Chapter 20

Back to when Siesta hid Ziel in the empty house and left him alone to chase after Princess Elise, Ziel slowly opened his eyes and looked around the house.

"I finally have time alone." Ziel sat down and focused on stabilizing his power seal.

Ziel is in pain due to his Magic Circle and Aura Seal constantly clashing while stabilizing the seal. He felt a burning sensation with an intense heat that he had never felt in his previous life. Ziel gradually stabilized his power seal by balancing the magic circle and aura seal to stop clashing. The seal could have stabilized if the two forces no longer clashed and could coexist.

"Haa... This wasn't easy because the magic circle and aura seal position were the same in all parts of my body. So if they stack up, they will clash again." Ziel sighed heavily.

Ziel had long had the idea of balancing his two powers. But in reality, it was not as easy as Ziel imagined. Since his magic circle and aura seals kept clashing, he had to find another way. While concentrating on his power seal, Ziel could still see and hear what was happening outside the house.

The senses will become more sensitive when one increases the number of aura seals or magic circles. Ziel was a demi-god in his previous life and possessed nine aura seals and a magic circle, so he was susceptible to his surroundings.

Ziel heard explosions, magical beast roars, and screams of people in pain. He could also see the trio of Princesses helping the injured victims, but that's none of Ziel's business. Right now, he had to focus on the balance between his Magic Circle and Aura Seal. As the two forces began to stabilize, an unexpected change suddenly occurred.

"Urgh!" Ziel groaned in overwhelming pain.

When the magic circle and aura seal were balanced, the two powers suddenly clashed violently. Ziel felt pain at the nine points on his body where aura seals and magic circles formed. After that, Ziel lost consciousness.


Not long after that, Ziel woke up from his unconscious state. He didn't know how long he had been unconscious. Ziel felt something different about him but didn't know what it was. After he checked his entire body, he felt nothing different. But when he opened his magic circle and aura seal, he was speechless.

Ziel's magic circle and aura seal became one and became a new form. Previously, Ziel's magic circle was an ancient magic circle, and his aura seal had the pattern of two coiled dragons. But after the two powers merged, the shape looked like two dragons encircling a magic circle in the center. In other words, Ziel could no longer call it a magic circle or aura seal but a magic seal.

"My magic circle and seal aura fused and mutated. With this, it can be said that the seal has stabilized completely. I will name this new form of power the Magic Seal. " Ziel nodded after checking the magic seal.

While checking his newfound power, Ziel suddenly raised his eyebrows because he felt a fireball floating above the house he was hiding in. But he ignored it and intended to do something else once the seal stabilized.

"The next step is to unseal. I don't want anything bad to happen after I unseal my power." Ziel muttered and then closed his eyes.

Nine magic seals appeared on his body. Two on his knees, two on his wrists, two on his shoulders, one on the nape of his neck, one on his chest, and the last on his forehead. At the same time, magic seals with the same pattern and number as those on his body also appeared around him. The nine magic seals floating around him had a magic chain in the center and were connected to each of the magic seals on Ziel's body. When Ziel wanted to sever the chains, he suddenly frowned as the fireball fell right on him.

"Haa..." Ziel sighed heavily after knowing that.



When everyone saw the explosion from the direction of the ruins of the house, they suddenly felt tremendous pressure from the explosion or rather from the person who caused the explosion. After the smoke and dust cleared, someone appeared from the ruins. That person was none other than Ziel. His mask was cracked in his eyes, and his face could be seen a little. There were no more burn marks on his face as the seal had stabilized. On the contrary, her skin looks very smooth and glowing.

The most striking thing about Ziel right now was his crimson colored eyes which gave off the feeling of a beast staring at its prey. Everyone in the place froze when they saw him. But there was a girl who could still speak in such a depressing situation.

"Ziel.." Princess Aishia mentioned his name softly while strolling towards him. Ziel also walked towards her. When they were very close and almost passed each other, Princess Aishia intended to tell him something.

"Ziel, what are you...." Princess Aishia was about to ask Ziel about his condition. Just when she thought Ziel would stop in front of her, Ziel walked past her without even giving her a glance like Princess Aishia never existed.

Princess Aishia froze and couldn't continue her words. Tears slowly flowed from her eyes, and she felt an excruciating pain in her chest because Ziel acted like he didn't know her. Theodore was not happy after seeing that.

"Bastard! What did you do to Princess Aishia!?" Theodore roared and slashed his sword with all his might towards Ziel.

"Noisy." Ziel said in a low voice without looking at Theodore.

An invisible force sent Theodore flying tens of meters and crashing into one of the houses.


Everyone who saw it was shocked at the sight. Theodore was a Senior Knight with four aura seals, but he was blown away helplessly without doing anything.

As Ziel walked over to where Princess Freya and the others were, Princess Elise and Siesta looked terrified when they saw Ziel's eyes. Aryana quickly stood in front of Princess Freya and the others to protect them. But when Princess Freya looked into Ziel's eyes, she trembled violently like she had been struck by lightning. It wasn't because she was afraid, but because of another feeling.

After Ziel passed Princess Freya and the others, he looked at the white-haired man floating in the sky. Erigos felt a chill run down her spine as Ziel stared at her. He subconsciously kept his distance from Ziel.

(What kind of feeling is this? Could it be that I'm afraid of him? No, it's much scarier than fear. It's like a nightmare!)

Erigos was drenched in a cold sweat, and his body couldn't stop shaking. He couldn't move his body in the slightest and was like a child being stared at by a beast.

"I don't like to talk while looking up. So..." Ziel said to Erigos that floated in the air. Then Ziel released tremendous pressure from his body.

"Come down." After Ziel said that, the tremendous pressure he released from his body knocked Erigos to the ground.

"Ugh!." Erigos groaned in pain. He tried to stand up but couldn't move his limbs at all.

"So, where should we start?" Ziel looked down at Erigos, who was slumped on the ground.