Chapter 17

Princess Aishia was safe and sound without the slightest scratch on that spot. A gray barrier in the shape of a tortoise shell protected him from the fire spear's attack. Not only was Erigos shocked, but even Princess Aishia was also shocked by what had happened. He looked at his wrist because the bracelet he was wearing was shining with gray light. It was the bracelet Ziel had given her that protected her from the attack.

"Thank you, Ziel." Princess Aishia smiled widely. She quickly understood what had happened earlier. She involuntarily burst into tears after knowing that. Ziel still protected her even though he wasn't with her.

Princess Aishia felt very happy and was no longer afraid because there was a bracelet that Ziel gave her that would protect her. She remembered what Ziel had said that night "The bracelet will protect you when you are in danger". Princess Aishia didn't expect the bracelet's power to be this great because the previous attack was strong enough to turn her into ashes.

"Hee... You seem to have something interesting that can create a barrier around you." Erigos smiled as he rubbed his chin and looked at the barrier protecting Princess Aishia.

"I don't need to answer a demon like you. How dare you do this to the people of my kingdom!" Princess Aishia shouted angrily at Erigos. She gritted her teeth to hold back the tears about to spill because she was sad to see many of her people killed by Erigos.

"Hahaha... There's something wrong with what you said. Firstly, I am not a demon, and my race is nobler than those lowly beings. Second, My name is Erigos of the 'God Domain'. I am only here to carry out the mission that has been given to me, and it is a secret mission. Since the thing I'm looking for is in your kingdom's territory, I have to destroy it first so I can more easily find what I'm looking for." Erigos unhesitatingly explained her identity and purpose in coming to the Argaint Kingdom.

"What!? Shouldn't you be able to find that thing without having to kill people from my kingdom!?" Princess Aishia couldn't suppress her anger anymore. She suddenly cast a spell on Erigos.

[Mercury Spear]

Princess Aishia opened two magic circles on her body, and a third magic circle faintly started to form. Dozens of spears of mercury shot towards Erigos. But Erigos just laughed at the attack.

"Hahaha... Good! Please show me how strong you are. After that, I will show you how helpless you are in front of our race!" Erigos also released her spell to block Princess Aishia's attack.

[Fire Wall]

In front of Erigos suddenly appeared a massive wall of fire withstanding the attack from Princess Aishia. The mercury spear instantly melted when it touched the flames.

"Hahaha... So it's just like this your strength? Is this your only strength? Then, I'll try how strong the barrier protecting you is!" Erigos laughed as she launched another attack at Princess Aishia.

[Thunder Strike]


Dozens of lightning struck the barrier protecting Princess Aishia. But nothing happened, and not even the barrier was scratched. Erigos was surprised to see Princess Aisha safe and sound inside the turtle shell. He had no idea how strong the barrier was.

On the other hand, Princess Aishia was also shocked. At first, she thought the barrier would be destroyed. But it turned out that the tortoise shell was stronger than she had imagined. The barrier didn't even shake a bit after receiving Erigos' attack.

(Who are you, Ziel? You give me item like this easily)

Princess Aishia said in her heart. The more she thought, the more she became curious about Ziel's true identity.

"No way! Even that barrier didn't move in the slightest?!" Erigos shouted in disbelief at the scene before her.

"You better give up! You will not be able to break this barrier!" Princess Aishia said confidently. But in her heart, she didn't know how far this barrier could last.

"Let's see how long your barrier can last against my attacks!" Erigos grinned as he continued to cast his spell.

[Thunder Strike]

[Fire Tower]


Erigos instantly let out his two most potent spells continuously. A pillar of fire accompanied by lightning struck Princess Aishia's barrier. Even the impact of the attack could be felt throughout the city. But again, Erigos was taken aback. The shield that protected Princess Aishia remained intact from that combined attack.

"What kind of barrier is that!? I had used all my strength on the previous attack, but the barrier didn't even move an inch. Is that thing you have a Saint Rank artifact? Impossible! Where did this kingdom get something like that!?" Erigos became more and more curious about the object in Princess Aishia's hand.

Erigos' full attack could injure a human with a Sage or Saint-level power. But the barrier in front of him wasn't even scratched. Erigos could only be angry about it. Meanwhile, Princess Aishia breathed a sigh of relief that the barrier didn't break. She had been afraid of Erigos' attack earlier, but once again, she had underestimated the power of the barrier.

"Didn't I tell you before that you can't break this barrier?" Princess Aishia spoke with a smile. She was happy to see Erigos looking frustrated.

"Don't be too confident in yourself, chick!" Erigos shouted angrily because he felt humiliated by Princess Aishia's smile.

"And now you're angry at not being able to break this barrier? You are a little man." Princess Aishia keeps mocking Erigos to make him even angrier.

"Hehe... do you think that's the only card I have?" Erigos said with an evil smile.

"What do you mean?" Princess Aishia suddenly frowned upon seeing Erigos' smile.

"Bring it here!" Erigos shouted at his subordinates.

Two winged men carried a large box covered in cloth. Princess Aishia felt a terrible feeling after seeing that thing.

"What is that?" Princess Aishia subconsciously asked.

"Are you curious about what's inside this thing?" Erigos said while teasing Princess Aishia.

Princess Aishia's emotions were ignited after hearing Erigos' words and the bad feelings in her heart deepened.

"Don't play with me! What's inside that box!?" Princess Aishia shouted furiously at Erigos.

"Hehehe... Since you are impatient, then open the cloth!" Erigos gave orders to his subordinates who had brought the box.

Princess Aishia's face sank after the cloth was removed, and tears flowed from her eyes. Behind the cloth was an iron cage, and inside were three unconscious girls with their hands and feet bound in iron chains.