family drama part 2

Levi gently knocked on the door

Sasha , who the hell is outside the door ?

raven ,ugh stop saying cursed words

sasha , who the fuck are youI have never heard your voice before?

raven,I am raven and I am with my brother levi and your dad sent us to get ya bitch.sasha , ya like that's gonna happen the door is locked and he doesn't love me cause he couldn't even upstairs himself * the sound of glass shattering into thousands pieces comes from the bathroom*

levi , ugh I will give you two choices number one be a darling and open the and come downstairs or I could-d

Sasha , *right before levi could tell the other choice* she says choice 1 is not gonna happen no matter what and you can't come in the bathroom

levi , so I guess it will be choice two he sighs * he lock picks the bathroom door to open and grabs sasha carries her downstairs sasha struggle to move herself even a bit levi smiles before putting her at the floor *sasha, what the hell were you doing *sasha screams in anger *

levi , I told ya I was gonna get you down anyway

sasha., no you didn't

raven , well now you're downstairs with your dad and your siblings

damon, well sasha I don't let you go out so many missions is your weak and I care for you

sasha ,* smiles hugging her dad* I am sorry dad for being stubborn

levi, you should say sorry to me too

sasha , why

levi, you said many cursed words to me and raven

raven, I don't care

sasha , sorry

Liam , oh well sasha I got some good news for you

sasha ,what is it ?

Liam , try guessing

sasha, melody what do you think it is ?

melody, sasha will be going on a mission I think

Liam , no

sasha , um um what do you think it is raven and levi

raven , I think I are going somewhere outside the country

levi , idk

Liam , no

sia ,I think he found you a boyfriend

Liam , no

sasha who knows what it is?

Liam , I am gonna go to a vacation with my girlfriend Stella

sasha , so what good about it for me ?

Damon , Liam is going to propose to her

sasha, oh nice that means you will get married too

Liam , yes

josh , I don't see anything good about that

Liam , you are just jealous of me

josh , no

Lila , oh Liam I guess congratulations on the future wedding

ria, oh my god you are gonna get married

Liam , I know I know

*the waiters come in and serve lunch every one starts eating lunch after they are finished eating lunch sasha ,melody,ria , sia go upstairs so does raven and levi*

they all went to the library and started reading books

raven , hey melody

melody , uh hey

raven , I am bored so do you want to talk?

melody , oh you are bored in this giant library you could read books you know they are plenty of them , yes I guess we can talk

raven , uh I would love to read a book but theres so many options I can't choose one by the way what is your hobby ?

melody , I have many hobbies I like writing books the most though .what about you? what's your hobby?

raven, mine is drawing it makes me feel wonderful

melody, nice by the way you said you were bored how about we work on making a book together I can write stuff and you can draw pictures

raven, oh the idea is good but how about we try different things I write and you draw this way we can improve at something we are not good with

melody , lets start in I think we should name the book midnight life we can talk about things that happen at night like bats waking up at night and the stars

raven , ok *they started working on making a book*

ria , sasha can you climb the ladder while I hold it and get the book named vampire Diaries please

sasha , oh sure * sasha climbs the ladder and gets the book but her foot slips and she falls and faints*

melody ,I just heard something fall I think someone fell from the ladder * melody rushes to the the left section library where she sees sasha on the floor and her body bleeding she shouts the raven and levi . raven and levi ria to see sasha on the floor bleeding .levi carries down stairs and raven calls the ambulance