Chapter 31

After the battle started, Hikaru quickly took out a pair of daggers from his space storage and threw them at Azalia. But that attack could be easily dodged by her with a minimum of movement.

Hikaru already knew that his attack would not be able to hit Azalia. He did so only to distract Azalia's focus and attack her with another weapon. Hikaru activated his innate ability 'Master all Weapon'. He held a pair of swords and charged toward Azalia with astonishing speed.

"I apologize. Perhaps my attack will injure you!" Hikaru said before delivering consecutive slashes using the two swords in his hands to Azalia.

Azalia snorted coldly at Hikaru's words and easily dodged the attack just like before. She looked like she had no intention of countering Hikaru's attack and just dodged it.