him to fry for what he did. i do hate him for what he did. so it's a win-win for you.

ok, I'll look for that Tennyson creep but you better let me walk or so help me I'll send you into a darker abyss than the blackness of space.

charmcaster performs the tracking spell and gets a lock on his aura.

you're not going to like where he is she replied.