In the afternoon in Tokyo, a black-haired boy wearing a high school uniform enters a bookstore. The boy's name is Nijisaki Ken. His current age was 16 years. He is a second-year student at Hoshina Gakuen high school.
"Ken, you haven't been here in a long time. What book are you looking for?" a shopkeeper's uncle greeted him.
"Ahaha... I'm sorry uncle. I've been a bit busy lately. I'm looking for an interesting book to fill my free time." Ken smiled at the shopkeeper. He looked at the titles of the books on the shelves. Ken has been fond of reading since childhood, especially novels and manga.
"Okay, if there's something you like tell me right away. I'll give you a discount!" The shopkeeper went back to his work. He tidied the books on a shelf not far from where Ken was looking at novels.
"Okay, uncle!" Ken became even more excited after the shopkeeper gave a discount.