Chapter 76

"Haruki," Isa looked down at her leg. "None of you saw the true future because in order to see the future you need to know everyone in it and Dr. Tsusaki and Hisashi both saw it when I was a baby before anyone in class 1A was born and Nighteye didn't know about a few people that are here."

"Like us," Hayami beamed.

"Yeah, you guys too," Isa replied.

"Are you just going to let Yuki stay on your arm like that?" Bakugo asked.

"Yeah, pretty much," Isa replied. "He coils around my neck sometimes but I don't want him to do that right now."

"Her arm's warm anyway," Yuki replied.

"Hey Isa, do you hate me?" Dr. Tsubasa asked.

"Of course not, I don't hate you," Isa replied.

"You just said hate," Dr. Tsubasa exclaimed.

"Yeah so?" Isa replied.

"You said hate," Hisashi gasped.

"Zawa, erase her quirk," Oboro urged.

"Are you nuts," Aizawa answered.

"Erase her quirk," Hisashi repeated.

"Okay, okay fine," Aizawa sighed. "There happy." Isa's hair then turned blonde.

"I thought you said you dyed your hair?" Bakugo questioned.

"I did, but after I got a quirk that could do it I decided to get my natural hair color back," Isa replied. "It feels great being quirkless, but Zawa's quirk doesn't last forever. You can stop now."

"Okay then," Aizawa replied.

"Well, I have every quirk now," Isa sighed.

"You can actually show emotions now," Dr. Tsubasa beamed.

"I don't have any problems anymore though," Isa replied. "I'm the strongest person in the world and yet I don't want to be, and why be upset when I can do whatever I want."

"Good point," Toga replied.

"Wait, you mean?" Dr. Tsubasa asked.

"I'm not going to use my negative quirks, I like loving everyone and I like smiling. Who doesn't want to be happy?" Isa replied.

"I'm proud of you Isa, you kept your own promise and the promise you made to me," Hisashi praised. "You promised to not let anyone break you down,"

"Exactly," Isa replied. "I never make a promise I can't keep."

"So are you going to get a dog?" Oboro asked.

"No," Isa snapped at Oboro.

"Oh wait, we can now say dog," Yuki beamed.

"I hate both of you," Isa sighed.

"We love you too," Oboro and Yuki laughed.

"Why was dog a forbidden word and why are you okay with it now?" Deku asked.

"The family I went to after Bakugo's family abused me as I told you but they called me dog and feed me dog food after I ran away the first time, whenever they called me it was dog, and that's why I have the scar on my ankle they chained me to a dog house and they did not provide me with people food, it was dog food and water in a dog bowl, I was completely malnourished and was basically starving and not properly hydrated, my whole body ached and I got away twice and they burned my back twice with boiling water the first was boiling and then freezing and the second was boiling, freezing and then boiling," Isa explained with tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Oh my god," Kazuko exclaimed with tears pouring down his face. Bakugo put his hand over his mouth and tears were streaming down his face. Many people were crying and others were staring in shock.

"Isa, show us your back," Uraraka sighed. Isa then turned around as her shirt changed to a backless shirt. "I'm so sorry I was mean to you, I thought you were a villain."

"I was a villain, but I am not a bad person though, I promised myself I was going to be a hero if I could," Isa laughed. "I also promised I wouldn't hurt anyone."

"You killed Bakugo," Uraraka pointed out.

"It didn't hurt," Bakugo responded.

"Also, I did lie, there is a U.A. traitor, but that's no longer, now is it," Isa smirked. "Let me jog Deku's memory for once and maybe Uraraka too."

"Why me?" Uraraka looked at Deku.