Chapter 46

[Sphere of Annihilation]

A black sphere of light formed above the Sacred Demonel's palm and made Raphael's body tremble uncontrollably.

"What's that!?" Raphael said in fear. A chill down his spine and cold sweat covered his body. Raphael had never felt such fear as long as he lived, even when he was still in the divine realm.

(What kind of creature am I fighting!? Wait a minute. Didn't the report from King Regulus mention the guardian of the continent? Could this person be the creature mentioned in the news?)

"Are you perhaps a guardian of the continent?" Raphael ventured to ask.

"Ooh, so you know about our existence? But that's meaningless because you're going to die." Sacred Demonel said indifferently. She was a little surprised that Raphael knew her identity, but that's it. Raphael, in her eyes, was nothing more than a target to be exterminated.