Chapter 31

Nezu himself begin to think about Atulya's words and finally made a decision.

With a sigh, he finally spoke up.

"I deeply apologize for all this, and I hope you can forgive me. You're right I should be focusing on other students with absolute attention since they're most likely to be in danger once again." The mouse genuinely spoke to the student.

After hearing what Atulya said, the mouse thought about it and it did make sense. If he really was a traitor, he would've done all those things he said.

'I can't be making these kind of mistakes anymore. Thankfully I got to talk to him today, otherwise I'm sure I would've probably done something that I may come to regret later.' Nezu thought to himself.

With the recent villians attack, as well as finding out that there could be a potential traitor in this school, he begin to feel stressed and for once in his life he wondered what it would have been like if he didn't take this job.

'No! Stop thinking like this, the students are counting on you!' The mouse thought to himself, trying to get rid of those negative thoughts he didn't need right now.

'But damn who the hell said that this job would be easy.'

"Hmm, I accept your apology." Hearing those words brought out a sigh of relief out of the principal but not even seconds later, he felt an unbearable pressure that made him unable to breath.

Made him feels like he's suffocating, seconds away from death with no escape.

Glancing at the student, he instantly knew that why this pressure suddenly appeared.

"But I'll give you one LAST warning. Never ever try using my family or anyone close to me again." Atulya said as he unconsciously activated the sharingan and stared right into the rodents eyes while a black aura slowly emitting from him.

Nezu will remember this certain day as long as he live. Those blazing red eyes that were waiting to burn him from the stare alone and those black aura, slowly pulling his very being.

This is the greatest fear he ever felt so far.

"W-well, if there is anything you need, please inform me." Nezu said while stoping himself from shaking as the pressure suddenly vanish like it was never there in the fast place.

The clone of Atulya just ignored him, got up and walked away. There is no need to talk with the principal. Once he left the room he immediately dispelled himself.

Atulya who's walking with Momo, Nejire and Midnight begin to think.

'I certainly hope Nezu will actually listen. Didn't want to have heroes as my enemy as well.'

Atulya against the world..Not bad, but seems like it won't be happening if the mouse actually meant what he said.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

[ Moments Earlier ]

All of a sudden another Atulya appeared in a small bolt of lightning, with Momo by his side. This is obviously the same clone that was following Momo to Nezu's office and tasked with bringing Momo here.

The clone nodded to Atulya, after it dispelled and instantly a voice yelled out in excitement.

"Momo!" Nejire shouted as she separated from her boyfriend and squeezed her best friend/sister to death with a hug. She haven't seen her since yesterday so it isn't weird that she's this happy to see the girl.

It can considered strange for Nejire to act like this, but she was very worried for Momo earlier when Atulya told her that the principal called her. Yes, she may not have acted like it earlier but deep down she was more worried than she should have been. And, she of course knew why Momo was called after all it was her idea to quit UA when Atulya told them about the traitor incident.

You have to remember that after Atulya, the closest person to Nejire is her 'sister' Momo and same goes for Momo as well.

Being with Atulya has made the two of them closer than ever. And no, it's not that type of close you're thinking about. These two love each other like sisters and they're not bisexual, but when they have their usual threesome with Atulya, let's say it would get real steamy.

The short bangs haired boy is the one extremely lucky fucker.

"Good Morning, Nejire." Momo said with a smile as she hugged her sister back.

"You know, I'm completely fine, there's no need to worry." She said as if knowing exactly what the periwinkle haired girl is worried about.

Atulya smiled at their interaction and he reminiscences about the time he had spent with the two girls during the years. He couldn't think much as the two girls are heading towards his direction, so he naturally just spread his arms so they can snuggle next to him.

"Hmph, you really are a beast to be able to make these two girls completely lovestruck." Midnight said with tint of jealously as she watched the whole thing.

"Oh? Good Morning, Midnight Sensei." Momo greeted after she finally noticed the teacher standing there.

Looking at the woman who's currently in her hero outfit, she couldn't help but think 'Hm, she could be too old for him but I do remember Atulya saying he wouldn't mind being with an older woman.'

