Chapter 6: Night in The North

Lampposts guided Trace and Darkseal in the night that enveloped all the North Holdinberg buildings. The lampposts did not lighten the entire street, lights in them barely made it out the glass that covered them. So, the light from the lampposts looked like small sticks that were planted in air on both sides of the street. However, neither of them found the lampposts eerie because it was exactly how the Holdinberg streets were at night.

Darkseal saw Trace stop in front of a building. In the dark he could barely make out of what the so-called castle looked like. But he had a feeling that this so-called castle fit perfectly into the surroundings. And more importantly, it was not in the shape of what he imagined a castle should look like.

"Please, wait for a while mister". Trace said as he hurriedly opened the door and went in.

Even after listening, Darkseal only stopped when he was right in front of the door. After waiting for a few seconds, he decided to peek inside. He pushed the door to open a very little crevice. Knowing what was at the other side of the door would bring him peace.

Behind the door stretched a long hallway with many sealed doors. It was very bright inside the 'castle'. The hallway was filled with various paintings, maps, books and various objects on narrow tables on either side. All of it made the hallway look narrower than it was.

Castle of The Greatest Magician of The Century? This was clearly a rundown place filled with junk.

At the end of the hallway Darkseal saw Trace standing with a titled head. It seemed like he was talking to someone taller than him. Darkseal tried to focus but could not see clearly. This was a curious matter to Darkseal since he would be entering the castle next. So, he decided to use a scouting spell.

As soon as he activated the spell, a sense of crisis washed over him. He felt a chill down his spine and tripped backwards. The door shut as he fell. Darkseal's thoughts stopped at this point and his body froze. When he came back to his senses, Trace was standing in front of him.

"There is no clue in the castle. We should search Central Holdinberg again tomorrow". Trace said as he offered a book.

Darkseal accepted the book with one hand and wiped his forehead with the other. On inspecting, the book was an empty journal. He folded his legs and sat straight and continued the examination. Shockingly, it was difficult to remember what happened a moment ago. Moreover, his subconscious was avoiding it. So, he focused his thoughts on the book.

"If you write something in it, I can read it from mine", Trace said as he showed the exact same journal.

Darkseal nodded, and gladly accepted the treasure. He would have been really surprised on receiving it if not for the shock he received earlier. The journal was a communication treasure, two people or more having the same journal could exchange messages with each other. Probably there was one such treasure in Yuushine Family's possession, but he was not sure.

"See you tomorrow morning, mister", Trace said and hurriedly went inside the castle with an expression of content.

After an hour of absent mindedness. Darkseal got up and dusted his torn clothes. Finding that there were almost none of the cloth of the robe he was wearing left, he tore it all out. With a bare chest he made his way towards the safest place he could spend the night in North he knew of.

'Seems like the lunatic forgot that I cannot get out of North', Darkseal grinned while walking.

Darkseal's mana was depleting at a constant rate but he was also regenerating mana. He faced no problem in mana regeneration. At this rate he could last no more than a week in North Holdinberg, he calculated. If he wanted to free, he would have to go away from both North and Central Holdinberg.

After thirty minutes of walking, he reached his destination. A night bar. It would be the most ideal place for a stranger like him to spend the night at. As he entered the bar, no one looked at him except the hostesses who were serving the customers. All of their eyes froze on the naked man build like steal with a wide chest for a moment. But they all resumed their works being professionals.

Darkseal made his way towards a corner. On his way he picked up a robe of a drunk customer and before he sat, he was in a robe that managed to cover his huge chest. A waitress soon followed with a drink and asked he if wanted hostesses. Which he denied, instead he asked if they could serve his with anything to eat. While waiting for the food, he sipped his drink and began observing customers and listening to conversations.

Most of the people in the bar were not Sorcerers. There were only two Level 1 Sorcerers sitting at the same table, who were getting drunk with the hostesses. Surprisingly, the center figure at the table was not a Sorcerer. He was a young man, enjoying the hostesses' company along with the Level 1 Sorcerers. The group was laughing merrily at the misery of a women at the feet of the young man.

"Say what!" the young man hiccupped while counting coins in his hands.

He separated the gold coins and threw all the silver coins at the face of the woman at his feet. Then kicked the woman mercilessly. All the hostesses were eying the woman in contempt and were happy at her misery.

"Money can buy anything, you dare refuse ", the young man kicked again.

"Yes, young master is being courteous by not forcing you", one of the hostesses replied. Other hostesses also agreed and praised the courtesy of the young man.

This man the young man happy and he distributed coins to everyone present. The Level 1 Sorcerers accepted the coins but shook their head. Today was the first time their young master visited this club, but he was already causing a raucous. More and more people were getting interested and looking towards them.

Darkseal also looked for a while but the food arrived soon so he turned his attention towards the food. He was not interested in someone else's affair. The woman might also be at fault for provoking the young man with status. Additionally, he wanted to lay low in a foreign territory. What if Level 2 Sorcerers showed up and a fight would break out, if he helped the woman. Simply, ignoring the matter, he looked at what was served.

"Won't you help the poor woman before you eat", Darkseal, unexpectedly, heard a voice in his head.