Chapter 19

With Atulya and Momo...,

"Was that necessary?" Momo asked as they reappeared near the school entrance.

Atulya shrugged his shoulder and wrapped his arm around Momo while making apologetic expression "I'm sorry Mom-..hmph" Before he could say anything to Momo, she suddenly kiss him.

After separating her lips from Atulya's "You know that I hate it when you make that kind of face... right? I already noticed her expression during class...You know it's not your fault." Momo said to Atulya while ruffling his hair.

"Then let's leave this for later. Anyways you're going to have to train for these next two weeks. Everyone's going to be working hard from now." Atulya said to her.

Momo nodded her head then looked at him. "And what are you going to do?" She asked him while grinning like she already know his answer.

"Obviously, I will be training. Can't miss a day you know." Atulya replied back with a small chuckle.

[ 2 weeks later.... Day of sports festival..]

It's been 2 weeks and the day of the event arrived. The hype is immense and every single student who will be participating have already trained their asses off.

Atulya trained daily like he usually do. Momo trained really hard on her speed in creating items efficiently. The other students of Class 1A also improved themselves for this specific day.

[ Waiting Room ]

"Damn! I'm nervous and pretty excited at the same time." Kirishima shouted with a big grin on his face.

"Yeah and the waiting is even worse!" Mina said with others agreeing.

Everyone is in their regular UA gym uniform ad they aren't allowed to wear their costumes. Most of the students are freaking and quite nervous, and the fact this whole event will be airing in TV didn't help either.

"Is everyone ready? We'll be entering soon!" Iida said to everyone in the room.

Just then Shoto walked up to Midoriya and declared. "I won't pry on your situation with All Might but just know that I'm going to beat you." He said looking straight at the green haired boy who isn't able to utter a single word.

"Hey! Why are you trying to pick a fight Todoro-" Kirishima was trying to say, but interrupted during mid sentence.

"I'm not finished yet!" Shoto said as he glanced at the corner of the room where Atulya is sitting next to Momo with his eyes closed.

"Atulya Uzumaki.... despite taking out multiple villians without using any of your elements. I still think that you are no match for my ice. I see you as a biggest obstacle here, so I am going to defeat you as well." Shoto said causing everyone to look at black haired handsome boy.

Atulya opens his eyes then looked at Shoto for a few seconds, then said. "Defeat me? If you're going to give me a decent fight then I expect you to use your other side."

"Oh? The two strongest in the class are going at each other.This is exciting.!" Denki said.

"But who do you think will win?"

"Definitely Atulya.."

"But have you seen Todoroki's quirk?"

The students begin to discuss among themselves, i.e., until they all heard their class name announced and are called up to the first year stage.

"My heart is beating so much." Mina said as they are walking.

"Yeah, my hand can't stop shaking." Tsuyu said.

"There's no need to be nervous, we'll do just fine." Ochako said, trying to encourage the girls.

"Ochako you're shaking too." Momo said as they entered the stadium.

__ __ __ __

"Come on! Hurry up! They're starting soon." Nejire said as she is looking for a vacant seat.

"Why are you in such a rush Nejire?" Mirio asked with Tamaki behind him.

"Why? Because my boyfriend will be competing.". Nejire said cheerfully as she finally found some seats for them.

"B-Boyfriend..?" Mirio and Tamaki said simultaneously when they heard what she said. They could only open their eyes and mouth with shock.How could they not be? Nejire never said anything about having a boyfriend?

"Which one is your boyfriend?" Mirio asked curiously as he looked down where all the first years are standing..

"The one with bob cut black haired. Now stop talking, it's starting." Nejire said, completely excited.

"It's not a movie, Nejire."Tamaki said.


After sitting on a seat, Mirio couldn't help but looked at Atulya again and saw the way he carries himself. By looking at him there's is only single thought inside his mind 'He is strong...'

Also a certain pair of parents became very excited when the students of class 1A enters and introduced to the crowds.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

"We'll have to give our best performance to impress the audience and Heroes.!' Iida said to everyone when their class being introduced.

"Wow! Look at all these people.!" Toru said.

Jiro nodded her head in agreement. "This is definitely overwhelming." She said as she looked at the gathering of crowds.

President Mic started to introduce class 1B as well as other departments that have their students participating. After every participants gathered, Midnight came up to the stage and cracked her whip.

Most of the men in the crowds started cheering when they saw R-Rated Hero.

"Everyone be quiet. Representing the students is Katsuki Bakugo from class 1A."Midnight said.