"So why did your clone teleport with Momo here?" The Pro Hero questioned, genuinely curious.

"Clone? What makes you think that was my clone. For all you know, I could be a clone myself." Atulya answered with a straight face.

"Maybe it's because the one who brought Momo here dispelled..." Midnight said like it is the most obvious thing in the world, but she didn't expect hear a voice right behind her.

"Who said I dispelled?" A clone said to the pro hero, making her instantly turn around and jump in fright.

"Kyaaaa." She let out a girlish scream, not expecting this whatsoever as well as causing the three teenagers on the bench laugh.

Atulya himself dispelled the clone without any hand sign, and shamelessly staring at the ass that bounced due to the woman jumping in fright.

'Calm Yourself...'

"What the hell is wrong with you!!" Nemuri said as she calmed herself and looked at Atulya with a 'glare'.

'He could've easily killed me if he wanted, I wasn't able to sense him do anything.' The serious hero in her made her think about what just happened.

If it was a villain just now, she would've died without even knowing it.

'I guess he was right about what he said a couple of days ago. I most likely wouldn't even be fast enough to catch him off guard to put him to sleep.' She thought to herself.

Even if she's on the school ground and is only around students, as a hero she was taught to never let her guard down and be aware of her surroundings. So Atulya being able to easily create a clone and have it scare her like that made her questions her own abilities.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it." Atulya said, not sound apologetic at all.

"But if you really wanted to know, I had my clone bring Momo back from Nezu's office and it seems like the other one stayed there to talk to him." The black haired boy said.

"Wait? How are you able to tell what your other clone is doing?" Nemuri questioned and got an answer right away.

"That's because he's able to see in real time with his clones. Ahh~ Momo isn't our boyfriend so cool." Nejire said as she snuggled closer to him and a laugh from Momo.

Normally, she would never reveals anything to anyone if they asked her questions about her boyfriend's quirk, but she can tell that Atulya himself didn't care if this is known; and judging by how he is smiling at her, she concluded that her assumption is correct.

Midnight herself looked at Atulya in fascination and can't help but find herself being more interested in him as the days goes on. At first, she just wanted to tease the boy like she did in the sports festival, but (in her opinion) she ended of going too far by touching him. After all, she never touches a student.

It's like he is a mystery that she wanted to solve herself. With her time as a teacher at UA, she lost count of the number of times she overheard someone talking about Atulya.

Either with girls gossiping about his very attractive looks and personality or even his relationship with Momo. His newly acquired fangirls that talked about him nonstop or the competitive boys that talked about his power and how they wished they had such a strong quirk.

Let's not forget about the lame dudes for secretly cursing him behind his back for having such a 'smoking hot' girlfriend and insult him for being so handsome. There are always some losers like them in every schools, but they'll never ever in their lives will say it infront of Atulya's face.

Especially after witnessing his power in sports festival and hearing some rumour about how he made a delinquent boy pissing in his pants just with a glare for trying to flirt with his girlfriend openly.

Midnight herself even had some talks with other teachers about the Uzumaki since the boy isn't just the top of his class in terms of strength, he is top of his class in grades as well. They would speak well of him and talked how he always pay attention in class, and even perfectly do his homework while never turning it in late.

With other teachers who didn't have him in their class, they would always speak about how they wished their students could be like him but not everyone can be Atulya Uzumaki.

That's what Midnight thought. The women thought that this boy is special. Born to be someone amazing in life. Even she got these kind of vibes from him but of course she will never admit it. Definitely not.

Ohoo, she's really going to admit it..very soon.

"*cough*Well then, since there's still about an hour before the bell rings, why don't you three help me sort out the classroom?" Midnight asked to the teenagers since she's feeling lazy today.

The three ended of agreeing since they have nothing to do and while walking Momo asked Midnight a question.

"Midnight Sensei, do you know what we'll be today doing for class? Certainly it'll be something different since it's the school day after the sports festival."

The pro hero just smiled and said. "Of course, we'll be doing something interesting today!"