The Elven Kingdom is a kingdom whose entire territory is forest. Therefore large trees are easy to find even in the city where the residents live. Among the large trees, the one that stood out the most was the giant tree right next to the Elven Kingdom Royal Castle. The giant tree is like an umbrella for a royal castle. This tree is known as the world tree. Due to the existence of the world tree, the Elven kingdom could be safe until now. The world tree spreads illusions and creates a natural barrier throughout the territory of the Elven Kingdom including the surrounding forest. Only the elves know how to get past those barriers and illusions. That's why it was very dangerous for people from outside to enter by force. They could be trapped inside the illusion created by the world tree. Outsiders would have a hard time getting into the Elven Kingdom's territory if they weren't guided by an elf and obtained the kingdom's entry permit.