Chapter 4

Ziel slowly opened his eyes and woke up from his sleep. What he first saw was a ceiling that looked foreign to him. He still wasn't used to his new room even though it had been a week since he had become the butler for Princess Elise.

During Ziel's work as a butler for Princess Elise, he didn't meet many people other than Princess Elise, Princess Aishia, one of the maids who served her, and Princess Aishia's guardian knight. He never even met the King and Queen. It was because the King and Queen were too busy dealing with the matters of the Argaint Kingdom, and they were currently on a political visit to another kingdom.

Princess Freya had returned to the Aurelia Kingdom after the servant's selection ended. But it looks like he will come again on Princess Aishia's birthday next month.

"It's time to do my job." He muttered softly. Then he got out of bed and intended to take a shower.

The only job he had to do was get up early, bring breakfast from the palace chef to Princess Elise and prepare everything she needed. The most challenging thing was to wake Princess Elise from her sleep. After Ziel neatly dressed his butler's uniform, he walked from his room towards Princess Elise's room. Accidentally, he ran into someone he knew while walking down the castle corridor.

"Hey, servant! After serving Princess Elise, come to the garden behind the castle and spar with me! This time you have to accept it. Otherwise, I'll be bothering you all the time." Theodore said coldly to Ziel. She is Princess Aishia's guardian knight and seems to hate Ziel. Theodore often invites him to spar, but Ziel always refuses.

Theodore walked again and left Ziel without waiting for his answer. Ziel had recently learned that Theodore was a swordsman at the 'Intermediate Knight' level. He is also Princess Aishia's childhood friend. He has affection for Princess Aishia and senses the threat from Ziel that suddenly appears. Theodore was afraid that Ziel would take his beloved Princess.

"Troublesome man." Ziel sighed heavily.

Ziel quickly headed to Princess Elise's room. After he reached Princess Elise's room, Ziel knocked three times, but there was no answer from inside.

"Princess, are you awake? It's noon, and you need to get up and have breakfast. If there is still no answer, I apologize for my impudence for entering your room without permission." Ziel called out to Princess Elise from the front of her room.

Ziel slowly opened the door to Princess Elise's room. He saw Princess Elise still sleeping soundly in her bed in her cute nightgown. Then Ziel opened the curtains so the sunlight could enter the room and shine on Princess Elise's face.

"Sis!...Sis!...sob...sob." Princess Elise mumbled while tightly hugging her pillow. Ziel saw tears running down her cute face. He did not know what dream caused the 10-year-old girl to cry.

"What is she dreaming about? Could it be..." Ziel muttered under his breath to not be heard by Princess Elise.

Then Ziel shook his head to shake off what he just thought. All of that had nothing to do with him. The most important thing now was to wake this little Princess.

"Princess, please wake up. It's already noon. If you don't wake up, then Princess Aishia will wake you up." Ziel once again woke Princess Elise from her slumber.

"No! Don't call sister! You're so mean, Ziel!" After hearing what Ziel had said, Princess Elise quickly got up from her bed and shouted.

Finally, Princess Elise got up from her bed and threw her pillow at him. But Ziel caught it easily. Princess Elise didn't notice that the traces of her tears were still on her face. Ziel only glanced at her briefly and ignored her.

"You better take a shower and change clothes, Princess. Because Princess Aishia is waiting for you in the dining room, you know she won't eat until you come, right?" Ziel reminded Princess Elise.

"I understand! I'm going to take a shower and change clothes. You can leave now!" Princess Elise said shyly and her cheeks slightly blushed.

"Okay. I'll go and wait for you in the dining room, Princess." Ziel came out of Princess Elise's room and closed the door slowly. He rushed to the dining room, where Princess Aishia was already waiting.


Ziel immediately received a fierce glare full of hostility upon arriving at the dining room. That person was Theodore, Princess Aishia's guardian knight. Ziel ignored his gaze and walked towards Princess Aishia, sitting and waiting in front of the dining table. Before Ziel could open his mouth, Princess Aishia spoke first.

"Is Elise awake, Ziel?" Princess Aishia asked softly.

"Princess Elise was awake, and she was taking a shower when I left her room, Princess Aishia." Ziel lowered his head to Princess Aishia and answered her question.

"She's hard to wake up as usual, isn't she??" Princess Aishia smiled at Ziel. Not far from the dining table, Theodore was mesmerized by that smile, but Ziel was indifferent to it.

"It has become part of my duty, Princess Aishia." Ziel said flatly.

"You're too stiff, Ziel. Ooh, I heard that you'll be accompanying Theo to sparring after breakfast, is that right?" Princess Aishia suddenly remembered something and asked Ziel.

Ziel glanced at Theodore, who was standing not far from him. He could only sigh in his heart before he answered Princess Aishia's question.

"That's right, Princess Aishia. This morning the guardian knight Theodore asked me to accompany him to sparring. He said he had no problem with my mediocre swordsmanship." Ziel explained it briefly.

"Is that so? Please don't get hurt. If you get hurt, Elise will be mad at me." Princess Aishia said worriedly.

"You don't have to worry, Princess. This is just sparring, and I won't be using my full strength." Theodore responded arrogantly to Princess Aishia's words. This made Princess Aishia even more worried.

"Thank you for your generosity." Ziel lowered his head to Theodore.

"Good morning, Sis! Let's hurry up and eat! I'm already hungry!" Princess Elise greeted Princess Aishia cheerfully.

The little Princess finally came. After the two princesses sat on their chairs and started eating their breakfast, Ziel made tea and prepared dessert. When they finished eating, Ziel would serve it to them.

After the Princess sisters finished their breakfast and dessert, they went to the garden behind the castle. Princess Aishia and Princess Elise walked in front while chatting happily. Ziel and Theodore walked behind them. Ziel could see Theodore's evil smile next to him.