With Nejire...,
"Atulya Uzumaki....so this is your boyfriend." Tamaki said as he stared at Atulya. He is shocked by the power Atulya demonstrate, but still thought that his friend is stronger.
"Don't you think he's amazing!" Nejire said with a big smile on her face as she is starting at Atuya's figure. That was Atulya turned to her direction with a smile and waved at her. She also waved back at him with a big smile on her beautiful face, not surprised at the fact that he's able to locate her among the crowds.
"Woah! How he's to able to see you?" Mirio questioned her. They are not so close to the stage, so Atulya easily locating Nejire is something they couldn't believe.
"Hehe....he has very sharp eyes." Nejire said as she shook her head when she saw most of the females are blushing because of her boyfriend's smile, thinking that he's waving at them.
'Idiots' She thought to herself.
"I hope I get to fight him one day." Mirio said with a huge smile.
"Well I don't think he'll stand a chance against you. His quirk does look destructive but that all that won't matter if you're able to just pass through it." Tamaki said, voicing his own opinion.
That was when Nejire started laughing, causing two boys to look at her.
"Why are you laughing Nejire?" Mirio questioned.
"Don't underestimate him Tamaki and Mirio. Sure it will be interesting to see you both fighting, but you should know that what he has shown here doesn't come close to what he's really capable of." Nejire said to her two friends causing them to think about her words.
'When he told me about his origin and past life that he don't remember..I somehow knew that he was someone great in his past life...and also I'm getting a weird felling that he's going to be more than what he was in his last life in coming future....' Nejire thought inside her head while keeping her hand over her chest.....Is this the legendary female instinct? Damn! How the hell did she guess it correct? Gotta give some credit to her!...And Yes she's right about everything.... After all in coming future Atulya Uzumaki, is going to turn upside the whole Omniverse 'upside do..Ahem! Anyways we're diverting from the topic...now let's go back to the story!
'What he has shown here is already enough to be one of the best in his class. If what Nejire said is true then I'm even more eager to fight him.' Mirio thought.
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( With the people in the crowd...)
"Did you see that? His wood ability reminds me of Kamui Woods, I can already see him picking that boy as an intern."
"Yes, who is he? Even Endeavour son wasn't able to defeat him!"
"Exactly! He's able to finish the race so easily and did you see those wings?"
"I wonder what his quirk is!"
The people in the crowd are also discussing amongst each other about Atulya's from what he have shown in these obstacle course. Most thought Shoto will come at first considering he's the son of Number 2 hero, but they didn't expect someone unknown to take the first place.
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( With All Might and Heroes )
"It looks like his quirk is quite destructive being able to completely destroy all those robots."
"And that is not obviously normal woods. It seems stronger and he also has a great control over it, being able to clear a path for him and attacking robots at the same time."
"Yes, he was also able to run on the ice that Endeavour's son made. I wonder what his quirk actually is!"
"And don't forgot his raw physical strength. That speed of his is nothing to be scoff at, being able to easily those kids who were using to boost themselves."
"Also he's able to make wings so he could fly. I'm almost certain that he'll have tons of Heroes looking to have him as their intern and I'm definitely one of them."
"He's most likely winning this then. What he has shown looks like a lot of power to do so. But he doesn't even look winded what so ever."
As the pro heroes are discussing among themselves, All Might who is in his skinny form staring at Atulya with various thoughts running inside his mind.
'He's really a mystery. Now I think about it, he haven't told anyone what his quirk can do? So far he only shows that he can use lighting and wood, and that strange blue avatar he summons as well as his monstrous strength. We should be lucky that a villian doesn't have this kind of power..' He thought to himself and a moment later a smile formed on his face as he saw his inheritor come in second place.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
In a dark room, currently a blue haired male is sitting down and staring at his laptop screen with a hints of rage inside his eyes.
"Sensei! Are you watching? That's him. The boy who defeated the Nomu.." Tomura said as while scratching his neck.
"I see... it's just like you said. His quirk is really strong." A voice sounded out from the phone.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
"And in second place! Someone completely unexpected! Izuku Midoriya." Atulya heard President Mic screamed as the crowd cheered loudly again.
Atulya turned his head towards the gate and saw Izuku coming out while catching his breath. After him came Todoroki, Bakugo and then more & more keep coming out.
'So I'll be target this time..huh.' Atulya said as he remember that in anime Izuku become the target in second task because he placed first in this race.
"You may have won the first round, but you definitely won't be winning the second round." Bakugo said to Atulya by he passed by him. Atulya only raised an eyebrow at his statement.
"And they all are finishing one by one! Good job kids! Go take a breather and get checked up if have to. We'll be posting the results once everyone is finished." President Mic yelled into the mic.
"Congratulations Izuku! You got second." Ochako said to the green haired boy who is trying not to blush from the praise.
"You too Atulya. Congratulations on first!" Ochako then said to Atulya who only nodded at her.
After that Atulya went to look for Momo and once he found her, he walked over to her location.
