Chapter 41

Back when Merlick and the teachers were having their meeting, Ziel had just finished doing his morning practice routine. He never missed his practice wherever he was. He chose a quiet place to avoid the possibility that others would see him. While Ziel was using his time to rest, he suddenly received a call from Clara through the communication brooch. Clara asked him to come to the place where the female students live.

Ziel immediately returned to his residence to take a shower and change his clothes. After that, he went towards the central building as Clara requested. In front of the building, Clara was already waiting for him along with Princess Freya and Princess Iris.

"Good morning." Ziel greeted them. He didn't know why Clara and the two Princesses had to wait for him in front of the building. They just needed to wait inside and Ziel would come to them.

"Good morning, Ken!" Clara answered him with a big smile.