"Hero Names." Midnight said to the three students as they walked to the halls of UA, which is devoid of any student.
Midnight herself is quite interested in finding out what names the students will pick. After all, this is the one of the most important moments during their time here at school.
Whatever they come up with today would most likely be what they would be known for the rest of their lives.
'Well, they can always change it later on.' R-Rated Pro Hero thought with a laugh.
"Hero names? Why are we picking out our hero names so early?" Momo questioned confusingly. She found it strange to pick them up this soon since they are only in their first year of high school. They still have a long way to go until they became pros..maybe not.
'Oh no! I haven't thought of what I should pick?' Momo thought as she begin to think with a unique and creative nickname for herself.
"Wow, so guys got to pick up your Hero names today!". Nejire said out loud as she remember her class did the same couple of years ago.
"Oh you never told us what's your Hero name is Nejire? What is it?" Atulya asked her as he walked while holding two girl's hands and followed Midnight to the classroom. He definitely wasn't staring at her ass as she walked ahead of them.
After all this time, Atulya never know that Nejire's Hero name is?, but he's sure that it'd be same as in the anime.
'Or maybe she did tell me and I wasn't listening that time?' The boy thought to himself, genuinely curious. Nejire sometimes rambles to him so Atulya has learnt to tuned himself out of the conversation when it happens and only stare at her cute face.
He could say it is a pretty powerful ability since he was able to use it during class as well.
Just imagine that you're at an extremely boring event that's about few hours long and you just blank out and the whole thing is finished for you in a couple of minutes.
'I'm sure that every lazy students would want to learn that.' Atulya said inside his mind but his thoughts are interrupted when he heard his girlfriend reply to his question.
"Mou, I actually told you guys but you didn't believe me." Nejire pouted as she turned her head and look away.
"So it's actually 'Nejire Chan'? Were you being serious?" Momo questioned trying to suppressed a laugh that was about to come out. She didn't disliked the name, she jut found it funny because it is just like Nejire to chose something like that. Honestly, she'd say it fits her perfectly.
"It's definitely the best hero name ever, right?" The periwinkle haired girl said with a big smile and then turned to her boyfriend.
"Atulya, do you have thought of any names yet? Hmm, maybe The Red Eyed Prince or Iron Man." She asked herself as she put her hand on her chin and thought of any names that would fit him best.
'Is she being serious? She can't be right? Those are absolutely horrible. Well I shouldn't be surprised. After all Nejire is always bad with nicknames.
(No offense for Iron Man fans, it's just not fitting for this world)
Sigh* I completely forgot about the hero names and I have nothing good that I can think of at the moment. I know that I definitely don't want to use something embarassing and cringe types of name.'
"Nejire..." Momo said as she glanced strangely at her best friend. 'Now I know who not to ask suggestions when it comes to names.' The black haired girl thought to herself.
"What? Is it not Good?" Nejire asked with an innocent on her face and seeing the two teenagers shake their heads, she couldn't help but say.
"Hmph, you guys are just haters.."
Midnight who was silent heard their conversation and interaction, she smiled to herself and thought that the three students looked together. She herself has seen fair share of guys with two women before or even three and higher and they almost never worked out.
'I wonder if they're virgins, but I highly doubt it since Momo has been walking strangely since I've seen her.' Midnight thought with a sly mark.
"Momo, can I ask you something?" The pro hero questioned the black haired girl who turned her head and nodded.
"Are you ok? I can't help but noticed that you've been walking strangely since I've seen you. If you don't feel good, you should definitely go and see the recovery girl. I'm sure she's in her office right now." Nemuri said sounding 'concerned' for her student's well being.
"N-no, I am absolutely fine Sensei. I was just traning too hard yesterday." Momo said after hearing an unexpected question. She didn't want the pro hero to know the real reason, she's walking like this because Atulya fucked her so hard last night to the point she could barely feel her pussy.
Even if the said hero is R-Rated one, she is still her teacher and thought it would be embarrassing if she knew.
Nejire tried to contain her laugh when she heard her 'sister' words. She herself knew what exactly is up with Momo since Atulya has done the same thing to her numerous times.
'Lucky...' She thought to herself as she continued to listen to their conversation.
Atulya just raised an eyebrow at their interaction. 'Judging by the smirk on her face, it's obvious Midnight is just playing with her.'
"Hmm, if you say so." Midnight said to Momo.
Four of them arrived at the classroom the pro hero usually teaches and started to clean and help her organise things around.
It took about 30 minutes since Atulya didn't feel like using his clones. He enjoyed talking to the three girls while helping around.
After they are done, Midnight sit down with the students and listened on the stories of their relationship. She could tell that the two girls has so much love for the boy, and it is obviously same for Atulya as well.
