Drive Hunt: Part Five

Mikhail saved Nur... He was glad to make it in time to help his friend's mother against the Syndicate organization.

The army also tried to take Nur into custody, but they were late as Mikhail and Nur both fled earlier...

Putri and her lover, Farish... Farish did not hand over Danesh's sister but surrendered to the Captain with her. They were both under the protection of the Malaysian Army now...

Amina accepted the conditions of the soldiers who came to her house and left the house with her husband under the supervision of the army...

These were not all of the operations of the Malaysian army for gathering Danesh's relatives or friends...

Danesh's friend, Aidan, and his wife...

Three childhood friends of Danesh and their wives...

And one of Danesh's former lovers...

The Malaysian Army did a non-official operation. They gathered 13 people under their shelter...To protect them against possible assassinations...There was one name on their list too...Danesh's mother, Nur...She was missing...

*** Penang Time Square ***

"Mrs. Nur...Mrs. Nur...Please wake up"

Nur, who was still sleeping in the car, woke up and opened her eyes. "Where are we?"

"We arrived at the next destination. To the car park in Penang Time Square"

"Do you think this is a good idea, son?"

"I don't know, Mrs. Nur. This is the last signed place on the map which Danesh implied in the tape records. It says I should go there alone. You should wait in the car."

"Mikhail, Thank you for everything. Really... And do you really trust my son?"

"I wouldn't be here if I didn't, Mrs. Nur. We spent a lot of time together. I will never believe those bullshit... Even though he confessed..."

"Thank you, Mikhail. I am very happy about it. But this is very dangerous. My son died and I don't want to harm another's son"

"You are pure, Mrs. Nur. Your son too. Please stay calm. And I don't have any relatives. Nobody would be sad if I died", Mikhail smiled. There was a pain in that sentence too.

"No, son. I lost a child but have a new one now. I will cry about it. So...That's why I can't let you go there alone. I will come with you!"

"No, Mrs. Nur. This place is very crowded. It is too dangerous, you should wait!"

"Sorry, son. I respect your and Danesh's decisions...But I have my own decisions too...I won't leave you alone." She opened her bag and took off a wig. She wore them and put on sunglasses.

"Please, Mrs. Nur!"

Nur, who got out of the car without answering, and Mikhail, who ran after her, then got into the elevator together...

"What now?" Nur asked.

"We will go to the food court and wait in the seafood restaurant. It says someone will come to help within one hour." He said, looking at one of the notes.

They sat at a table and started to wait...

Half an hour later, an old man came and sat down at their table. "So, you should be Mikhail." He said and looked at Nur. "Of, No. You shouldn't be here, Mrs. Nur. It is too dangerous." This man realized Nur's face somehow.

Mikhail and Nur observed in amazement the old man in the tracksuit and sports cap, as this man was not a foreigner but someone most Malaysians could easily recognize. He was a Member of Parliament in the Malaysian Parliament.

"Sir, you?"

"Be quiet. We shouldn't draw attention. Let's leave here immediately. The plan was to go to the car park to get Mrs. Nur but we don't need to do it now. My car is waiting on the VIP stage"

"Where are we going, sir?"

"I don't know either. I will transport you to another Deputy of the Malaysian Parliament. We are friends of Danesh. He saved us before. And we got called by him after his death. We don't have the answers for now."

"Sir, I am sorry but..."

"Please, Mikhail. Do not make the situation difficult...We don't..." The Deputy, who was speaking by looking behind Nur, suddenly stopped. "Shit! They came..."

"Who?" Mikhail attempted to look at the back but the Deputy stopped him.

"Let's go, now!" He had his three bodyguards in the next seat, and he nodded to them as he left.

The five strangers approaching them increased their speed as Nur and the others moved.

The deputy's guards stood up and tried to take out their weapons, but the third guard put a gun to the heads of the other two, shot and killed them.

They were betrayed...

Gunshots were heard. Six enemies were firing now, including the deputy's treacherous bodyguard.

While Mihail, Nur, and the Deputy were running towards the elevator, the citizens caught in the crossfire were also running frantically in different directions, and unfortunately, some citizens were also shot dead instantly.

The deputy was also shot in the shoulder, but he did not stop and continued to run as a cover for Nur and Mihail's bodies. "Don't look back!"

As one of the attackers was shot dead, the other five looked around in surprise to spot the gunslinger.

A new guy jumped on them, kicking them both in the head at the same time, landed onto the ground, stooped to avoid being attacked by the others, and stabbed the third in the chest.

Two of the attackers fell to the ground, while the other died...

The Deputy looked back. "I don't know who is who but we have supporters," he said. "Get on the elevator!"

However, two of the attackers were still following them. Nur and Mikhail got on the elevator...

The Deputy didn't... "GO!" he said.

The door of the elevator was closed...

The unknown supporter was fighting against the two surviving attackers.

They were trying to shoot him, but he was too fast.

They hurled their weapons to defend themselves against the new warrior's punches, but the new guy struck someone in the head with his own head, kicked his balls, and stabbed him in the jaw.

The other enemy threw a knife at the supporter, but this time the supporter left his blade in the other enemy's jaw, jumped back, and attacked the other again.

While the elevator was moving down, Nur and Mihail lowered their heads in sadness. The deputy was shot multiple times while the elevator was moving. They had left the floor unharmed along with the other citizen who was with them in the elevator because they had bent down, but they had witnessed the deputy's death while he was protecting them...

There was only a female citizen with them in the elevator. Her age was a maximum of 25, 160 cm, and wearing a hat. The girl made an unexpected movement and pointed her phone's screen at Nur.

Nur's eyes got bigger because a video was playing and Danesh's face was on there...

"Hi, mom. If you watch this, it means an unexpected event occurred. So the plan has changed now. The girl who makes you watch this is my girlfriend." Danesh smiled at the video. "She is very short, I know, but she is a good person. She is strong. Please go with her for now."

Nur and Mikhail looked at the face of the girl who was smiling at them in surprise.

The elevator reached the bottom floor and the doors opened.

There were two corpses on the ground. One of them was the treacherous bodyguard of the Deputy and the other was one of the foreign assailants.

And two men stood around them. One was their rescuer, who had helped them on the upper floors a few minutes earlier and was bleeding on the hand. Apparently, these people were friends of the newly appeared girl.

The girl got off the elevator first...

Nur and Mikhail have hesitated...

The girl looked at them again and spoke "Lazy, lazy!"

Nur laughed because that was the word she used to piss off her son. This was the first funny moment of hers on the last day. The girl was definitely a friend of Danesh.

They left the shopping center in a van together...