Chapter 13

The atmosphere in the living room fell silent after hearing what Duke Hazell said. After finishing his report, Raven bowed and quickly left. On the other hand, Beatrix seemed to be thinking about something.

"Is that true, honey?" The one who broke the silence was Eleanor. She was initially surprised, but after thinking about it for a while, she was relieved that the threat to her family was gone.

"Yes, that's true. I got this information directly from the spies I sent to Dugald City to look for evidence of Marquis Jacob's involvement with the crime that His Majesty is investigating." Duke Hazell nodded in response to his wife's words. Then he leaned back in the chair and took a deep breath.

"But isn't that a good thing, honey? Why do you look so worried?" Eleanor tilted her head and looked confusedly at her husband. Duke Hazell's face showed concern at the news.

"I'm so happy, honey. Our family will no longer be in danger. But..." Duke Hazell hesitated to continue his words.

"But what?" Eleanor looked at Duke Hazell curiously and waited for her husband to continue. Beatrix and Clara were also listening and wanted to know what Duke Hazell would have to say next.

"But I don't know if that person did it with good intentions or some hidden purpose." Duke Hazell said in a deep voice.

"What do you mean, honey?" Eleanor posed another question to her husband because he still didn't understand the sentence's meaning.

"What he means is... he is worried if that person aims to act terrorism in the Neigal Kingdom, then his next target could be this place. Isn't that so, Duke of Castilene?" Beatrix answered Eleanor's question in Duke Hazell's place.

"You are right." Duke Hazell replied briefly with a bitter smile.

"So, do you mean..." Eleanor's face suddenly turned pale. She finally realized what her husband was worried about.

"Yes. That's what I'm worried about. We still don't know who did it; what he did was far more dangerous than 'Dark Legacy'. In one night, he turned Marquis Jacobe's luxurious residence into a giant bottomless pit." Duke Hazell said it in a trembling voice. He was afraid to imagine what would happen if his residence had the same fate as Marquis Jacobe.

"What?!" After hearing that, Eleanor and Clara were shocked and got up from their seats. Their faces were pale, and they looked scared. Let alone them; even Beatrix felt goosebumps at the thought of that scene.

" Are you serious with your words?" Beatrix still had doubts about what Duke Hazell had said.

"I'm serious. I have to go to Dugald City to check it out this afternoon, and I'm sure His Majesty knows about it too." Duke Hazell had to personally check on the situation of Dugald City to report to King Jonathan. After all, his territory was neighboring the area ruled by Marquis Jacobe.

"You don't have to think about it too much, honey. Hopefully, it was done by someone who had a personal grudge against Marquis Jacobe and not a terrorist act against the Neigal Kingdom. I'm sure everything will be fine. But if that person comes to our territory, we'll still have Beatrix here. Therefore, you don't need to worry." Eleanor held Duke Hazell's hand and smiled reassuringly.

"Yes, honey. Thank you." Duke Hazell felt calmer after seeing his wife's smile. On the other hand, Beatrix could only smile bitterly after hearing Eleanor exaggerate her strength.

"Then, you should rest for now, Dad. So, your condition will be better before leaving for Dugald City." Clara approached Duke Hazell and hugged him from the other side of her mother. She was worried about his father's condition.

"Yes, you're right." Duke Hazell stood up from his chair and walked to his room accompanied by Eleanor and Clara.

There were only two people left in the room, Ziel and Beatrix. Ziel gave a small bow to Beatrix and turned around, wanting to go back to his room to shower and change his clothes. But Beatrix's voice stopped him.

"Can I borrow a little of your time?" Beatrix asked while sipping her tea without seeing Ziel.

"Is there anything I can help, Mrs Beatrix?" Ziel stopped his steps and looked at Beatrix.

"Before that, please sit down. It would be more comfortable if we chatted while sitting down." Beatrix pointed to the seat in front of her. Ziel didn't hesitate because he already got permission from Beatrix and immediately sat down in that chair.

"So what do you want to talk about, Mrs Beatrix?" Ziel didn't want to waste time and directly asked her purpose.

