Sign of Changes

"I want to be your student," I said and waited for the old man's response, but all he could give me was that disinterested look. "I promise I will never let you down once you take me under your guidance." Mr. Astors shook his head and said,

"Kid, go and play around. Don't waste my time." Right, I wasn't expecting him to accept my request outrightly. Moreover, he was in a foul mood.

"Please, Mr. Astors!" I pleaded because I knew I might not find another chance to convince him otherwise. But all he could give me was a dismissive wave.

And just when I thought now I couldn't do anything, his phone rang. Mr. Astor took out his phone from his pocket and was about to receive the call, the device fall from his hand and landed near my feet. Without thinking twice I bent down and picked up the phone in my hand, but when my eyes caught the glimpse of the caller ID, it had me momentarily frozen on the spot.

It was none other than Neil, my classmate. There was a photo of him and the name was saved as 'grandchild'. Coming out of my trance like state, I handed him the phone and he mumbled a 'thank you', then he walked away.

My mind was occupied by what I saw. Neil Astors and Mr. Eragon Astors were related...Of course, it made sense! They both shared the same last names after all! Now I knew what I needed to do was to ask Neil's help to convince his grandpa. But why would he help the loser me...? The more I thought the more I realised how problematic I was.

Mr. Eragon was gone while I was standing still at the exit gate, sailing in the wave of my ideas and thoughts. And of course, my dear aunt who had the ability to appear out of nowhere, came.

"Raine dear, what are you doing here standing all alone?" Raine dear? DEAR?! My aunt's sweet and concerned approach made me blink my eyes in confusion. It was a nice feeling, to hear the concern in my aunt's voice. Did she change for the better, I wondered. But just then she proved me wrong with the change of her tone "You dare lying to me, little girl!?" She grabbed my wrist putting so much force that it hurt me, but what hurt me the most was my realisation– that I was just a stupid little girl who never learnt to stop having hopes.

This was not the first time when my Aunt had started the conversation with a sweet approach only to end it with her harsh and cruel ways. This was not the first time when I fall for her trick, and this wasn't the last time either, I knew of it. Because end of the day, I was the stupid little girl who never knew where to stop. I wondered why though...Was it because I was so desperate to have one loving gesture directed toward me...?

I knew lying was bad, my mother had taught me that when she was still alive. But if I had said the truth, no one would have let me come out. "Aunt, I was just–"

"What? You were just what? Tell me the truth, were you just chatting with some boy? WERE YOU?!" Her voice attracted attention but she couldn't care less about it.

"N-no, of course not," I responded meekly while facing the ground because I knew better not to look into her eyes while conversing with her.

She grabbed my shoulder from both sides and said, "Listen, little girl, I know what games you are playing, but trust me it will be better if you don't try anything funny. Because believe me when I say it'll take less than a word from me and you will be grounded in a room for the rest of your life. Or worst, married off to a rich Oldman." I always wanted to know how does she came up with such vicious words.

In past, I might have cried upon hearing such things but now I was used to it. Moreover, I was more interested in thinking of a way to establish a contact with the music coach. And hence, I said, "Sorry, Aunt. I will not repeat the same mistake again." Because playing by her book was the only option I had at the moment.

"Now that you don't have an appetite, put on a smile and follow me to the car. We are going home now." Aunt commanded me as she texted my uncle about her decision of going home, and I did as I was told to.


Back home, It was already half past 11 at night when I was in my room sitting on the chair while looking outside the window–Thinking nothing and everything at the same time. Just then I heard a knock on my door, and then someone came inside. I knew it was brother John because by now, everyone else must be asleep.

He walked toward me and hugged my shoulder just for a few seconds, but it was enough to take me by surprise. Then he took my hand in his own and looked at the certain red marks which were caused by how forcefully my aunt had grabbed my hand at the hotel. His jaw tightened, and something flickered in his eyes. Was it the anger note that I saw in his gaze...? Before I could figure it out, that certain emotion had already disappeared without any traces.

"Aunt created a scene at the hotel, didn't she," He stated as a matter of the fact. "That's why I always tell you to be careful and play by her book." He took something out of his pocket, it was an ointment I realised. He carefully applied the ointment on my wrist, and then he let go of my hand. "Be careful, Raine," and then he added one more word to my surprise, "Please," And just like that he walked away.

When he was on the doorstep, I heard him saying, "Oh right! I forgot to tell you about your exams!" Exam? This one word was enough to make me lose my mind. "I got the notice from your school, it says your exam is to be held from the day after tomorrow." D-Day after tomorrow? Why?! Why without any prior notice?! "You okay, little sister?" Brother asked me seeing the 'This-is-the-end-of-this-world' look on my face.

"Y-yeah, absolutely!" I replied to him while trying to surpass the uneasiness in my heart. He chuckled at my response.

"Doesn't seem so," He then said, "If you need any help then you can knock on my door you know,"

"Trust me, I'll manage," I assured him and he shrugged his shoulders, tossed something toward me and finally went out of my room. That 'something' was a chocolate bar. I looked at my hand where he had applied the ointment and then I glanced at the chocolate which he just gave me. My brother...he was different today...or it was just my imagination?