"Principal Nezu..." The clone Atulya said as he sit down on the chair that previously Momo occupied by Momo, staring at the mouse who looked like he has been caught in a trap.
"Atulya..." Nezu responded back, still confused on how exactly the student got inside his office while being undetected.
He thought it was when Momo and that teacher arrived, but he is 100 percent sure that nobody else snuck in.
'Unless I'm going crazy, he definitely didn't come in through the door. This means he has another ability that allows him to get into the places that other couldn't.
Or could this be the rumoured teleportation ability he has? That can't be right though; since I heard that it'd leave a bolt of lightning, just like how he did with Momo earlier.'
Nezu is already making calculations inside his head and trying to figure out on how the teenager boy got inside the room unnoticed and was even spying on him with ease..
Truly a fool he is, even after being caught in act by furious Atulya, he's still thinking of numerous ideas...Well why can't Atulya kill him? He involved one of his girl in his scheme and even manipulated her to tell the information on his quirk. If the words got out about this, then the mouse would be remove from the principal position, but Atulya won't do that..hehe..Why he'd do that when he can benefit from this particular situation?
'I can think about this later. Right now I have an angry student in front of me. Actually, I can't tell what he is feeling. He's scary good at concealing and controlling his emotions.
Why is he staring me like that? And Why do I suddenly feel nervous around a student?!'
Nezu thought as he tried to get rid of that feeling he didn't like whatsoever.
"So do you care to explain to me that why you tried using my girlfriend to get the information on me?" Atulya said in a 'calm' voice.
You may think what Nezu did wasn't so wrong because Atulya's himself didn't reveal anything on his quirk and the principal was just worried about the safety of the students; but the Uzumaki is sure if he didn't intervene today, the mouse would have continued on with this, until he would've done something worse.
"You have to understand, Atulya. We want to keep you safe." Nezu explained to the boy, the boy himself isn't convinced. He knows that the principal is just bullshitting.
"Didn't I already told you that I'd be fine?" Atulya replied back. He was going to continue but cut off before he could form another sentence.
"Yes, you already told Toshinori and me that your performance with your quirk was enough for us to know that no villians would be a match for you, but maybe knowing the capabilities of your quirks will ease our worries if a powerful villian decides to attack you one day." Nezu tried to reason.
"You say that you're worried about me but are you sure this is the real reason for asking about my quirks?" Atulya questioned.
"What do you mean by that?" Nezu said, feigning ignorance.
"Didn't you suspect me for working with villians, not just any normal villians but All For One himself?"
The feeling of tension filled in the air as the room went completely silent. Nezu didn't speak for a while as he begin to think to himself.
'Of course he'd find out. Why am I not surprised but also this is not a bad thing. I need to apologize because I made a grave mistake. I should have asked the questions to Atulya himself, but what if actually he was co-operating with All For One then he would have realised that we're onto him.'
Is this mouse really trying hard to die? I heard people trying to resist when caught or found guilty but this is hard blow to my common sense. And this mouse was portrayed as one of the intelligent people in series but what's going on here? He's still thinking Atulya as a traitor...Looks like his time to dance has come..No one can postpone the inevitable after all.
"How did you find out?" Nezu finally spoke up and asked the student.
"It's not that complicated. All I did was to overheard your conversation with All Might two days ago. If I can sneak into this room undetected then that's means it was a piece of cake for me." Atulya casually said to the mouse.
'I definitely have to tighten up my security around here if a student is able to pass in here easily and spy on me; but he's not any normal student so it's not just like anyone is capable of this..
....Well maybe Mirio with his unique quirk.' Nezu thought to himself.
"I hope you understand why I suspected you. With the multiple amount of abilities you have shown, it makes one think that you have multiple quirks. I'm sure that's not possible unless you recieved them." The principal said to the long haired boy.
Atulya stayed silent while thinking about his words but he's sure there's more to it than what Nezu is letting on.
"And what exactly you are going to do once you found out all the capabilities of my quirk." Atulya questioned while trying to stay calm as possible, even all after this, the mouse is still not spilling the truth, his patience is near its limit, one more lie, and he is going to explode.
The mouse stayed silent for a while, thinking on what he should say. It didn't take long as he finally spoke up with a sigh and said.
"Atulya, I need to know if you're a threat or not. And find out if you have any possible weakness." Nezu answered. Since the boy have already caught him there's no use of lying and thought it would be best to be truthful..Thankfully he just saved himself from a needle breath without him knowing.
With Nezu, if it was any other students with a strong quirk, he wouldn't go out of his way to find their weakness incase something happens unlike like he did with Atulya. He did it with Atulya because he suspected that the student could be cooperating with villians. Yes, the likelihood of that is extremely low, but Nezu doesn't want to miss any possibilities, so he tried to find any information and ended up doing it in the worse way possible.
But the thing is the mouse himself is having a feeling that this boy in front of him doesn't have any sort of weakness. Which greatly alarmed him. He didn't know what to feel if there is any villian like that.
All For One could be considered a villian with no weakness, but that's not necessarily true. As long All Might existed, AFO can be dealt with and be limited.
"Ah, I get it. You fear the unknown. I can't blame you really. A student with the capabilities to easily defeat something that was made to kill the strongest hero. A student using such multiple destructive abilities with no sort of trouble at all. I would suspect myself as well." Atulya spoke out his thoughts.
"But the thing is, I'm sure if I told you my capabilities you'd definitely want to find my weakness and try to overpower me in one way or other if it comes to that one day and I'm sure you did the same with All Might, right?" Seeing the principal is silent, it confirmed his thoughts.
'It's just best to get this whole unnecessary conflict done with, but I still don't want to underestimate one's intelligence. And I am sure as hell don't want to make an enemy out of the heroes. I'm definitely not scared of them because I'm fully sure that i can easily overpower them, but it would be troublesome to be enemy with them and there's no reason to...On top of that, my parents are well respected in here so I don't want to ruin their reputation.
...But if the day ever comes where they do something against me then I definitely won't hesitate to retaliate.
Also I won't be alone in these if that ever happens since I know that my girls have my back as well...But I want to avoid this as much as possible, I would never want my girls to face in something like this.' Atulya thought.
[ Author - No sort of betrayal will happen. ]
"Nezu, I'll say this once and you better listen my words clearly because next time if you did repeat something like this then don't blame me for anything that may happens afterwards." Atulya said seriously to the mouse.
"If I was cooperating with the villians or in Cahoots with All For One, then I would have already kill All Might by now, and taken his successor to the villians just to get that quirk out of him.
I would've already exposed All Might's secret and could let the villians kill all the other students that time.., but most of all, you would have been dead by now after finding out that you are onto me if I was a traitor.
You should stop focusing on me because you have a school filled with students to worry about and there's still a traitor amongst the staff and that's how the villians got the schedule of All Might's during the reporter incident..You should've already figured it out that those reporter were just a distraction.
So, I hope you don't continue with this greater good bullshit." Atulya explained to the mouse.
Nezu himself begin to think about Atulya's words and finally made a decision.
[ A/N: Guys if you like the story please give stars and comments in review section..]