Chapter 11 : A Young Grim Reaper

"May the Ancient Humans lighten Your path."

old man Wirya could not stop worrying over the little boy's fate.

He did not worry about Mada's safety. with Mada's current fighting power, He knew that child would be fine. unless He met someone from the Grand palace.

even the terrifying Amoksa Intelligence squad could do little to the current Mada. They were skilled, ruthless and strong yes but, actually, there were very few Evolver amongst them.

Mada just needed to give them a good deserved beating, chased after them a little until right around the city wall, and retreated before their reinforcements arrived.

just a classic good old tactic of hit-and-run. if Mada played his card right, He could complete his aim and finished most of them in silence.

even if They ganged him up, it would not make a difference. that just how powerful an Evolver was compared to an ordinary Human. the Amoksa Intelligence squad might have a chance if they brought out every single artifacts They possessed.

but, if the old man gut feeling was right, in which was always the case. the moment Mada was able to decipher the leaf parchment contents, that little boy would be near unstoppable.

"He was around Rani's age, may be younger. hhhmmmm.... I wish They can become friends if They lead the same life....., hoh... how unlikely it was, I must have become too old to imagine such thing."

the old man went back to do his activities.

little did He know, fate had something in store for these two children who seemed to live in a completely different world.


Six years old, in the age of Ancient Humans, He would still be playing around in kindergarten. unfortunately, it was not available in this era, where children who lived up to his age was already considered lucky.

a child, who had just become an orphan. He wore the same attire every single day.

A black long-sleeved jacket with a hoodie on, covering most of his face in the dark silhouette. it was already tattered and stench could be smelled, but He did not give a single damn. He just wanted the World to know, that He was still mourning his deceased mother.

Mada stood alone in the Center of a crowded market, snow was still trickling down from the heaven, He stood quitely, his dark eyes seemed restless.

His first target had been found.


it was a vast market, people got around doing their things. a mother bought ingredients for dinner, a line of young men moved goods from inside the wall to the market, and an old man pushed his cart which was full of rodents, maggots, frozen vegetables and wheat.

this place had a vibrant and lively atmosphere. Mada would be one of these happy and joyful shoppers or visitors if his "World" was still here .His mother would love to go here if She was still alive.

srekkkkk... srekkkkk... srekkkkk.....

a sound of feet stomped on thick layer of snow and ash was heard by the nearest passerby. They took a glance just to find a suspicious kid covered in black clothing giving off a sharp killing intent. They instinctively tried to avoid him, they knew a Storm was brewing in this exact moment.


a tall middle-aged man stood on right side of the market main road, He was selling weaponry and arms just outside an almost rundown building, the architecture's was indeed of a military origin.

Mada was slowly walking closer.

the sound of his footsteps slowly diminished without anyone noticing. He had forcefully adapted to adjust his feet's reflex to produce as little clatter as possible.

then out of nowhere, mada spouted his due interrogation line.

"what did You do to my mother ?"

the middle-aged arms seller was dumbstruck by his action.

" huh ???? what ? a brat ? are You here on behalf of Your father ?, what kind of weapon do Your parent need ?"

Mada proceeded to accuse the seller, or rather, He knew this man was part of those heartless demons.

"I know You are one of them, The old man had the same tattoo on the back of his hand."

the seller got even more confused,

'what f*cking craps does this prick talk about ?'

and proceeded to look towards his treasured tattoo.

"hear me brat, if You don't have any business with me and You already knew what this tattoo implicates, begone, before I chew and beat You into a pulp that your mother won't be able to recognize You anymore."

Mada felt his chest temperature rose by few degrees.

'these scum, just because they played with the weak, now They felt They were strong ?'

Mada felt He didn't need to waste more breath to talk to these demons, the soldiers who only protected the rich and noble.

in his eyes, They did not even deserve a painless death. by doing so, He already showed a degree of mercy.

[Mutation Type : Body Transformation]

[Special trait : Adaptation]


his Mutation power had been released. now He raced against time.

Stab !!!!

a cold dark-silver dagger, pierced the seller's neck. He had no time to react, He couldn't breath nor could He scream, his vocal cord had been crushed flawlessly by Mada's decisive attack.

those people in the market around Mada didn't even seem yet to realize that a daylight-public homicide had been done in the close proximity.

Mada's body had refracted the dim sunlight to hide his appearance. nobody seemed to even notice the suspicious child from few seconds ago had been missing right in front of their very eyes.

Mada looked straight to the seller's red eyes, who seemingly still shocked by what had happened to him right now. Mada pulled him closer by the collar, the man was already in his dying state.

half frenzied, Mada whispered to him.

"does a name of Ria ring a bell in Your head ?!"

by that moment, just before the seller body collapsed. his eyes looked desperate, dumbfounded and filled full with dread.

'the squad... I have..... to tell them..... her child... He helds.... those artifacts....Evolver.... dangerous..... come..... revenge....'

then He died, the first victim of his dagger, blood flowed from the hole on his neck like a spring.

by the time the first scream of witness was heard, Mada had gone inside the military building.


the people inside the old base was having their occasional party, the mood was a bit bright.

just recently, They were able to get their hands on a toy to play with. a Young beautiful mother, that tasted just like a virgin.

They originally only intended to extract an unauthorized artifact owner to be judged, and got to have a sudden chance to reap a benefit out of it.


then, in a snap of a finger, a body was lying limp on a chair, blood trickled down from his punctured neck. in the same time this happened, loud screams were heard from outside of the building. twenty members of the Amoksa Intelligence squad, which now became nineteen in total, stood in unison.

their expression showed that They were in panic and confusion but outwardly, They tried to stay calm. They had realized one of their teammates just got killed in silence.