"Congratulations on first Atulya!" Momo said to her boyfriend.
"Although you didn't need to make a huge forest in the middle of the obstacle course." She also added which made Atulya to chuckle.
"Well then you're lucky that I held back." Atulya said to her. 'Otherwise, none of you guys will be able to pass from it.' He thought to himself.
"I wonder how the other students will react if they heard what you said?" Momo said with a laugh.
"Atulya that was amazing! I thought that your wood element is for binding people." Toru said as she came up to him with other classmates.
"Yeah! Who knew it is so destructive?" Kirishima said to him.
Before Atulya could reply back. Midnight announced something to the crowd and contestants. "The first round is finally over! Now let's look at the results..."
The screen behind her lit up to show the results and rankings. Next she revealed that the next course being a Calvary Battle and explained how to perform this course as well as revealing that the person who is in the first place is worth 10 Million points.
Everyone looked towards Atulya when that is revealed, but he just looked back at the hungry eyes of the contestants with a smile. They can come after him if they want, but in the end it will him who will come out on the top.
"That's right! It's survival of the fittest for this course. A chance for those who are in bottom to rise to the top!" Midnight said as she looked at Atulya, but all he did is let out a grin. Almost as if he's inviting everyone to come after him.
After that Midnight started explaining rules and regulations and when she's finished talking, she give students 15 minutes to form their teams, but before anyone could attempt to, a voice sounded out.
"Wait a minute...am I able to do this whole by myself?" Atulya spoke out loudly making sure everyone can hear.
"If you're able to clone yourself then you can." Midnight said with a laugh and then added "But don't worry, I'm sure there is bound to be couple of students without te-" She is unable to finish her sentence because of her shock when she saw two Atulyas appear.
'Wood Style: Wood Clone Justu'
"W-what? Is this really allowed?" Midnight asked completely confused because what she said earlier was a joke she didn't thought Atulya can Clone himself. After getting a nod from higher ups, she sighed and said. "Look like Atulya will be on a team of his own! Now everyone have 15 minutes to from your own teams. Good Luck."
Every contestant nodded and walk off to find some goodteamates, but they always end up looking at Atulya, who is sitting with his eyes closed and his clones next to him. Well actually at this point they cannot tell which one is original.
[ Author - This time Tsuyu and Shoji are in a team of two since Midget (Mineta) is not here.]
( With crowd )
"Woah! Who knew he had such ability?"
"Isn't that cheating?"
"No, you idiot. Obviously not since they allowed it and it is a part of whatever bizzare quirk he has!"
"Epic! They all look identical."
"I'll bet 50 dollars that he's winning this Calvary battle....no this whole event.."
"No way! I'm still betting for Endeavour's son. This Atulya kid only won obstacle course because he had wings."
"Is your brain working? Didn't you see the destructive power of his trees?"
"So what? Those are just trees. What are trees going to do against ice and fire?"
"Just trees? Tell that to the huge robots that were easily obliterated."
The crowd discussed among themselves at the new development. It is certainly surprising that no one expected this happening. Most people starting to wonder just what is his quirk. Others even arguing amongst themselves. All in all, most of the attention is truly on Atulya just like he predicted.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
( With the Heroes )
"It's just like Pro Hero Ectoplasm, this kid seems to be filled with unique abilities!"
"Just like? It's exactly like. Ectoplasm quirk is clones. I wouldn't be surprised if he becomes his intern."
"But this student Atulya can already be considered powerful than most pro heroes. If these clones have same amount of destructive power we've seen then he'll truly be a force to be reckoned with."
"Yeah we'll get to see more of his abilities here because he will definitely be targetted, but he does have it easier compared to other contestants since he doesn't have to be worried about another person in his team messing up."
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
"This is certainly a surprise. I can't even recognise which one is the real." Mirio said in awe.
"If I didn't see that his clones are made out of wood then I'd definitely thought that he have multiple quirks. And you're right Mirio, it's certainly hard to distinguish which one is the original. i can't recognise either." Tamaki said.
"It's actually the one in the middle." Nejire said with a smile and her finger to exactly which Atulya she's talking about.
"What? And how do you know that?" Mirio questioned her.
"Well, that's because..." She was then interrupted mid sentence.
"While we're at the 5 minutes mark, let's watch some highlights of the first course." President Mic screamed into the mic.
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( With contestants )
"Momo, you know his abilities so you must know his weakness right?" Denki asked Momo as he stood next to Iida.
"I-I am not sure." Momo replied back. 'Does he even have a weakness..' she added in her mind...Yes he have many weakness like puppy dog eyes attack from his loved ones, cuteness, seduction(only his girls)etc, your whole being is his weakness but that's something you won't know now....Poor Momo. If she knows this then she'll able to defeat Atulya just with her Puppy eyes attack..Thank God, she didn't know atleast not for now....It seems luck is in Atulya's side..
"Are you sure you're not telling because he's your boyfriend?" Todoroki said to her.
