The Journey Home

(Note during Ben's journey back to Earth there will be little to no Sexual scenes.)

However, if it is requested ill add scenes using other characters let Gwen blow off some steam with Tim or something.

Let's get on with the story it's been over a year since I wrote this story.

Ben opened his eyes not expecting to be alive.

Where am I?he asked himself you're home young watch user.

I'm on Earth? He asked as the figure behind the voice appeared before him.

No young Tennyson you're at my home.

ASmith but he lives I he never.

Why did you save me how did you save me?

I'm the creator of that watch you're wearing you don't think I could stop it remotely.

But you didn't stop it otherwise I wouldn't be here. You're right and you're wrong.

I'm on your home planet when the watch was supposed to kill me.

The watch did indeed blow up but I remotely controlled the blast to make it seem like you died and the watch.

so what about Villgax?

oh, he's lying over there the small alien pointed.

Squidface lived? barely, Tennyson if I wasn't in this jail cell I would pull your puny lungs out your eyes and back into your body through your ears, Jesus Christ Villgax, now you two stop fighting there's a reason I kept both of you alive.

Why do you keep SquidFace alive Asmith why would keep this pathetic human life? Villgax asked.

because Asmith answered, because of my brother he said bluntly. No you mean you let him live? Villgax asked.

He's my brother I don't want to accept that he was worse than you,  Worse than me he makes me look like that little prick he said pointing at Ben.I know Asmith said tearing up. So what does Villgax have to do with your brother? It was Villgax who put my brother in his prison in the first place before he became the villain you love to tease he was my chief of security.

He led a militia against my brother thousands went in only vilgax came out.

after the bloodshed the innocent lives lost and the strain on the mind my brother gave Villgax he became the very thing you fight,now my brother escaped from his prison when your watch blew up because you wanted it Vilgax.

so you saved us both because we let him out. i'm not working with him they both said pointing at each other.

you don't have to work with each other,villgax i'm granting you command of your Militia again and Tennyson he said jumping on Ben's watch i'm giving you full access to the master control.

he's that powerful? don't over estimate him tennyson if you think blowing up that watch was the only way to defeat me you're in for the world of hurt.

we fight him but as a team ok Squidface?

agreed tennyson.

what about gwen and my grandpa don't we need all hands on deck to fight your brother.

we do but it will take awhile for my shuttle to pick them up.

you don't think the negative 10 could help us squidface do you?

we weren't a team like your cousin and that annoying grandfather of yours we were just people who hated you united under one goal.

plus they believe we're both dead.

you got me there.

any chance we could get Ben10K to help?

i already tried said a voice coming out of the shadow.


asmith's brother defeated you.

yes he did...

what happened to your leg Vilgax asked.

it got cut off Squidface.

glad to see you're just as mature as before retorted vilgax.

so Asmith what's the plan?


it's not that simple.

my brother is at the top level of a fortress that makes the highest secured person on your earth tennyson as easy to break into as a toy vault.

how many floors?


how many enemies on each floor.


how many personal bodyguards in his chambers?


you don't mean


your father vilgax.

defeat him and that's your only shot at my brother.

how many men will i take under my milta asked vilgax.

because i don't trust you fully

only 10K.

i had over 20 million in that milta you don't think they would help?

but you don't see the big picture.

after you left to chase after my watch i sent another Unit into that fortress all that walked out with little injuries were 10k

you're not just taking the 10k

that's all that remains of your personal milta Vilgax.

i amassed a army of 2 million troops from every planet that could provide such aid. asmith said pressing a button opening the curteets.

so far i have gathered over 10 billion troops.

their sole purpose is to storm the fortress so you 3 and your milta don't strain yourself getting to my brother.

i have a feeling most of them won't make it out alive.

where was this army when the hybrid invaded? ben10k asked.

i'm the smartest creature in the universe you don't think i didn't know you and your friends would win?

ben10k raises an eyebrow.

ok fine i asked these planets for help but they said no and wanted to defend themselves.

i need my cousin and my grandpa ben said getting up.

i know young tennyson.

no i mean all of them i fought with ben's from multiple dimensions before just to defeat an evil version of me.

if your brother is as powerful as you say he is wouldn't it be wise to have them help us..

that's because the fate of the multiverse was at stake.

my brother never figured out how to travel across the inter dimensional plane.

actually he did viglax retorted.

what do you mean

after you striped me of my milta and i went rouge i went back to him to offer him my help.

i being your trusted cheif of security gave him the secrets to inter dimensional travel.

but if he has such power how doesn't he have a larger army.

oh but that's where i tricked him.

i modified your formula and coded it making sure it would take about 2 years to crack.

that would be very soon asmith said noticing the greater danger they were in.

now can we call in the other bens

we already got him

he's from a alternative future isn't he? ben said getting up

how can you tell i'm not from your future?

For one thing your watch is different from mine

secondly you have the gauntlets you made.

and thirdly

the ben from my future never shaved his beard.

smart observation kid.

yes i am from an alternate future but not as alternative as you think.

i am the same ben10k you met. just over time i changed and multiple timelines were created as a result.

you think you could call your kevin he is a good guy now right?

i'm right here actually kevin said coming out of the shadow.

what's wrong with your face reclaimed vilgax

that's just my face squidface.

Any more shadows we should know about vilgax and young ben said getting annoyed.

i'm here Gwendolyn and teenage Gwen said coming out of the shadow hi dad Ken10 said appearing out of the shadow,

hello mr tennyson

Delvin said appearing.

is that all of them vilgax retorts?

for now Azmith responses.

so you can make them appear out of thin air but it will take time for grandpa and cousin to come here on your shuttle?

i'm a genius tennyson not a god.

if you were a genius why do you need us to stop your brother? vilgax asked.

because he's as smart as i am.

if he's as smart as you wouldn't that make both of you the smartest creatures in the universe.

i was more smart until someone told him how to cross the inter dimensional plane.

now let's go over the plan.

Cliff hanger time ;)

i wrote this part december of like 2018

continued writing it in february of 2019

i can't promise the next part won't take as long.