"intruders !!!!!!"

one of them shouted

"sir !!!! these seems to be the work of highly skilled asassins, They must be Evolvers "

"shut up ! focus to find the enemies hideout !, if You have found out their number, do not engage and report immediately !"

their leader gave a clear command, They had to identify the intruders first.

two seconds later, another one successfully grunted while holding on his neck with his right arm. blood flowed out from the gaps between his fingers. He fell and showed a little Humanoid silhouette right behind him.

"eighteen left, my mother will be pleased when She had these many companions acompanying her to the afterlife."

Mada had a flat, expressionless look on his face.

then He proceeded to jump on to two more soon-to-be victims. They tried to resist. both targets were using a long sword and a blade each.

shockingly enough, when the three people collided. the two Amoksa member's weapons cut into two like a melted butter. its metal toughness and their edge sharpness could not contend with Mada's dagger.

Their heads were sliced through from their left and right eyes respectively. Mada's movement speed could not be followed by common sight, the moment the deeds were done, his shadow had already moved to another space.

'sixteen, fifteen, fourteen, thirteen, twelve, eleven, ten.' Mada inwardly counted the number of his targets left, those who were already counted out of calculation, were dead or dying. there were ones who had their body parts like hands, fingers, legs, feet, earlobes, noses, necks and so on getting chopped or slashed. or their eyes, mouths, chests, stomachs, groins, crotches, pierced or punctured. the lively ones were even grunting.

Mada stopped for a bit, He just became an Evolver in less than a day, and He had been running to the north section of the wall nonstop.

He knew this might be the only chance He had to settle the grudges between him and these d*ck-heads. He couldn't let them escape inside the wall, it would be near impossible to chase them there, and He still had to do this fast, before the guards manning the wall realized what had occurred and came down here as reinforcements.

He panted, sucking the eternal winter cold air in, He had no time but He was tired, He might have been able to play with his friends all day, but what He did today, was not a game. He could die the moment He was on the receiving end of the attacks. He had exhausted his advantages of surprise attack and being the first to strike.

now, the real battle would begin, it was the start of a genuine fight. ten soldiers versus a six years old. the soldiers might be able to live on as a free men, but their carrier had been sealed today.

'to be single handedly massacred by a kid, which squad would still be able to normally work after that ?'

the Leader of the squad was thirty to forty years-old man, He had thin beard and moustache neatly covering the lower part of his face. robust posture, neatly combed black short hair, and wore a full body armour made of bronze. a tall-charismatic leader.

He had a

haggard expression on his face.

"have You done jumping like the extinct frogs ?"

the Leader tried to buy times. He needed his men to encircle Mada, and for reinforcements to arrive. They should have been noticed by now, there were commotion outside for half a minute or so.

"do not think You can buy for more time, it will never be enough for You to keep Your life."

Mada immediately continued his delayed slaughter. now He aimed at the leader.

unsurprisingly, He couldn't one hit the Leader like his dead underlings, Yes, the man was also an Evolver.

"You are one dangerous kid, how did You get Your hand on a Warhead core ? and this dagger, is this an artifact ?"

the Leader had been in confusion and fear for the past minutes. He had thought that The attakers were spies and asassins sent by Northern Arua confederacy. now, when He had a clear picture on who the real assailant was, His confidence came back, He was determined to wash his shame using this boy's blood.

Mada and him traded multiple attacks in three seconds, but it was clear who had the upper hand. Mada was pushed back. He was slowly loosing focus and let in some cuts and thrust. He had suffered more than ten wounds by the time the remaining soldiers encircled him, and still, his injuries kept on accumulating.

"hahahahahhahahahha !!! You are not bad at all ! no !! I can even say You are a true prodigy, a genius one among them at that. If You were from the noble clan, You must be the Mahas or Dyahs, but I believe You are just a lowly commoner. I will surely make You spit out who gave You the Warhead core along with Your artifact !!!!!!"

upon finishing his lines, He swung one leg up high by doing a 360 degrees turning around.

it was so fast that Mada did not have time to dodge. with equal power as his, Mada small body that was jumping in mid air was sent flying, and then crushing on the wooden wall, followed by rolling on the hard Icy ground, dusty ash flew across his falling path.

"take him into custody, we will make him pay the price for killing our comrades, I will not let him have an easy-painless death, go !"

his remaining subordinates, two of them were Evolver, run towards Mada's current position.

Mada took the hit head on,

'it hurt as f*ck !!!!! damnit !'

He grumbled, fresh red liquid poured out from the top of his head, mouth, and cut wounds. His body felt sore all over. but He had to stand.

faster, He should finish this last devotion towards his mother.

this.... would be his last hurrah.

in his blurred views. Nine people run toward him. He could felt the aura of Evolver among them

'this seems the furthest I can go, I will be with You soon mother, please wait for me there....'

his mother smile, the only thing He desperately wanted to see in his last moment. He could crystal-clear saw it in his memory. and that, was the trigger for another massacre.

Mada softly recited the poem written on the leaf parchment, one of the two last legacies left behind by his mother. eventhough He did not fully understand what it was talking about. He just wanted his mother in heaven to know, that She was the only queen in his heart.

"çri naranatha kastawaniran dinakharasama digjaya prabhu"

(Soaring melodious song of praise of the king)

"bhrastan catru banun tamiçra sahane bhuwana rinawasan nareçwara"

(He kills enemies like the sun pierce through the fog)

"tusta sajjana panajamam ikanan kujana kumuda satya satwika"

(gather the country under the power of the main janma like a tunjung flower)

tears were falling from both of his eyes.

unconsciously, his body was dancing with his dagger still in his grip. the dance of dagger was completed, only the corpses of soldiers remained.

[Dance of Heavenly emperor : shockwave]



to be continued