It Has Begun

The woman I love is busy dying. I am watching as the color is draining from her face. She is turning cold to the touch and has lost so much blood. I don't want to admit it, but she is drifting away.

Then you have this man that is stopping me from saving her. Can he not see that ultimately this is her decision? And I am afraid to say that if she does not decide soon, then she will die right here in my arms.

So I hate to push her, but it is time she makes her choice.

"My love, we have to do something. You are losing too much blood. Please tell me what you want me to do."

Then Breyden wants to interrupt, but she stops him by placing her hand on his arm. She is trembling, and her words are nothing but a mumble. It takes all her power to form a proper sentence.

"Please help me."

I am unable to confirm if she is talking to me or Breyden, but I am sure that she knows the risk that comes with both and the outcome if she chooses neither.