Chapter 75

"Anyway I went to the next family I was twelve, they let me start dying my hair and got me some wigs, people made fun of me for my scars, called me weak, random hair, and freak, I was pushed down the stairs by some kid and my head split open and a couple of months later I was pushed off a tall bridge, I was knocked unconscious and my head split open again and I was saved by someone who was fishing who didn't know what happened if it wasn't for him I would have drowned," Isa continued. "That was four and five."

"What happened after that," Dr. Tsubasa urged.

"After I woke up he brought me back to my family, they were mad but heard me out and sent me to my last family, I was fourteen, so close to fifteen and they didn't even care, they only provided me with what I needed and had me do everything like I was their slave and abused me whenever I refused to do what they wanted and soon after I turned fifteen I ran away and hid in an abandoned building and somehow bumped into All For One," Isa finished.

"She asked me if I could help her," Hisashi sighed. "It surprised me that she wasn't afraid of me so I asked what happened to her and then I realized her eyes and that she had a quirk even though she was quirkless and knew who she was."

"Isa, I'm sorry," Uraraka apologized.

"Wow, did you kill anyone?" Dr. Tsubasa asked.

"I mean I killed Bakugo," Isa laughed.

"It was one hit," Koki added. "Can everyone hear me?"

"Yes," Isa replied.

"Cool," Koki beamed.

"It doesn't count if he's alive," Dr. Tsubasa sighed.

"Well, she brought me back to life," Bakugo laughed. "Hold on, you made Kirishima remember the dare didn't you."

"Yes, it was nice to spend one on one time with you," Isa laughed.

"Wait, that's why you did things I liked too, because you wanted to see me happy, and wanted to bond with me before I found out," Bakugo smiled.

"Bingo," Isa laughed.

"Isa, I haven't seen you this happy," Iida pointed out.

"I've got my family back, why wouldn't I be happy, and it's my brother's birthday," Isa beamed.

"Which brother?" Dabi joked. "Because how many do you have?"

"Well it's Haruki's and I have eight brothers and two sisters," Isa answered.

"How many parents have you had?" All For One joked.

"Inko and Rei included would be seven moms and eleven dads," Isa smirked.

"Make that twelve," Dr. Tsubasa laughed.

"And only four and nine are present," Isa replied.

"How's it feel having nine dads then?" Dabi asked.

"It's complicated," Isa laughed. "For one Oboro will be my dad too, making ten, and he's also my cousin, but we'll see past that."

"Good point," Oboro laughed.

"Oops," Aizawa laughed. "How many will you have in the end?"

"Nine and Fourteen, present six and twelve," Isa replied.

"Geez," Dabi replied.

"Can you turn a negative thought positive?" Hawks asked.

"Had to all my life," Isa answered.

"You can erase all my quirks and take the copies I made," Dr. Tsubasa replied. "To make up for everything."

"Really?" Isa replied. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah," Dr. Tsubasa replied.

"Okay but first I want a hug," Isa replied. Dr. Tsubasa then walked over to Isa and hugged her.

"Wait, Isa don't," Hisashi cried. Dr. Tsubasa then backed away quickly in shock.

"You gave her all your quirks didn't you?" Dr. Tsuasa snapped and looked at Isa worriedly.

"Why is there no reaction?" Sir Nighteye asked.