'I kind of envy them, I wish I could find love like this..' Midnight thought to herself with a sigh.
Little did she know, that her wish is actually going to come true very soon. She'll find the love she's looking and it will last for eternity.
I think you all know who's the 'culprit' right,...
Since the school is actually going to start, Nejire left for class first, but not before giving her boyfriend a long goodbye kiss and hug to her 'sister'.
Afterwards, Midnight sent Atulya and Momo off, since she knew Aizawa will complain to her about making his students late for class. She'd see them again very soon anyways.
Now you can see those two are walking to the homeroom with their hands connected together. It was a comfortable silence until Momo ruined it by speaking.
"You know, it's actually enjoyable talking to Midnight Sensei. She's definitely different from what I expected when having a normal conversation with her." Momo said to Atulya.
She really enjoyed listening to Midnight's story about her costume and why it is important for her. For someone like Momo who needed to reveal her skin to use her quirk, she now comes to respect the R-Rated Pro Hero.
"Yeah, you're right. It is definitely pleasant to have conversation with her." Atulya said, since he himself agreed with Momo's words. He thought Midnight is not so different from normal people it's just her dressing to use quirk and the name she recieved made her act like that. Since she'd always flirt with him.
'Well, she seems to do it to mostly me. I haven't really seen her flirting like that to any of the students or with the male staff here.' Atulya thought.
Finally reaching the familiars door of Class 1A, Atulya and Momo walked inside only to be greeted with a sight of their classmates lousing around and talking to each other.
"Momo and Atulya, our very own power couple.!" Mina shouted with an excited tone since she haven't seen her friend in a couple of days. Why did she call them power couple? That's because Atulya placed first place in sports festival and Momo, being a girl who got so far. They are both recommend students as well as being quite powerful, so people started to referring them as power couple.
"Good Morning class!!" Momo being the deputy representative naturally greeted the whole class herself and recieved greetings back.
Walking to his seat with Momo, Atulya noticed how many students are glancing at them, more specific at him. He didn't care for it, but he definitely found it. He could guess the reason for them being doing it because the power he has shown in sports festival.
There is no doubt that every students except Momo here, feeling inferior to the competent looking boy. The battle of Atulya vs Shoto left a deep impression on them, as well as the brutality in his last fight against Bakugo.
"Congratulations on your win Atulya." Ochako said causing most of the students to do the same.
"Man, how did you get so powerful." Kirishima questioned with a grin, wanting to know his secrets on how to grow stronger.
"Training.." Atulya simply said.
"Atulya..." A voice spoke out causing class to go silent. Everyone turn to see Shoto looking at Atulya.
"I finally resolved my own problem which didn't let me use my left side, so I hope we can one day have a battle once again.
I recognise you as the strongest in ths class, so I'm aiming to surpass you." The half-half teenager said as he stuck his hand out, causing Atulya to raise an eyebrow.
'Interesting..' He thought as he shook the boy's hand and spoke up with a smile.
"Hmm, you'll have to train harder than you usually do if you want to surpass me, Todoroki." 'Even though it'll never happen, it doesn't hurt to be nice once in a while.' Atulya said, thinking the last part in his head.
"Yes, I will." Shoto replied then went back to his seat.
Bakugo clenched his fist when he saw their interaction. He know that Atulya is the strongest in the class as well, and that's what pissed him the most. He even remembered how badly he was beaten and the fear he felt in their fight and there's still lingering fear inside him, but it won't be a problem as he already move on from that fight and pushed himself for past two days in training..
He didn't want to feel again what he felt in that fight.
He didn't want to feel completely powerless, unable to do something and recieve only beating.
'Is this how Deku felt..?' He thought to himself.
[ Atulya didn't want to put fear on Bakugo, that was just his unconscious action as his soul was recovering and suddenly it manifested his origin aura albeit a little, but if he really wanted to put fear on Bakugo, then he would been in mental hospital not in class...]
"Good Morning class, get into your seats." A familiar bored voice of out causing everyone to go their own seat and respond back to his greeting.
"Today we will be doing something different for the class...Code Names. You'll will be picking out your Hero names." Aizawa revealed causing the class to get excited at not having to do something boring.
After calming down the class, he went on explain the purpose and reason why they are doing it today, as well as revealing number of nomination students got.
Atulya saw that Momo got more than what she did in canon. He could guess because unlike in canon Momo didn't lose to Tokoyami and actually got a chance to demonstrate her power.
Bakugo being in third, Todoroki in second. Of course Atulya is rolling way ahead of them in the lead for the first place, getting an insane amount, which didn't surprise anyone in the class. They didn't question it since they knows what kind of impressions he left.
"Now with these, you'll be going into internships with the pro heroes." Aizawa announced.
"Internships?" Izuku curiously questioned out loud.