It would have been better if they called Izuku for this, with his shuttering he can pulled it out. But giving mic to Bakugo is just causing shit storm. Atulya watched as the same shit unfolds like in anime. He challenged all the classes and made an enemy of them. After that everyone started to boo him apart from class 1A. Then Midnight send him down.

"Now, let's get the event begins, right away!" Midnight yelled into the mic.

Atulya let out a sigh..'Finaly we're starting.' He thought to himself.

Midnight revealed that the first task will be an obstacle race. Atulya has already planned on what exactly he would do.

"As long you stay on your course, it doesn't matter what you do! Take your place everyone."

Soon all of us line up by starting red gate that had 3-lit up green lights on the top of it...Atulya turned towards Momo and said "Good Luck."

Momo nodded with a smile and moved towards the middle of the huge group, while Atulya at the back.

"3.....2....1, Start."

Everyone rushed towards the narrow tunnel, using everything they can to make it to the front. Some started bumping and shoving others so they could move forward.

Suddenly, everyone felt air turned cold and a second later, a huge burst of ice came out from the tunnel, freezing the feet of most of the students and allowing Shoto to successfully take the lead.

That was when Atulya make his move. He can easily able to run on the ice due to his chakra, swiftly passed by countess students who are trying to pass Shoto. He saw Izuku running as fast he can, Aoyoma using his laser to fly and finally, Momo using a pair of ski and also happily using the ice made by Shoto.

Passing others with no difficulty, Atulya continued running on the ice and saw Bakugo trailing Shoto, who is sliding with his ice. Picking up the speed Atulya instantly pass both of them.

"Bastard." Bakugo yelled as he saw Atulya just pass him and Todoroki.

'I need to go faster.' Shoto thought as he pumped more ice to the floor.

While running Atulya caught sights of many large Robots ahead, just waiting to attack. Smirking, he just move his right hand to the sideward direction...and what happened next shocked everyone.

'Wood style: Deep forest Emergence.'

The ground shook and rumble loudly until finally, gigantic trees burst out from the ground behind Atulya and rushed towards the robots that are standing in his way, easily crushing them in the process.

He didn't need to go overboard for no reason. Because Atulya didn't want to waste his chakra so there aren't as many trees compared to the orginal justu.

Atulya then controls the trees to where he could easily run right ahead, but the destructions he left behind will make it difficult for other contenders to pass. And he didn't destroyed the smaller robots, so they all have to worry about them.

( With the students behind Atulya..)

'So this is your strength...huh.Well it still doesn't matter.' Todoroki said inside his head as he started to freeze the trees and break them off to make a path for himself and dodge the smaller robots.

"What the hell! That bastard!" Bakugo yelled as he started to blast himself above the trees.

"So this is the Hero Course students."

"Is this what Atulya is capable of?"

"He totally just made it more difficult."

'That's just like him.' Momo thought as she just finished creating a canon and shoot it at the trees and robots.

'As expected of Atulya. This is definitely a surprise, but there's still a chance.' Izuku thought as he took a piece of one destroyed robot and rushed ahead into an opening.

With Atulya..,

Looking behind him, Atulya saw that he's pretty far ahead. He continued on running until he stop in his tracks and saw the second barrier. There is a giant pit consisting of many pillars with ropes connecting them.

'Let's go with this then....' Atulya thought as he activate his sharingan and concentrate hard.

Everyone who are watching this became confused by his actions until a pair of wings that look like it is made up of with some sort of energy, burst out from his back.

Atulya had been training for while on how to use different methods of his Susanoo, and this is the one of them. Yes, he could have easily use this from the beginning, but where will be fun in that. That's why he didn't use it.

Flapping the smaller version of the Susanoo's wings on his back, Atulya easily start to fly and passed over to the other side of the pit and continued on without dissolving his wings. As he fly higer into the sky, Atulya looked below him to familiar mine field.

'It is almost too easy.' Atulya thought but he is certainly not complaining. Diving down Atulya passed all the mines and finally the tunnel, easily taking the first place.

"And it looks like we have a winner already! Atulya Uzumaki of class 1A, easily brushing this whole obstacle course with ease. Nobody definitely expected any of his abilities that he has shown.." President Mic yelled.

The crowds started cheering and roaring his name as he dissolved his wings and looked at everyone in the stadium. Finding his parents, he waved at their direction and then looked at a certain periwinkle haired girl. He again put his arm in the air and wave at her with a smile, not knowing that he caused most of the females in the audience to now pay more attention to him.

Suddenly, he heard a sound of huge explosion and moment later, a certain boy walked out of the tunnel.