Chapter 12 : Eternal Scar

[Dance of Heavenly emperor : shockwave]


[Mutation Type : Body Transformation]

[Special trait : Adaptation]


Mada saw every motions around him had slowed down. no sound could be heard

to the point that He thought time had stopped while only him could move, although his movements right now did not even come from his own consciousness.

his entire nerve system had numbed, his minds was in total chaos, a hammering headache punched on his skull. He did not understand what was happening anymore.

his body which seemed to be controlled by an external force, felt like a puppet controlled by the support of strings. He determined that it was better to just abide by the flow.

He decided to close his eyes so that the current dizziness and disorientation did not gnaw more on his sanity.

when He did, He could at last feel a tinge of the remaining sensation on his skin. He sensed that His overall body's capability had grown ten times stronger than before.

as expected from someone who had been going through the process of Mutation.

as an Evolver, He got the most common type, Mutation Type : Body Transformation. and yet his special trait was the only thing that did not make any sense to him.

all of these informations pertaining his acquired skill was something that was bombarded only to an Evolver brain.

'what does this Adaptation mean ? does it make me able to live on every environment ? what use does it have in battle ?'

He questioned his own power, He forgot that unconsciously, few minutes ago, He just magically walked over to his first target with no sound and without being seen by anyone. his desire to kill the Intelligence squad members quitely, fast and clean, was the main driver for these two phenomenons to be created by his unique Special Trait.


when Mada opened his eyes once more, He saw his hand was moving on its own to make down-straight slash, it then created a shockwave that cut through everything from top to bottom, twenty meters straightaway from his current spot.

His hand then continued to make another slash, now, diagonally from bottom left, to upper right. it was targeted towards three o'clock direction.

it did not end there.

once more, His hand automatically and diagonally, made a cut in space from upper right to bottom left, this time it was directed towards nine o'clock.

at last, He horizontally cut everything around him in full cycle.

those who approached him, had been sent to their creator. there were many collateral damages, but the Young Mada did not really care, his goal for today was more important than these bystanders.

from his tail sight, He could see the Leader was running away towards Brahu main gate.

the leader successfully entered the wall, He shot a manic looks towards Mada : fear, glad, anxiety, panic, relief, all mixed in one.

a smirk was on the Intelligence leader's face just before the gate was closed.

the Leader indirectly wanted to tell Mada, that his revenge had failed and his aim was unsuccessful.

because He had safely entered Brahu gate, thus the leader, the last member of the Intelligence squad, was scatheless.

in which He couldn't be more mistaken than this.


Mada was expressionless, a poker face hung on his face.

Mada Special Trait, which had allowed him to launch his surprise attack on them just minutes ago, was still activated. in addition, He was still in his psychotic and ecstatic state because of the poem power.

without much thought, He gave chase for the Leader squad, in a fraction of one second, Mada's body had successfully slipped through pass the Brahu main gate.

whereupon from the spectators point of view, He seemed just appeared out of thin air inside the wall.

in there, the moment the squad Leader saw a silhouette flying behind his head. before He even turned to face it. his neck had been slit open, leaving a straight red line on the Leader's neck.

"You enjoyed my mother's body and sorrow, this time, I will enjoy butchering Your body and observing Your misery, sure to stay alive. hehe."

a long wide, creepy smile, was painted on the innocent Mada face.

for a split second, twenty slashes of dagger had been swung. Leaving only Mada's hand afterimages in their paths.

Mada did butchered the Intelligence squad Leader's body part by part.

ten first slashes for all fingers. five slashes afterward for the genital, two hands and legs, and lastly, five slashes more for eyes, ears and nose.

before the Leader's consciousness left his body, Mada had given him literal hell. a painful death He deserved.

right after a minute, the reinforcements came pouring from the wall and from the nearest barrack. They had been noticed that there was a skrimish on the northern gate.

before They arrived at the site and saw him, Mada had already anticipated them. He had no choice but fight to the bitter end.

He had arrived in the path of no return.

He thoughtlessly had come inside the wall, thus, essentially trapping Himself in.

but He stood his ground, He did not plan on backing down. He would kill as many soldiers as He could before having his last breath. He might not be able to repay his debt to old man Wirya. but that was fine, the wise old man would surely understand.

before Mada made his last jump into the middle of the incoming army. a slouch back appeared and blocked his path, covering all his view.

a voice Mada had familiarized with could be heard from his front.

"don't You dare die on me kiddo. You still have to pay me back, don't You?."

coarse and rugged, old voice.

"You have done enough for Your mother, now, it is time to go home....."

old man Wirya had come to save the day.

a brilliant light shot up towards the sky. the army reacted by preparing the artifacts They brought with them. They did not know what that was, but still convinced it should be some kind of activated artifact.

the boy and old man vanished from the scene, like smoke dissipating in the air.

never to be found again.


550 AJ, old man Wirya shack. Se-Panjang district.

Mada still refused and argued against the old man demand, His request was so difficult for him to accept.

"why ? just why old man ? why did You give Your deserved favor to Your nephew ? who You did not even meet for so long ? is it worth the sacrifice ? You know that I could give my life for You right. just say it, You want artifacts ? I will give them to You. I do not have them ? I will steal some and hand them over to You. You want some sexy chicks ? I will rent them from the red light district and bring them here, You want Your fill until You can eat no more ? consider it done... I will do anything if it was for You but... You want this favor to be given to someone else ? ....I can not understand."

