The first fan

I often had this question–Who was that bored person who decided to invent exam out of boredom? Oh, the unfair life...

Due to the exams, classes were off. The teachers had asked the students to do self-study wherever they please. I was in the playground area of my school, absent-mindedly turning the pages and thinking all the nonsense of the world. Then I heard a voice that was directed to me.

"Hey, DiCaprio! How are you doing?" It was Annie, a very nice girl. She was always kind and friendly to me. But I never returned her gesture. I often tried to run away from her because I was not allowed to make friends.

"I'm doing well, thanks." I replied then shifted my attention toward the book in my hand. I should have at least asked about her wellbeing...

"Preparing for exam... I see," She commented, then to my surprise, she sat down next to me. "Let's study together!"

"I–I am not sure if you will benifit from studying with me. I think I'll fail." I admitted the embarrassing fact.

"That's when I come, don't I? Don't worry, I'll help you pass this exam!" She was very kind, but why such kindness toward me? I didn't realise since how long I have been starring at her.

"What? Stop looking at me as if I have some ulterior motive! I want to help because I'm your fan!"

"M-my fan...?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes! I have been your fan since the first time I heard you singing when we were just in ninth grade. I even tried to befriend you, but you showed no intrest in that..." Then she said, "Now I can understand why though. Your family...they are kinda off."

Kinda off? I laughed at her declaration. "Thank you, for appreciating my music."

And the study began in the guidence of Annie. She marked down the important questions from exam point of view. She even shared her secret tricks to memorize the answers.

"Oh, look who is studying here!" I heard a mocking voice and turned my head to find who that person was. It was William, Neil's friend. As usual, he wasn't alone but with his group. However, Samantha, the only girl in their group was absent.

"I thought you would be running around the music class and saying teachers that Neil is calling them," Of course he would be angry for the deed I committed that day and got them into the detention. I looked at Neil with the apologetic eyes, but he couldn't care less about it.

"Can't you see we are studying? Please don't disturb us." Annie said as she low-key glared at William. The boy smirked at that.

I needed to befriend Neil, so that he could help me to convince Mr. Eragon Astors. "Maybe they are here to study as well," I softly murmured. "If that's the case then you all can join us, guys."

William seemed almost ready to join the study session, but Neil had disinterest flashed all over his face. "Sorry, can't join. My brother here seems to not like your idea." William said as he put his arm around Neil's shoulder.

Annie shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly as she wasn't bothered about whether they join us or not. Meanwhile I, who was in the desperate need of gaining Neil's favor, said,

"Join us, Neil,"

For some reason, everyone looked at me with surprise in their eyes. While Derek, another friend of Neil started to whistle some tune.

"Oo lala!" Derek sequeled then he came forward. "Now that DiCaprio has personally invited Neil, we must join!"

However Neil just looked at me suspiciously, and walked away without saying anything at all. Rude boy. Since Neil didn't stayed, there was no reason for his friends to stay. They too walked away.

I sighed at my failed attempt to befriend the rude boy.

"Since when you are on the first name basis with Neil Astors?" I heard Annie asking.

First name basis? Bruh! We barely talk. "No, we don't call by eachother's first names." I simply replied to her.

"But you did call him by his first name!" Annie claimed.

I did that? When? Is that why all of them were looking at me with surprised eyes and Derek was whistling and all?

"That's right." Annie, as if reading my mind, confirmed my guess. Then she asked, "So far I remember, you stay away from even the shadow of our classmates. Specially if it's a boy. So what has changed that you were behaving as if those boys were your buddies since childhood?"

"Well I..." What was I supposed to say? "I, I just wanted to be nice and polite with them?" I said and she smiled.

"You are a bad liar, Raine," She stated.

I sighed. "Okay, I'll tell you the truth. You know I love music. Actually, I live for music. And you might have guessed that my family doesn't support my dream to be a musician. One day something happened, and I was almost ready to give up on everything..." I narrated her the entire story in brief. How Neil's ringtone gave me the strength to chase after my dream. And how the person I want to learn music from turned out to be Neil's grandpa.

Annie heard everything with intrest then at the end, she said, "Man, that's hell lot a problem!" And I gave her a 'tell me about it' look in response.

"Alright then, I should leave now, else you know the consequences I will face." I said and she nodded in understanding. Then we exchanged goodbyes and parted our ways.


Thanks to Annie, I'll do just fine in my exam. She is really nice girl, isn't she? Moreover she is my fan! My first freaking fan!

'Don't you think you should be friends with her?' came the voice of my brain whom I had named as Mini out of affection. But if I were to be honest, my brain Mini had no brain at all.

"Shut up, Mini. Don't you remember uncle had said– no friends, no music. Only study!" I mumbled to no one in particular, but I'm sure Mini must have heard it.

It's very bad habit to talk with ourselves while on the road. But meh!

'But you are taking the risk of pursuing music so why not make a good friend too?' came the question from my brain.

Actually my brain made some sense for the very first time. "Not bad, Mini, but you better keep quiet now. We are almost home."