Chapter 40

After Princess Freya heard that Ziel wanted to treat her mother, she rushed back to Queen Helena's room. She had to make sure that her father was no longer there and also wanted to convince her mother to be re-examined by Ziel. Princess Freya is afraid that her mother will become pessimistic after Megumi can't heal her.

Fortunately, King Leonida was no longer in the room. So the problem remains how to convince her mother to be examined by Ziel.

"Freya, didn't I say I'm well aware of my current state? You're wasting your friend's time if you bring him here." Queen Helena sighed heavily when she heard her daughter's request.

"But, mother… this time it's different. If he can't cure you, I promise I won't ask you to do that again. Just this once, I beg you to believe in me. Please." Princess Freya said with a sad face.