Chapter 8: Degenre

The sun hid itself well, not a single golden ray could pass to could blockade to make the Yuushine Sister's hair shine more. Lorry looked at her elder sisters' long golden hair. Dorry, the elder sister, was at the window pondering. Today the morning was more disturbing than others. After the Darkseal incident, the sisters did not return to the main Yuushine Residence.

They were staying at one of their other residence in Central Holdinberg. It was not surprising for the Yuushine Family's, the rulers of Central Holdinberg, direct descendent to have more than one residence. Lorry stared at Dorry while subconsciously curling her hair. To avoid suspicion they were staying at this place. Moreover, they did not report anything about Darkseal to the Family. Traitorous acts meant punishment at the end Yuushine Executioners.

Everything was silent, they did not know what to do next or what will happen in the future. The front door was unexpectedly kicked in. Dorry was furious at the behavior of her attendents. She turned around from the window to see who it was. The sisters were suppressed in the family but still everyone except their brother never showed such rudeness in front of them. She moved furiously towards the hallway that was connected with the main door.

Dorry's mood was fouled this morning and she was about to direct her anger and frustration to the attendant that barged in. But before a single word of contempt and displeasure could leave her mouth, an immense horror gripped her throat. A middle aged man was standing at the door. He was one of the two Level 3 Sorcerer in Central Holdinberg along with the leader of Yuushine Family.

"It is princess Dorry or Lorry?", the middle aged man raised an eyebrow.

For a long time he had coveted the princesses beauty. But could not touch them as they were the daughters of the king. Years ago when he heard the king had passes, he felt his blood boiling and had an urge to return to claim the princesses. But due to an important matter in West Holdinberg, he only returned tomorrow.

Unable to control himself, he slowly extended his hand to touch the face of Dorry, without omitting magical power. For he believed the pressure of level 3 was enough to keep the princess frozen. But before his hand could touch the face, Dorry slapped his hand away.

"How dare you, Degenre? Do you think our brother will let this matter go?" Dorry was furious.

However, she did not know that Degenre did not give their brother a single shred of respect and face. After their father died, he was unfazed and wanted to return to Central Holdinberg as soon as possible. One of the reasons was that no one could oppose him here.

She wasn't a bit afraid of Level 3 Sorcerers because she saw Darkseal beat a Level 3 Sorcerer with one punch yesterday. Right now she was brimming with rage and wished to beat this perverted old man to smithereens.

Degenre was in return furious because he extended his arm without single bit of magic power. He was afraid to harm the princess but he was pushed away. Activating his magic, he pushed Dorry towards the wall. Lorry heard a light thump and rushed towards the hallway. She saw her sister pushed against the wall.

On seeing the Lorry, Degnre's temper did not lessen. He always admired the long glossy hair of the sisters but now one of them cut their hair short. His dreams of marrying the two long hair sisters were crushed.

"I will take this long-haired princess, are you Dorry or Lorry?" he raged.

"Sister", Lorry rushed towards her sister.

What was happening right now? Who dared to be so outrageous enough to kidnap the princess. She was confused until she saw the three rings on the middle-aged man's finger and thought of a person. This made her breath quicken.

Denegre waved his hand and sent Lorry flying. She fainted that instant. Never would have thought that the hair she was jealous of just a moment ago would put her sister in such a danger. Degenre snapped his fingers and Dorry also fainted. With magic she was carried away.

"Shall we go", Trace said, he was waiting outside the door when Darkseal arrived.

One seeing an eerie look on Darkseal's face, he gasped. Suddenly, he remembered the important part. Dakrseal could not go back to his house in Central Holdinberg for the night. Since the regional barrier was never a problem for Trace, he had forgotten about it yesterday. But before he could apologized, Darkseal interrupted.

"No need", apparently content with Trace's apologetic look, Darkseal continued.

"We should head towards West. I do not think there is any news regarding your master in Central".

Darkseal needed Trace to cross the Retention Line. The situation in Central Holdinberg was unclear but they had to go there nevertheless. The routes to other parts of Holdinberg, all, requied to pass the Central. If only he could go to Western Winter or Eastern Summer Holdinberg.

oldinberg shared its Northern and Eastern Boundaries with Plague Sea. It was a horrific sea that could not be sailed upon. The wind currents of the sea were deadly, this could be testified by the aura of North Holdinberg. The wind currents travelled from East to the North, following the sea. They were at the end trapped by the mountain range towards the north west of Holdinberg.

Darkseal had only heard of the sea before. But now experiencing the aura of the North, he realized that the sea was many times horrific that he imagined. The aura of East would not be like North because there was no mountain range to trap the wind. But still, Darkseal did not want to go towards East to face the sea.

"Let's not return till we do not find your mast-"

"YES". Trace jumped, his eyes shining as if he heard the best idea.