Her Burden

Zhaira Yurhie POV

Two weeks had passed since I'm working again. With that week Loui was always visiting me here in the office. He also consistent on sending gift and food delivery in our office but those was all blocked by my twin brother. Like now he was staying here in my office to watch me.

"Aren't you going back on your hotel or even your own office here?" I asked him while facing my computer to finish checking all the accounts

"No" he firm and short answered

*knock, knock, knock*

"come in" I said

"Ms. Lin, Mr. Collin was here" Shaira said

"What is he doing here?" Zhild asked

"He's with Sir. Kervin" Shaira told him

"Let them in" I command her

"but why?" Zhild asked but I didn't answer him

A minute later Shaira came back together with Loui and Kervin.

"What are you ding here?" Zhild fired a question as early as they enter the office

"Woah easy kuy's Zhild" Kervin try to make him calm

"What brought you here?" I asked them

"Dad said that he was satisfied the plan and the deadline you make he want you to at least visit the site even twice a month or even twice a week to see the progress and send it to him" Kervin straight answer

"You can do that your self so why bother your Sis Zhai to do it, also Mr. Collin can send those progress as well" Zhild frankly said

"dad said that they have agreement" Kervin reason out

"But-…" Zhild try to but I stop him

"Yes, we had a deal and I'll do it it's just that I have to finish my work here first" I told them

"If you have agenda so why this guy was tag along with you?" Zhild asked again

"Sorry for intruding but I'm here to give this document to Zhaira" Loui said and he stand up and put the files on my table

"that contain the cashflow and I think I better gave it to you so that you may check it" He said

"Okay I'll check it after my work then" I said

"your done you make take your leave" Zhild throwing them away

But he was ignored by Loui and he sit to the chair in front of my office table

"Are you free later?" He asked

"Why?" Zhild was the one who asked

"I want to ask you to have dinner with me" he said

"She's not free so-…" Zhild stop the time I look at him

"Are you me? And are you the one he asked to have dinner?" I asked Zhild

"No but I'm your-…" I cut him

"So?" I said and he just shut his mouth

"Kuy's Loui why you suddenly asked ate Zhai to eat outside?" Kervin asked to lessen the tension inside

"Lauren keeps on pestering me to tag along so that she can meet her again" he said

"That girl Yarrah talk to her the last time you comeback from Batangas" Kervin said

So, I look at him saying that 'so you told her' and he stiff and scared looking back at me

"we didn't say anything we just told her that she must wait you to contact her personally so that she may hear your explanation then" he speaks in a low voice

I sigh then look at my schedule. There's no problem to have dinner with them but Am I ready to face her with my situation. If Zhild my twin brother and the others can bear to see and accept who I am and how do I response without any expression on me. So, I decided to decline it.

"Thanks for the invitation but maybe next time" I said them left them in my office

"Zhai/Sis Zhai" I heard Zhild and Kervin call my name, but I continue to walk until I reach my car and rode it to go somewhere. As long us away from them even for a week. I know they may freak out and overthink again, so I leave a chat message in a group that I'm fine just that I want to be alone fo a while.

I drive to Cavite and stay for a week to the house I bought for me and him. This was his gift to me on our 4th anniversary we pan to renovate it, but I did it before our 5th anniversary to surprise him but that thing happens so I didn't have the chance to show this to him.

*ding doing* I rang the doorbell

"coming" Aunt Lily shout from the inside

"Oh Zhaira" she called me

"you came I though you'll not coming back It's a long year the last time I heard news about you" She said

"Come in" she opens the door and let me in

"What do you want to drink?" she asked me and go inside the kitchen

"water is fine" I said

"You know what he was always visiting this house for the past 2 years but he just contacting me this past 3 years telling me that keep this house in a good shape so that the time you came to visit it was in a well shape and good condition" she start to tell me about him

"he was not visiting in person for the past 3 years?" I asked

"yes, his in Germany doing some business there and it almost 3 years since his last visit here" She told me

So, he didn't try to visit or try to check me then. I bitterly smiled on my head she's more important than me so why he bother to check on my situation then.

"Zhaira I'll take my leave call me if you need anything okay" Aunt Lily said then left me alone here

I roamed around and take a look there's a little stuff here so I don't see anything but paintings and the furniture, so I go inside to a room where it's door was painted with my favorite color. When I enter to it, I was shock that all things inside was well maintained I walk toward the study table where a medium box was placed on top.

"what the" I hissed

I contain an album a bear and lot of letters from him. I open the album and seeing those picture of us when we are together. I continue flipping the pages until I stop because I saw some water drop on the picture and I touch my face I was crying but I didn't feel and notice it. This is how I really am now couldn't notice nor feel any emotion. Am I still a person I used to be?...

Zhild Yuen POV

The time she walks out after declining Loui's dinner invitation I feel uneasy I'm scared that she may be in danger again and this time maybe I totally lose her…

"Kuy's can you stop walking back and fort it's not helping okay" Kervin said to

"Why he was anxious?" Loui asked that make me angry

"Why I'm anxious it's because of you If you didn't ask her out and made her to think a thing she doesn't have to think" I told him while holding his collar

"Kuy's stop It's not his fault It's my fault If I didn't told to Louren that were back he didn't asked sis Zhai to meet and eat dinner with her" Kervin blame himself

"no, it's not you fault okay" I said to him then after a minute we receive a message

Zhai Yurhie:

I'm fine, don't contact or find me

I want to be alone for a while

It was her message that really make me to be more bother and anxious. She wants to be alone means she's remembering and thinking about the past and her situation. We know it's trouble to her about what situation she was now. I hope she will be okay, and she won't do anything hastily.

"Where she was?" Chels asked as she enter the office

"You know her if she wants to be alone, we better give it to her" Gin said

"But-…" she would protest but I spoke

"I know your worried as well, but we know her even I I couldn't do anything. We better give her some time to think and rest" I told them

"what you're relationship with her?" Loui suddenly asked me

"You don't have to know, and you better leave now and please stay away from Zhai and stop making some move to be close to her because it won't happen as long as I'm here" I told him before I leave the office.

"Kuy's Calvin she's away could you try to check were she's staying at?" I call and asked favor to kuya Cal

[what happen?] he asked from the line

"it's a long story just do me a favor please" I pleaded

[okay I'll send it to you] he said then ended the call

Yeah, I know I let her have some space, so I won't go to her I just want to know and sure that she was fine and good. That's the only way I can so that I can be complacent.