"hey, Nolan will I ever be just as great as you," Sam asks "hell yeah you're my little bro and you have powers so yeah you'll be even greater than me" Nolan first bumps Sam " that was the last thing my brother said to me. and he was always there for me but then he died." Sam is in therapy for his brother's death "and what did he die of Sam" the therapist asks trying to get him to open up "look Rebeca I've told you this multiple times I can't remember it" the bell rings "looks like our times up I'll see you next session Sam" "bye Rebeca." Sam walks out.
Sam walks over to his apartment block and when he's at his door about to open the door he sees a certain someone he doesn't like "aye Samuel how are you" it was another childhood friend called James who had no powers, there is a silence in the room "why is James here Frank?" Frank pours Sam a glass of water "he has an offer that you can't refuse" Frank says as he's handing the glass of water to Sam. "okay and what?" James takes a deep breath "well basically since I have no powers I need your help since in a way you are the strongest here, now what I need you to do is come with me to a building where there are drug dealers and as we all know drugs are bad and the people there have guns and powers and so I need you and Frank and I need anyone else you have an-." sam places his index finger on James' lips ``okay I'll come along just please shut up" Sam calls up Pete but he doesn't pick up. "oh also where's mav."
Mavis walks to the building and pulls out a piece of scrunched up paper "hmmm yeah this looks like the place now I just gotta get out my lucky six-shooter." Mavis flips the chamber out and puts four bullets into the chambers ``hello is anyone there?" Mavis knocks on the door with the handle on her gun "who is it we didn't order anything?" "well uhh THINK FAST!" The guard is confused for a second until Mavis kicks down the door and starts shooting but she realises that no one is there. She looks back at the door and the guard isn't there anymore. suddenly clapping can be heard "who the hell is there?" Mavis frantically points her gun at the shadow "calm down please I mean no harm. I just want to know why you are here?'' As the voice finished talking footsteps can be heard walking out of the shadows "I'm only here to get rid of something" "if that something you're talking about happens to be white and a powder then you're at the right place. I'm Dan Morgan and it's nice to meet you" Dan holds his hand out "I'm not shaking hands with a drug dealer!" Mavis points the gun at Dan. "Woah Woah calm down I have no weapons on me I just have this nice suit" Dan was wearing a white suit with black pants and a fedora. "I don't give one if you have a nice suit just move so I can take these to the authorities" Dan holds his hands up "now young lady this is my business, it makes me money. I can't just let you take this to the authorities now can I?" dan snaps his fingers and Mavis gets knocked unconscious she drops the gun and as she falls Dan catches her "besides I need to do this so the boss won't get mad."
the three drive up to the place and see that the door has been kicked open "well do you think she's here?" Frank asks. the three walk in and have a look around "well I'm assuming you three are her friends?" dan walks out from a wall "did he just walk out from that wall?" Sam is already confused he had never seen a power like this "to make it all easier for you I'll tell you my power, my power is to trick your mind and I can easily knock you out with the snap of my fingers." Dan informs them "uh bitch that still doesn't explain how walked through that wall?" Frank points out, Dan walks around the three "simple mind tricks my friend" dan then falls through the floor "what the hell?" James, Frank and Sam are all confused and as soon as they blink Dan is right in front of them he snaps his fingers and they all fall to the ground except Sam.
"oh what's this you're still awake?" dan walks away from him Mavis, James and Frank get him, bullets hit Sam in the shoulder "AH FUCK!" Sam falls to the ground "what the hell did you do to my friends?" Sam asks in pain. "they are under my control" then suddenly a jet of fire gets shot at Sam burning Sam's back "SHIT AHH FUCK!" Dan laughs at Sam. James then punches Sam dead in the jaw "please make it stop I beg" Sam can't bear the pain and suddenly he passes out.
"ha well, I guess it was too much for him, you three follow me." James, Mavis and Frank seem to be zombies like and as the zombies followed Dan. something starts to happen "well well what's this going on?" the air becomes thin, the floorboards creak and bend. Sam starts to float "huh? what the hell." Sam's body flies towards Dan and as Sam opens his eyes, Dan looks him in the eye and just sees plain white "ha my mind tricks will still work on you-."
Dan's body gets flung across the room hitting the brick wall "wait! wait! wa-" the mindless minions run at Sam with Mavis shooting him and Frank sending a burst of flames his way with James running up about to punch him but they stop. and with the swing of Sam's arm, they all hit the wall "I am now your God. bow and beg for your life!"