Drive Hunt: Last Chapter - Danesh Appears

The United Nations Meeting was held...

Almost all countries denied the existence of the Syndicate organization and declared Danesh a terrorist... Except for some...

China accused Danesh and the Syndicate organization of being both terrorists. Their aim was to shape the future of humanity, but they also damaged Danesh's pride.

The remaining countries did not accept the terrorist accusation against Danesh... But they also did not accept the existence of the Syndicate organization...

Malaysia, Turkey, and South Korea... They are the only ones who showed their true intentions. They forced the nations to acknowledge the existence of the Syndicate organization. It was actually a clear declaration of war against the organization and a declaration of heroism for Danesh.

Two days had passed since the meeting...

13 people have been taken under the protection of the Malaysian Army and secured in an isolated place. Few people knew their place even in the Army.

Nur and Mikhail were rescued by a Korean support unit from South Korea. Their current location was also unknown...

The Syndicate organization was trying hard to find and kill these people, and their operations in Malaysia were not completely unsuccessful. While they killed an opposition party member MP who was trying to help Danesh's family, they kidnapped another MP, who was a supporter of Danesh from the ruling party.

They tortured the kidnapped MP for a long time, but they couldn't get what they wanted because of his loyalty to Danesh. Therefore, they imprisoned him in an unknown place for possible negotiation. The Malaysian Army and Police Forces were trying hard to find and rescue him...

*** Malaysia...The President's Office ***

The President, Chief of Staff, Chief of the Secret Service, and Chief of Police Forces were at the meeting.

"You used all your credits, Chief of Staff. Two Deputies of My Parliament have been killed! I want answers, I want leads, I want names!... Now!"

"With all respect, Mr. President, there is no evidence of the death of our other Deputy. We are investigating..."

"We are trying, we are doing something, we are investigating, blah blah blah...Cut these hazy words and give me something valuable."

"We have secured Danesh's family and friends!"

"WHAT!" the Chief of Secret Service got angry. "Did you hide this operation from us!?"

"We may be arguing sometimes, but it doesn't mean that I don't trust you."

"So, what does it mean?" He replied and returned his face to the President. "We want to be involved in this case now, Mr. President."

"He is right, Chief of Staff. You did a good thing. Thank you. We may learn many things about that organization from them. I had respect for management type for the last two days but we should use this advantage now. Please, allow the Secret Service's involvement from now on."

"I can not do it, Mr. President."

The atmosphere was not good in the room.

"It is not about being against it. I don't even know their current location now."

"What? Is this a joke, Chief of Staff?"

"No, Sir. A Commander of our Armed Forces led the operation with a very small unit. He did not share the details with me either."


"That was my order. I only gave the command to secure them. Not sharing the remaining information until the new orders was my other order to him also."

"Then, it is time!"

"With all respect, no, Sir. This was a good step for us, as you see. Please wait for a few days too."

"You are putting our community in danger!"

"No, Sir. I am only trying to protect a group of our citizens. Those people are also a warrant to our futures too. Some people put bounties for their deaths on the black market today."

The President looked at the Chief of Secret Service.

" Chief of Staff is right, Mr. President. The bounties were exaggerated also. One billion U.S. dollars for each of them."

"What! Billions of dollars for ordinary citizens? The bounty of the most dangerous terrorist in the world was not that much!"

"Yes, Mr. President. This event also shows that some of these victims have very important intel. These things are related to the strongest people in the world. It means the danger to our country is more than we know. That's why I want to collaborate with the Chief of Staff in this operation."

"I want it too, Chief of Secret Service. I also want to work with all organizations for this operation too. But it is more complicated now." The President said and looked at the Chief of Staff again. "Do you trust your Commander that much? I am not talking about a possible betrayal only. It is about his power too. Can he protect them against a danger like this by himself?"

"There is a list, Mr. President. It was not shared by Danesh in the bloody event. This man found it himself. He gathered those people thanks to it two days ago. And the bounties appeared today. The perpetrators tried to find them by themselves but failed. Because this man took action before them. And the perpetrators supplied this job to the professionals now. These are all the meanings of his loyalty. And his power too...He won the first round of the war against those evil people with a very small unit. I trust him. He will share all the information instantly too. He promised that."

"Then, good."

"Except one thing, Sir."


"He saved 13 people but failed to find two people on the list. We need the assistance of the Secret Service on this step."

"That goes without saying!" The Chief of the Secret Service was glad to attend the operation. "Give the details please, who are they?"

"The first one is Danesh's mother. Our Deputy was with them when he got killed. He saved them by sacrificing himself. But the perpetrators couldn't get them either. A third party appeared and saved those people. And they vanished. We can't find them for now."

The President was more serious now. He did not like this. "Who was the third party?"

"We don't know their identities now. We checked security tapes. They are Koreans. And they are enemies of the Syndicate organization too, it is clear. They killed all the assailants. The Chief of the Secret Service can contact Korean Intelligence and have them come to us, in my opinion."

"We need more information. It seems they helped us but we can not allow the interference of other countries...And who is the second missing person on the list?"

"It is not a name, Sir. This was the last piece of the list. There were no details..."

*** A military hospital near Pasir Gudang ***

The crowded group of people in the room were staring at the floor without speaking, only listening to the sounds coming from the heart monitor.

Even though it was noon, both the curtains and the lamps were closed.

The woman with red hair and white pupils was the most worried of all. Having raided Danesh's assassination with her team, Luna noticed that her boss, Danesh, whom she thought was dead, started to beat again... And using her connections, she secretly placed him there.

The man in the next seat with the mechanical prosthetic left hand was Luna's subordinate who led the raid on the highway.

In the other seat, the other subordinate, who raided the secret studio with his team where the broadcast of Nube and Yube was filmed, was sitting.

And someone with the title of Colonel in military uniform was sitting in the farthest seat...

"He is not good. How much time do we have?" Luna asked.

"We shaded everything. A victim of a car accident is in this room on the documents. We are protecting the door of the room and the hospital too. Only two staff learned his identity. A doctor and a nurse. But I can hide you for only a maximum of two days in this way."

"That's enough. Thank you" Lula said and looked at the patient...

He was unconscious and his heartbeats were reduced...

The patient was Danesh...

He was alive...