Chapter 48

Alba Mountain Range, within the desolate wilderness. Suddenly the ground shook, the trees fell one after another. What caused all of this was a monster walking towards the D-class encampment. The students could see the form of the monster that was making all the fuss. The monster had a body four times as large as an elephant. He walks on 4 legs and his body is covered in fur like a mammoth. In his mouth was a pair of long fangs that looked like tusks.

"Behemoth..." A student from class D muttered.

"What!? Are you sure of what you said!?" The one who responded was the leader of class D, his name was Marlo.

"I'm sure, all the characteristics are the same as those mentioned in the books I've read." The class D student looked panicked and frightened. He subconsciously stepped back little by little.

"Gather all the class D students. We will find a way to fight it." Marlo gave an order to him.