Chapter 18

After one month, Azalia returned to the hideout of the divine race to open a portal with the world altar to transfer the people of her race to another world. Of course, Ziel also accompanied her. After returning from the academy, he quickly went to that place with Lilith and Kalya.

"Miss, won't you come with us to another world?" Aghares asked. After hearing that Azalia would not go with them to the other world, he was disappointed.

Azalia felt guilty when she saw the sorrow on the faces of Aghares and the others. She had come to that place only to see the divine race depart for another world and confirm that the world's altar was functioning properly. But then, they were unwilling to part with her and wanted Azalia to lead them to a new world. After all, Azalia was a Princess of their race, and only she was fit to be their leader.