Chapter 11: Quick Defeat

Mana was quintessential to perform magic. The rings of Sorcerers contained mana pools. However, no one was born with a mana pool. A mana pool could only be developed after one's magic aura was dense enough. Therefore, no everyone in this world was a Sorcerer. Being able to condense mana pool in one ring made you a Level 1 Sorcerer, with two rings: Level 2 and so on.

Further, comparing two levels was like comparing a child to an adult. The difference between a Level 1 and Level 2 Sorcerer? How can someone who only developed a mana pool compare to someone who managed to expand it. And so forth, the differences expanded.

Darkseal dodged an incoming punch and with a wave of his hand defeated another Sorcerer. The night made Yuushine Sorcerers weaker, but they hand the numbers advantage. Darkseal was feeling alive after he laid almost hundred Sorcerers to waste. Most of them were Level 1 but that did not stop Trace's awe.

No moves were left hidden as Darkseal gave a show of his lifetime. Every move, every strategy, aimed to gain him an advantage. This also made his mana drop and soon he would run out of it. The battle had been going out for a time long enough to wake the Sorcerers that got knocked out at the beginning.

Trace watched every move, he sharp eyes saw every twist and turn Darkseal made. He could not display such meticulous performance even with his three rings. When he saw Darkseal grin under such heated conditions, it sent a chill down his spine. How can a person smile when so many people were trying to beat him to death?

Slowly the Yuushine Sorcerers started backing off. Darkseal stopped in place when he sensed it was a planned retreat. Showtime was over, Degenre walked out from the back. Darkseal with no choice bent down on one knee to show respect to the second most important person in Central.

"Not bad".

Degenre nodded in agreement, but he was sneering in his heart. His travel outside Central was a life lessen he would never forget. He saw many powerful Sorcerers, vile political plans and decisive death matches. The problem in Darkseal's behavior was evident. Moreover, if it were not for the hideous stunt which made everyone think Faro was here, he just might have gone with Darkseal's plan.

On the other hand, Degenre's nod made Darkseal's heart clench. His plan was based on a simple idea, keep Trace's trust while showing Yuushine his worth. He was hoping for an invitation to join Degenre's faction along with the nod. Dejected, Darkseal decided to hint it more properly in case Degenre did not understand.

However, before he could utter a word, Degenre's punch closed in. The power of Level 3 Sorcerers cannot be underestimated. Darkseal remembered Trace kick going through the thick wooden gate. A sense of powerlessness pressured him down. As soon as he closed his eyes to accept the punch a shadow leaped in front of him.

Trace could barely make it in time. He extended his one hand to push Degenre's punch from the side. This made both Degenre and him roll to the side. Everyone present expected Darkseal to be blown away with the punch. However, it did not happen instead Degenre was down on the ground along with the person they were ignoring all this time.

"A Level 3 Sorcerer!", one of the Yuushine Scouts exclaimed.

It loud enough for everyone to hear it. A buzz of murmur and commotion raised in the crowd again. Dorry and a few others who missed Trace's appearance desperately tried to see if it was Faro. Even Degenre doubted his eyes for a moment, but he quickly stood up to face the unknown Level 3 Sorcerer.

Trace, also, quickly stood up with shining eyes. He wanted to try the moves Darkseal showed him. Before Degenre could speak a word Trace rushed at closest Sorcerer next to him. In confusion, Degenre raised his one hand wanting to point out at the unknown Sorcerer to stop and talk for a moment. But to his horror, he saw Trace's punch going through the face of a nearby Magician.

"Darn illusion!"

Degenre remembered Darkseal's first move but it was too late. Trace punch landed on his belly, and he felt like a ram smashed his guts to smithereens. He conscious stopped in an instant but his body did not. It was sent flying and crashed fifty meters away into the wall. Everyone felt cold sweat running through their bodies.

Darkseal was first to recover from the shock and he immediately rushed towards Degenre to check if the later was still alive. Trace wanted to continue fighting but seeing everyone with broken spirits, he was highly dejected and fell on his butt. Moments later another person fell on his butt, followed by another, then another.

Thankfully, as Darkseal put it, Degenre was alive. After using healing spell for quite a while he managed to stabilize the damage. If Degenre died, then it would have been a national scandal. Despite being a perverted middle-aged man, Degenre was still a pillar of the Yuushine Family.

Darkseal tuned his gaze and saw hundreds of Yuushine Magicians sitting on their butts. Only after that he realized the source of hundreds of thuds which resounded one after the another. Dorry was still frozen by the window unable to believe the events unfolding.

All the Sorcerer's were afraid and every now and then they were taking quick looks at Trace. Their stronghold's leader was defeated with one punch and now they were at the mercy of the young devil. But this devil did not even utter a word after defeating Degenre. Instead, he was bizarrely laying down in the middle of their training ground.

Trying to escape from a Level 3 Sorcerer was impossible for them. So, they could only hope that the little devil would decide on his demands before they would die from nervousness. Some of the Level 2 Sorcerers were around Degenre discussing the situation with Darkseal. These were the Magicians that held power and position in the Yuushine Family.

A sound of the door being unlocked was heard. Lorry rushed into the room and threw herself in Dorry arms. The predicament was over, but Darkseal was not patient enough for the reunion. He explained the situation and led them outside to make an announcement. All this time, he was putting up a calm front but waves of excitement were raging inside him.

Darkseal folded his arms to stop them from shacking. A couple of more minutes and then he could cross over to the West. The announcement was made by one of the Yuushine Magician and it roughly explained the situation to everyone present. First, Degenre was no in a life-threatening condition. This made all the Level 2 Magicians breath a sigh of relief.

Second, Trace was a friend of Faro who came to teach Degenre a lesson. Some found it difficult to believe. Some antagonized Faro for not saving his sisters. There were many conflicting emotions and doubts but everyone was happy on Degenre's misfortune. All of them rejoiced in their heart, thanking the heavens on giving punishment to the perverted man.

The party was called off and everyone went back to their living quarters. On the way, everyone took many looks at Trace. But no one was bold enough to hold their gaze for more than a second. Darkseal was already standing beside Trace and was impatiently waiting for Trace to reply. He wanted to get out of Central Holdinberg right now!