Chapter 15

The best forge in the Dwarven Kingdom that the students from the Piqmentia Grand Academy were currently attending suddenly trembled violently. A huge explosion sounded from outside the building.

(Attention! We are under attack from several people in black robes outside. Please calm down everyone! We will settle this soon)

The guard of the building quickly gave a notification with a magic loudspeaker to keep the students from panicking. But after a long time, the sound of explosions was still heard from the entrance of the building. A soldier suddenly entered and whispered to Prince Torin. What the soldier said made his face darken. After the soldier left, Prince Torin looked at the students who lined up after selecting the forging materials.

"I'm sorry for the commotion today. But it looks like we have to finish this study tour sooner than the scheduled time." Prince Torin spoke apologetically. His face looked tenser than before.