Killer vs. Lady

"Come out, Lady. My soul is itching to cut you into pieces, here." Killer shouted, both of his arc-shaped swords.

"It will be my pleasure, Killer. You're the worst creature in this world. I'll free your innocent wife's soul by erasing your existence!" Two hands appeared on the edge of the direction Killer was looking. She was climbing the building from the back wall and she reached there. She was wearing a black-colored one-part dress and a ski mask. Her body lines were so beautiful in that dress. She observed Killer. "Wow. You're a real beauty for a man. I understand now why that poor girl fell for you." Her speech was about Killer's wife who got butchered by him.

She was right... Killer was a very handsome man. It was totally the opposite of Grim's appearance. His handsomeness was beyond a male. His skin was smooth like a female's skin, his eyes were green, he had black and very long hair.

"You lost your hope for Danesh and are falling for me now? Hey, G.I Joe boys, you can take her if you like Latin chicas."

"You are disgusting as usual, Killer! Are you joking? I described my feelings for you. You're scum!"

Killer smiled and rushed towards Lady, beginning his attack.

But Lady was quick too, and after throwing two knives at him, she ran to the right.

Killer deflected both knives and swung his both swords at her by jumping.

Two gunshots were heard...

Luna and others were watching from away.

Killer's bloodied body fell onto the terrace floor...

Lady was holding two guns in both hands...

Yaron and Desomond aimed their guns at the Lady but stopped before triggering them with a dagger flying around them.

"What are you doing? Stay away from my prey!" Killer was the one who did it and has begun to stand up.

"A pride show by a prideless man!" Lady had a grudge against Killer for a long time.

"Pride?" He stood up completely. Only one of his shoulders was bleeding because the other bullet had missed him. He was still holding his swords. "Humanity never had such a feeling. We always destroy for our achievements, as now."

Lady pointed one of her guns at his head. "Talk for yourself!" She tried to trigger it but couldn't...

Because there was no trigger...

No, there was no gun...

But the reality was not any of them actually...

Her hand was not on her wrist...It was on the floor..."AAAAAARGGGGGGGHHHHHH!" She screamed in pain "HOW, YOU ABOMINATION!?"

Killer had cut off her hand at a speed close to that of the wind. It was so fast that no one could even see it. He was walking towards her and they were still more than five meters apart. "You think we are different? You are trying to kill your beloved one. I can understand you, it is a good feeling."

"AAAAAAAAAH" She got angry more and shot him with her second gun...She missed...But that was not her aim. She escaped quickly while Killer was avoiding the bullet. "I am not like you, you insect! You killed your own wife. She was pregnant. I am trying to save mine!" She was talking more comfortably now. The distance between them was twenty meters.

"Saving him? You are not only a bitch, but also a crazy one!"

"Yeah, saving. Do you think about what they would do to him if they caught him alive? People who want to catch him alive will torture him and I will not allow it!" She shot three bullets at him this time.

Killer reflected two of them by his sword...

The people on the terrace could not believe what they saw...

It was impossible... Changing the route of a bullet with a sword... Humans did not have such power...

But he had!... This was not a victory, because the third bullet shot him in one of his arms. His sword in the hand of that arm fell to the ground. He did not get upset by this and continued his speech. "You are trying to kill him to avoid it? I was respecting you a few minutes ago, but you are a worthless creature in my eyes now!"

Lady laughed loudly to overcome her pain... She was still losing blood. "Are you judging me!" And started to run away again by shooting.

"Stunner!" Killer said and stabbed his remaining sword on the ground. Dark muds started to appear on the sword.

All of them were shocked because a supernatural event was occurring. Even Lady stopped to observe it...

The muds started flowing on the floor from the sword. They moved toward Lady directly and covered her body.

Lady tried to escape them but couldn't. The muds were still moving on her body... She was completely immobilized. "WHAT IS THIS, YOU ABOMINATION! DID YOU SELL YOUR SOUL TO THE DEMONS AFTER ALL!"

"Do not try to escape. It is useless." He left his mudded sword on the ground and took his other sword with his uninjured hand. He was coming for her now. "I am still human. The problem is with my swords. They are something different but fuck it. You will learn the details from those traitors in hell anyway..." He stabbed his sword in her chest.

Lady fell on her back. The sword was still in her chest, but the mud had disappeared. In fact, it didn't matter anymore because she didn't have the strength to move. She was dying...

"You got what you deserved!" There was hatred in Killer's expression.

"You...You scum...Are you criticizing me?" Lady replied. "I loved...him!"

"Is this love?"

"I...only give...him... a... painless death...I tried to...protect him...from...Syndicate's wraith...from tortures...You butchered...your pregnant...wife!...And"




"KILLER, DON'T!" Luna tried to stop him but she was late...

Killer used the dagger which was on his waist... He took it out and cut her throat...He did not even give permission to her to finish the sentence...

"What have you done? She could heal Danesh!"

"Getting help from someone like her is a curse by itself!" Killer replied. "She also had nothing special. She was a normal doctor." He looked at Harto. "Like this guy. You should trust only pure ones..."

Desmond ran to the edge of the terrace and looked down to see the latest in Grim's battle. "GUYS, COME HERE!!!" He shouted because the scene was not good.

Grim was on his knees motionlessly...

Pit and Priest were around him...

Pit's gun was pointed at Grim's head...

Grim, his body and face covered in blood, was looking down soullessly...

Priest and Pit had surrounded him, silently awaiting the death of their former comrade... However, Pit got tired of waiting and pointed his semi-automatic gun at Grim's head.

Luna and the others were watching them nervously at the edge of the terrace...

Pit and Priest looked up at them, feeling that they were being watched from the top of the building...

And Pit fired his submachine gun, sending hundreds of bullets into Grim's skull...

Grim's head was completely shattered and his headless body fell to the ground...