"If that was the case, then Atulya could've carried me to get the second place for obstacle course and I should have been in his team by now for this one. I truly don't know his weakness." Momo said to them.
"Most of the teams are going to go after him. Do we have to go as well or go for weaker ones first?" Iida asked his teammates.
"Well, let's others go after him first. While Atulya is dealing with them, we can easily go after some of the weaker teams then go after him when he least expects it." Shoto said.
"Are you sure we should go after him?" Momo questions.
"We're sure to have an advantage, he won't attack his girlfriend right?" Denki said to Momo.
"I told him not to hold back for my sake." Momo said as the team got in position..
What she didn't know that Atulya won't attack her, hell! he willl never attack his girls seriously but same couldn't be said for others if he found out they are using Momo as a shield then they are going to be wasted..Good thing they didn't.
"Are you guys ready?" President Mic yelled as the crowd cheers. The teams got into their position, most of the team are looking at Atulya's direction greedily as they planned to go after his 10 Million points.....a pity their plans are bound to fail..
Atulya himself stood on the top of his clones with his bandana around his neck while staring at his opponents with his sharingan on. The stance of his is also relaxed with only movements of his hair gently moving from the light wind causing his both sharp eyes to be seen and sometimes covering it.
His scarlet eyes are looking down on all the contestants.
Looking down at all the students who don't even comes close to his level..
(hehehe.....his old personality is slowly resurfacing....And In future, he will look down on the whole Omniverse except those who he considers his families...)
Most of the opponents who were ready to pounce at him, are rethinking if they should really go after him or not.
Seeing that everyone is ready, President Mic begin to countdown..
As soon the voice ends Atulya sprinted towards nearest teams and snatches their bandanas with insane speed and fly upward with his blue wings on his back. He smirked at the contestants and fly even higher and stay there while putting the three bandanas he got..securing first place for himself.
"What the hell? How did he even took ours?"
"It's not fair!"
"God damn bastard! Give back our points"
"Come Down and fight like a real man."
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
( With crowd )
"Did you that! What a Speed. He snatched the points of the three teams."
Damn..... he's winning this course already! I just lost loads of money because of that kid."
"Yes! he's already so up in the air that the others can't reach even close to him."
"Hahah..I knew he'd win."
"This is cheating Isn't it?"
"Didn't you hear the rules? As long he didn't touch the ground, it's fine."
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
( With heroes )
"What a Speed! This is truly interesting. Who would expect something like this."
"He used the borrow and run tactic."
"For the courses to work well in his favour, it's like he's easily winning all the challenges."
"I think we've our winner for this sports festival. This young man is truly remarkable."
"Yes and I can't help but think how much stronger he will be once he become older."
'This brat....he is easily talking the first spot once again. I know that All Might mostly seems to be interested in that green haired kid from what some people have told me, but who the hell does this kid thinks he is?' A certain fire hero thought with anger visible in his eyes.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Atulya stayed in the air for full 30 minutes. Although there were some who 'tried' to attack him or reach him, but in the end they ultimately failed.
"Times up! The second round is over! Now let's reveal top 3 teams to make into the last round." Midnight shouted as the screen behind her revealed the results.
1. Team Atulya
2. Team Todoroki
3. Team Bakugo
Atulya comes down and deactivated his wings after hearing Midnight that they are going to have an 1 hour break for the last round. So he was about to leave and wait for Momo inside the room, but some students from his class came near him.
"Hey! Congratulations Atulya on your win." Toru said to him as she walked towards him with others nearby.
"I still didn't expect for you to able to fly." Mina said as she found his wings unique.
Before Atulya could reply, a voice sounded out.
"You bastard! Are you just too scared to fight?" A wild Bakugo appeared but is being held back by Kirishima and Sero.
"Calm down Bakugo." The red head boy said.
"Calm Down? This asshole is just playing with us. He's isn't even trying and holding back all this time." Bakugo yelled out loud, causing some students to look at their direction.
He's been trying his hardest to get the first place since this whole event stared, and Atulya comes along and does it with no difficulty what so ever.
He still remembered the look Atulya had right before right before the Calvary battle started and it made him frustrated to no end.
"Hmm? Why would I use my full power when there's no need. If you want to me use my full power then make me use it." Atulya said before walking away from there.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Atulya after coming out from bathroom is walking in the hallways to see Momo and that was when a familiar girl jumped at him and kissing him in the process.
"Congratulations Atulya!" She said into his ear after separating from the kiss. Atulya smile and hold her by waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Where are your two friends?" Atulya asked Nejire as he moved his hands down and squeezed her ass a bit...Yes the girl is Nejire. He loved doing this as he never get tired of this feeling.
"They didn't come because they're making sure thay our seats don't get taken." Nejire said and giggle once she felt where his hands are.
"But enough of that, go call Momo so we can give you your reward." Nejire whispered near his ear.
Needless to say, it was a wonderful hour break for Atulya, Momo and Nejire.
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