"You don't need to rush. How about we have some tea to make our conversation more comfortable?" Beatrix refilled her cup and offered Ziel tea.

"No, thanks. If nothing is important, I should go because I want to continue my work. Well then, I'll be taking my leave now. Excuse me." Ziel got up from his chair and was about to leave, but Beatrix stopped him again.

"Do you know who did it?" Beatrix glared at Ziel. She wanted to check if Ziel was lying by looking at his facial expressions and gesture.

"What do you mean?" Ziel pretends to be confused by Beatrix's question.

"You know what I mean." Beatrix narrowed her eyes at Ziel.

"I don't know." Ziel shook his head, and his face looked serious.

"I mean the one who destroyed the Marquis Jacobe's residence. Do you know who it is?" Beatrix sighed heavily and finally gave up when she saw Ziel wasn't lying.

"Why are you asking me that? I'm just a butler here. How can I know about it? You're asking the wrong person." Ziel said calmly, and his expression didn't change. That made it hard to tell whether he was telling the truth or lying. But Beatrix never expected the person who had destroyed Marquis Jacobe's residence to be in front of her.

"I don't know why I think this way. But I feel that you have something to do with this matter. Do you not know?" Beatrix still looks suspicious of him. Even though Ziel didn't show any signs of lying on his face, she still doubted everything he said.

(She is sharp)

Ziel thought in his heart. He didn't expect Beatrix to suspect him like that. Ziel was sure that he had never done anything suspicious. He is always careful in using his powers to avoid being seen by others. He thought it was a woman's sixth sense or intuition.

"It's just your feelings, Mrs Beatrix. Since last night, I've been in my room and got up early to work out. You can ask Lady Clara about it since she has accompanied me to practice since morning." Ziel mentions Clara's name as an alibi.

He knew because no matter what he said, whether true or false, Beatrix would not believe him. She had been like that since the first time he met Ziel. Because of that, Ziel took Clara's name as a witness so that Beatrix could believe him.

"Hmm... Alright. This time I'll believe you. I'll ask Clara what you said earlier. But, if I knew you had lied to me..." Beatrix releases her strength and puts pressure on Ziel.

"I will kill you!" Beatrix emits her killing intent at him.

Ziel knew Beatrix was testing him. Then he knelt and pretended to be out of breath. Seeing that, Beatrix immediately retracted her pressure.

"Eleanor is an old friend, and her daughter is both my niece and student. So, I won't let anyone hurt them. You should know that. I'm sorry about my actions." Beatrix smiled, and her mood became gentler.

"I understand." Ziel replied and heard footsteps behind him when he was about to stand up.

"What happened to you, Ken? Why are you kneeling?" Clara rushed over to Ziel and helped him up. She looked worried when he saw Ziel's situation.

"Thank you, my lady. I'm fine. I'm just a little tired from training this morning." Ziel didn't want Clara to know about his conversation with Beatrix.

"Thank goodness... Next time you better not push yourself too hard, Ken." Clara sighed softly after knowing that Ziel was fine.

"Yes, my lady. Then I will take my leave now." Ziel bowed to Beatrix and left the living room.

"Ah, Yes." Clara wanted to say something to Ziel but swallowed her words back immediately. She could only watch him walk away, leaving her behind.

Beatrix couldn't help but smile bitterly and shook her head when she saw the exchange between the two.

"Cough! How long are you going to keep seeing him?" Beatrix's voice brings Clara back to her sense.

"Ah... I didn't see him! I'm just worried about him. He's my butler. If he isn't feeling well, I should care for him as his master!" Clara turned her face away from Beatrik to hide her flushed cheeks.

"Yes... You are a good master. Well then, let's start our training now. We have less than a year before the academy opens. You must open your 4th magic circle before that time." Beatrix got up from her chair and immediately walked towards the garden behind the mansion.

"Why do you sound like you don't believe me, Auntie!" Clara complained and quickly followed Beatrix.

"Hehe... Yes, I believe in my sweet student." Beatrix chuckled and teased Clara.

"You don't believe me!" Clara and Beatrix left the living room, and their figures disappeared into the back garden.