family drama

Lila :wake up cutie pie and come downstairs for the breakfast

Sasha ,mum today's Sunday so I don't have to go to university

Lila , yeah but your dad and his friend and your siblings are going to come in an hour

Sasha, what the hell ? mum you could have told me earlier so little sister ria and older brother Josh and dad and dads friends are coming home in an hour and I am fucking in my underwear and a oversized shirt

Lila , go change before your dad comes if you don't want to get scolded by your dad *shouts

sasha ,mum what about older sister melody and little sister sia and brother Liam

Lila , oh I told them already they are getting ready and the maids are cleaning the house

Sasha , ok mum I am going to get ready so can you get out of my room mum

Lila, oh yes I have to get ready too *mum leaves the room*

Sasha whispers to herself I have to choose a beautiful and a outfit that is not revealing at all * sasha goes to her closet an chooses a beautiful red dress

and takes a shower and after the shower she does some light makeup and goes to her older sisters room hey melody

melody , hey sasha that red dress looks beautiful on you and what is that you want ?

Sasha , oh my dear sister you look beautiful too I came here to ask you if you can do an hairstyle for me ? by the way sia what are you doing here ?

sia , oh I am here for the Same reason you are?

melody, oh let me do sia,s hairstyle first

Sasha , melody you are really talented do you know why some dad's friend is coming?

sia, I think they are going to talk about business

melody , probably that

Sasha, it's unfair that dad never takes me on missions even though I am older than ria and sia

melody, its just that dad thinks you are not strong or idk

sia , I mean you have went in a mission once

Sasha , ugh ok I have only went on one you sia has went on 13 missions even though she is younger than me

melody , she is only 2 years younger than you and ria is 3 years younger

sia ,oh well that's true

Sasha, ugh this means dad doesn't love me * tears start falling down sasha's face

and sasha starts to run to the bathroom and locks the door*

sia , sasha that is not true he loves us all

melody ,oh come on stop being over dramatic

Sasha, even you don't love me melody *scream*

melody , mum texted me come downstairs dad has came home with his friends family. Sasha open the door and come downstairs with us

Sasha, no

sia , let's just go downstairs without sasha

melody , alright let's go downstairs *they went downstairs*

melody and sia, hey mom

Lila , where is sasha?

melody, um mum she is crying in the bathroom cause she thinks dad doesn't love her cause he never take her on missions

Lila , ok you both go sit with the guests she will just come downstairs

sia ,ok step mum so we have to go to the dining room

Lila , you can call me just mum

sia , k

melody , come on lets go to the dining room

sia , ok

*melody and sia and Liam enter the dining room and sia hugged dad and ria and so did melody all of them sat on the chairs *

Damon(their real dad), asked where is sasha

sia replied nervously uh she is in the washroom crying

josh , why is she crying?

dad , yeah why is she crying sia?

sia , um so we were talking while sasha said that she has only went on one mission even though she is older than me and ria and we have went on more than her and melody replied to her saying idk and she said it is probably cause he doesn't love me and she started and locked herself in the bathroom.

?????, excuse me but she is being overdramatic what does she know it could be that you love her the most and don't want her to get hurt* he replied with a calm and smoothing voice *

???, oh sorry about my son interference

Damon ,oh rage you should not be sorry for that my daughter sasha is very sensitive if someone even yells at her she starts crying

melody, dad who are these people I have never seen them before

dad , oh this is my friend rage and the other too guys are his sons

raven raven is my name

melody, uh my name is m-melody what about you?

???? , my name is Levi. replies

melody , oh nice this is my little sister sia melody quickly grabs

sia , uh hey my name sia and I am 4 years younger than melody

Levi , hey kid

sia, ugh I am 16 and I am not a kid *shouts

Damon, sia be more friendly to him

sia , sorry for shouting I guess

Levi nods

Damon , Levi and raven can you go upstairs and ask sasha to come downstairs

as I know she won't talk to me or her sisters she is on the 4 th floors bathroom

levi , sure I guess *Levi sighs"

Levi and raven go upstairs and try to find the bathroom and finally find it is

Levi gently knocks