Prologue part 2

The smoke and dust that covered the entire castle during the explosion slowly dissipated. There stood Nijisaki Ken with blood all over his body. Half of the dragon body protecting him disappeared, and the Divine Dress he was wearing was also partially destroyed.

"Hahaha... amazing! You can survive my attack!" Azael laughed out loud after seeing Ken's condition.

"Is that your divine power? Won't you lose your divine power after you descend to this continent?" Ken was shocked after feeling the power in Azael's attack.

"Yes, that's true. We gods who fall into this world will lose our divine power. But that doesn't apply to me. Because I can restore my lost divine power." Azael said it while raising his hand, and his sword emitted a jet black light mixed with purple.

"Resist my attacks again if you can! This time I will use all my divine power!" Azael's body was enveloped in a thick purple-black light and circled him like a tornado.

"Yes, this will be my last attack as well. This is the fighting spirit of my friends who died in the war to protect this world and me. A beautiful and colorful world even though it's not my world!" Ken said it with determination as well as sadness on his face.

Ken gripped his sword tightly while pouring out all his remaining power. He suddenly remembered his friends who had also been summoned to this world and had sacrificed in that war. Tears flowed from Ken's eyes without him knowing it.



They both slashed their swords at the same time. The black flash of light collided with the 7-colored light.


An explosion bigger than before could be seen with the naked eye from the edge of the continent. The strong vibrations could be felt like an earthquake due to the collision of the two forces. The mushroom smoke soared many times higher and bigger than before. The floating castle and island were destroyed without a trace. There was only rubble and smoke covering the two of them.

"Ughh!'re great, hero. But are you sure you're satisfied with a win like this?" Azael said and coughed up blood several times.

"I don't know if I'm satisfied or not. But, if I could go back in time, then I would choose to save my friends over this world." Ken answered honestly.

"Hahaha...even for us gods going back in time is impossible. Hey, do you think this world is really beautiful and colorful?" Azael asked Ken a strange question.

"Why are you suddenly asking that?" Ken was confused why Azael suddenly asked something like that. As the smoke and dust dissipated, what could be seen was Azael with an incomplete body. Only his head and right arm remained. While Ken is better, he can still stand even though he is covered in blood and has lost his right hand.

"This world is beautiful and colorful not because of the natural scenery or the people who inhabit it but because we have something to feel and enjoy all of these things." Azael started to say words that Ken didn't understand.

"What are you saying?" Ken became even more confused hearing what Azael said.

"Not because the world is colored, so it looks beautiful. But because we have color to see the beauty of the world." Azael kept saying something hard to understand.

"You..." But Ken began to realize the meaning of Azael's words.

Azael smiled when he saw the expression on Ken's face and continued his speech. His fingertips slowly moved to form a very complex magic circle.

"But what if the person loses their color? Does he still think this world is beautiful?" Azael asked in a serious tone this time.

"You're crazy..." Finally, Ken fully understood what Azael meant. Color is a human emotion and determines how they see the world. When their color disappears, they see the world as black and white, and they also can't feel anything from their surroundings or the people around them.

Azael just smirked at his reaction. Ken felt a chill down his spine after imagining what Azael was about to do.

"This is my parting gift, hero. We may meet again in the future. Hahaha..." Azael laughed loudly, and a giant magic circle was formed with Ken as the center. Hundreds of magic chains came out of the magic circle and restrained Ken.

"What have you done!?" Ken screamed hysterically because he felt something had changed with his body.

"Hahaha... This is a forbidden curse spell that I cast with the rest of my holy power and life force. Even in the divine realm, this spell was considered dangerous and forbidden to its users. But since I'm going to die soon, this doesn't matter to me. This spell cannot be destroyed even if the spell user or the target dies." Azael laughed with satisfaction seeing Ken, chained by his spell.

"What kind of curse is this!?" Ken frantically asked Azael while trying to free himself from the magic chains that locked him. But all his efforts were in vain because after one chain was destroyed, a new magic chain would quickly appear and lock him up again.

"Hehe... Didn't I say it before? What if someone who thought the world was beautiful suddenly lost its color? I don't mean the sight, but something much more important and you should understand?" Azael chuckled.

"You!" Ken shuddered at the thought of what would happen to him.

"You're right! You will lose all your colors, your emotions! Love, fear, hatred, sadness, and all the emotions you have. So how does a doll see this world? Hahaha..." Azael laughed heartily at Ken as he kept pouring His divine power to the last drop.

A big hand came out from the magic circle that Azael created. The hand moved quickly and stabbed into Ken's heart, but no blood came out. The hand slowly pulled something. Threads of various colors slowly flow out of Ken's body.

"Urgh! Don't ever expect you to take it from me!" Ken shouted, trying to fight back.

Ken pulled back the magic hand that was about to pull the colorful threads from his body with one hand remaining. He released the last of his strength to fight. But unfortunately, this spell was made with divine power and the remnants of Azael's life. So all his efforts were in vain.

"Hahahaha... Don't do anything pointless, hero. That's enough for your struggle. See you in the future!"

[Colorless God Curse]

"Aaaahhhh!" Ken felt like something was missing from him. Something very important. Little by little, holes formed inside him as the magic hand pulled the colorful threads from Ken's body. The magic hand pulled the colorful threads into the magic circle.


"Aaaarrrggghhhhhhhhh!" Ken's scream echoed throughout the sky of the Clorius continent.