Chapter 21

[Glacier Breath]

[Spirit Thunderbolt]

[Flame Torrent]

Three attacks suddenly shot toward the dragon horde that King Leonida pointed at. But it didn't come from any of the Princes and Princesses or the heroes but from the three girls standing not far from them.

The three girls were Clara, Kalya, and Lilith. Their attacks shot in three directions at the horde. The attack on the left comes from Clara as a blast of cold air that quickly freezes anything it touches. It was a large-scale attack skill that Beatrix had taught her, and Clara could only use it now that she had sufficient strength.

Clara didn't need to target the dragon's wings as her large-scale attack was able to freeze dozens of them at once. When the dragons fell to the ground, they would shatter into chunks of ice as the monsters froze to the tiniest cell in their bodies. It showed how terrifying the chill from the attack was.