Mada shaked his head.

Rani was beautiful, charming and attractive, if He was not in debt He would happily accepted this request and went away with her. Mada had already entered the phase of puberty. this sort of interest is nothing to be surprised of.

still, He was not a degenerate and ungrateful kid. He might be rough, nasty, sly , and poor but He was still a responsible fellow. if He did not fulfill this favor, it would stain the honor of his mother. who was known as kind, caring and honest.

Rani cut in between them. She interjected Their debate because She did not want to waste more precious time. She was still in the run. the envoy of the Northern Arua confederacy had been waiting for her to be sent to their domain.

She would surely be dragged back to be used as a cheap political bargain if She was captured by the Amoksa Intelligence squad. She could slaughter hundreds of them but it would be just delaying the inevitable. They would certainly send the Evolver division if it had come to that phase. by then, not even her uncle could protect her

"Mada, I do not wish to force You to become my bodyguard. but I do need someone as company in my journey, especially people with high battle prowess in whom I can put my trust, just like You."

Rani put on a wishful expression on her face. She looked alluring and cuter than ever.

"in my own opinion, You are stronger and even more experienced than me Mada. my survival probability would be higher if You were to go with me. in exchange, I will give You all my share of these three stolen artifacts. how does that sound to You.?"

Rani even gave up her father's stolen artifacts.

She knew that Mada attack power and his fighting capability were higher and more valuable than these artifacts. with Mada but without the artifacts, They could still survive, albeit it would be much more difficult. on the contraty, without Mada, even with the three artifacts presented. She was still unlikely to survive.

"what about old man Wirya ? doesn't it mean we have to leave him all by himself ? I'm indebted to him, I would prefer to take care of him than to have those artifacts. I am satisfied with the ones left behind by my late mother. You can keep them all for Yourself."

Mada still refused to go.

"Mada. listen to me, I do not wish to lower myself by being worried by a brat like You. I can take care of myself. and this is my genuine request. You are indebted to me, but I do have my own debt. and that was towards Rani's mother. I would like to repay it by helping my nephew out of her current predicament. if You want to repay my favor, consider helping Rani to be the only way. can you understand now ?"

old man Wirya's gesture was half pleading.

He explained his case for Mada to understand. hoping that Mada would finally agree with his request. in which Mada indeed agreed to. He eventually give in and stopped being stubborn.

"alright, alright !!!!! I give up. sure. let's go now. You do not like my presence geezer ? fine. You want me to be Your bodyguard princess ? fine!!! whatever suits You two, let's just get the f*ck out of here."

Mada rose both hands and stood up from his seat. He was really prepared to go.

"do You still want these artifacts ? "

Rani tried to tease the fed up Mada, who shamlessly received her teasing head on.

"give them to me."

grab !

He hoarded all three of them.

"wow mr. tough life, I didn't expect You were this shameless."

Rani grunted to wards him

"this is only my down payment. understand ?"

Mada gave Rani a blinking eye

"say what ? hold on. They are just down payment ? what will You ask to settle this then ?" Rani felt goosebump when She thought about what the nine years old Mada would want.

"I will think of it later. I will rise or lower my price depending on our journey difficulty, fair enough right ?"

"hahhhhh.... alright Mada, let's hope I would not be the one indebted instead of You repaying Your debt to uncle Wirya."

Rani a had long sigh and felt She was the one who suffered the loss.

"before You two move out. let me give You a gift so Your safety can be enhanced even by a little bit. open your palm..... here..."

old man Wirya brought out a circle metal. on the middle of it, there was a pure-clean transparent crystal.

"this is teleportation artifact. it can be used twice in a row, but the recharging time is the main issue. it will take exactly a month before it can be used again , it will teleport You to destinations You had visited instantly, anywhere on earth. this is the most precious artifact I have. and it was originally owned by Rani's mother. She gave it to me before She married my brother. it has helped me and kept me alive from the many battlefields I have gone through, I give it back to You so You may have one more means to retreat in the face of unbearable dangers."

the old man looked pleased when Rani hold her mother artifact in her hands.

"thank You uncle. thank You so much. You are a million times better than my father. how I wish I shared your blood instead of him. me and mother would surely live a different life if that was the case."

Rani eyes teared up a little when She examined her mother legacy.

"if You already had all You need, go now. the Intelligence squad is likely already on their way here. I will try my best to buy You more time. but do not expect too much. go.... and may the Ancient Humans lead Your path"

the old man prayed to the heaven. in his heart, He was deeply moved that the previous wish He thought would never happen about these two children being friend, was now actually granted.

so He deliberated that it might not be in vain if his other wish could also be granted.

'these two children. may They have a safe journey. may They be together in life, and in death. for Their loneliness these entire time can be cured by each other presence. for their fate to be tied together. They may be separated for sometimes but, pure and sacred love will pull them back closer, again and again. may They have a bright future. may They find true happiness.'


Mada and Rani waved their hands. their figures had become tiny. They had been far away.

"we will come back in three years !!!!!!! I promise !!!! stay safe and healthy until we returned !!!!"

Mada gave his farewell.

"see You again, uncle...."


to be continued