Ezickiel Loui Collin's Sister

Elizza Lauren POV

"Kuy's your back" I welcomed kuys

"yeah, were back" Kuys Clayton said

But my real brother ignored me

"Kuys Clayton what happened to kuys Loui?" I asked

"let your brother go first, he's just tired because when we come back, we'll go straight to the office and fix something before we go straight here" he explained

"Because of what kuys Clayton said, I let Kuys Loui take his rest then when kuys Clayton finished arranging their belongings, he immediately went home.

*ring* phone rings

"hello" I answer it

[hello Lauren] that voice

"Yarrah?" I asked

[yes, its me/ Auntie Lauren] the kid voice

"wahh baby how are you" I asked

[So, that how you ignored me. I was the first one who talked to you but you didn't say hello, then when Kairo speak you immediately ask him 'how are you?'] she said

"hehe sorry I miss baby Kairo ihh" I giggled

[Okay I'll end the call now and I'll do a video call so that Kairo can see you] she said and end the call

Then it rings again but in Skype now

[hello Auntie Lauren] kairo wave his little hand on the screen

"hello baby" I said

[Auntie Lauren can you visit me?] kairon asked me

"But you're in America" I said

[No, were not there anymore] kairon said

"Ha?" I confused

[were at the Philippines] Kervin sudden speak

"So, your all back here?" I asked

[yeah] Yarrah short answer

If they are here there's a possible that ate Zhai was here also

[Hey why you suddenly became silent there?] Yarrah asked

"I was thinking if your back It means Sis Zhai was back also" I said

[uhh Lauren we don't want to disappoint you but better not to see her first nor try to find her] Yarrah pleaded me

"but why?" I asked

[Do you remember what I told you the story why ate Zhai need to go in America] she asked

"yeah" I answered

[There's a big impact on her and maybe you can't manage if you saw her you self. I know that she also wants to see you but can you do us a favor don't find her let her be the one who contact you first okay] she said but before I answered the video call was cut off

What was really happen. If I'm not mistaken Zhaira Yurhie Lin was the name of the person that kuys was collaborating so there's a chance that ate Zhai was it…

Zhild Yuen POV

It's been two day's when we comeback to settle all the things we have to do so that next week we will start to check and look if all materials were ready for building and starting up to work the project.

"Yuen you're going to your company?" she asked me

"I don't even have good morning you ask question right away" I said

"Aren't you used to it yet" she irritated

She's short tempered indeed

"yup I'll go to your company to check your schedule and pending work then when I'm done, I'll go direct to my hotel to see how's the management was operating" I said

"I understand you go to your company but why you need to go to my firm to check my schedule and work?" she asked

"sorry missy but you still have one day of rest so better be good and let your self at ease for a while don't think your work first, we can handle it okay" I said to her and kiss her forehead

"fine just take care and don't push you self to hard" I don't know if she's caring about or threatening me

"Yes, I'm not too weak to get tired quickly" I'm kidding

Then she enters her room again. When will you came back I miss my sweet and happy twin sis again. I look at her door for a few more minutes before I decide to go on ride on my car and drove to her company to do what I must do.

"Good morning Mr. Lin" Shai greeted me the secretary of my sister

"here is her schedule for today and she only have two ending projects" It said to me while she followed me to the office. I have my own office here it was beside her office.

"she has morning meeting with engineer today also at 12 noon she has to meet her client's lawyer for the papers they have to check and pass for the inquiry" Shaira read the schedule

I read all the time and whom she will meet today, and I stop Shaira for enumerating it in font of me. I let her out then get my phone to make a call

[hello kuys] he answered

"Kervs can you came here at 10" I asked

[why?] he asked

"Don't ask, just tell me if you can come?" I asked

[I can] he answered

"okay, come here at 10 then go straight to my hotel and check if everything was okay" I command him

[okay] he said

"sorry to bother you I'm managing Zhai's company first, so that she can more" I said

[its fine kuys if I can help the both of you mostly for sis Zhai's rest and recovery] he assures

"thank you" I said

I can ask Gin but I know his busy too as well as Chels they are the person whose busy as zhai, so I don't bother them. Kervin can manage my business he has access there and he was known by all the employees so he can do it without any problem.

I go out to meet the morning meeting of Zhai to the engineer. I didn't know that the place was the new shop where I buy the strawberry shake of Zhai.

"Good morning, Are you Engineer Evangeline?" I aske the girl who sit near the window

"Yes, and you are?" she asked back

"I'm Zhild Yuen Lin I'm representing Zhaira because she was needing some rest and couldn't make to meet you" I explain to her

"Oh yeah she told me actually I just hang up the call from her" she told me

"Good day Ma'am Sir what's your order?" the waiter asked but I was shocked that it was the girl before who hold my hand and stop me to picking up my order

"Latte for me" Engineer said

"One latte okay ma'am and for you sir?" she asked me

"Cappuccino" I said

"one Latte and one cappuccino coming up" she repeat then leave

So, she's working on here I don't think so she didn't wear any waiter uniform unlike the guy on the counter.

"Mr. Lin" Engineer called me

"Oh sorry" I apologizes

"Do you know that girl?" she asked

"nope" I answered

"oh okay" she said then start to tell me all the plan that will used to the project as well as how it was approve and cancelled by my sister

"She told me that everything was fine and I removed all the idea she doesn't want" she said then our order came

"here's your order ma'am sir" she said

We continue talk until we spent one and a half our to finish the discussion and settle it Engineer Evangeline left but I stayed and called the waiter. I didn't mean to call her, but she was the one who came and get my order again.

"Two tuna sandwich, one chicken salad, one iced tea and two Latte" I order

"Two tuna sandwich, one chicken salad, one iced tea and two Latte that's all sir" she repeats what I said

"yes" she confirm it

Then I just observing her doing some choirs there when a familiar guy came in and talk with her

A minute later the guy looks at the direction where I'm siting in then My takeout was done so I stand up and walk towards them

"Mr. Lin" he greets me

"Clayton?" I asked him

"Do you know him kuys Clayton" the girl asked him

"yeah he's one of the member of the accounting firm" he explain

"Oh, I remember that's why your familiar with me you're the one whose been stop by Lauren" he suddenly says

"yeah, right so you're that guy and she's Lauren?" I asked

"yeah, Architect Collin's sister" he introduced

"Oh okay " that's all I said then I said goodbye to them because my phone keeps vibrating

"I have to go I have meeting to attend" I say goodbye to them

Then I leave. So that's why that girl Lauren knows my sister's name because she was Loui's sister. But how come I didn't know them… maybe I forgot or-… I stop when my phone vibrates again

From: Zhaira Yurhie

You have meetings so don't waste time

A message from her sigh Is she monitoring me… I must finish this…then I ride my car and back to the company again.