Perfect Plan of a Dead Man

Grim, his body and face covered in blood, was looking down soullessly...

Priest and Pit had surrounded him, silently awaiting the death of their former comrade... However, Pit got tired of waiting and pointed his semi-automatic gun at Grim's head.

Luna and the others were watching them nervously at the edge of the terrace...

Pit and Priest looked up at them, feeling that they were being watched from the top of the building...

And Pit fired his submachine gun, sending hundreds of bullets into Grim's skull...

Grim's head was completely shattered and his headless body fell to the ground...

While doing this, Pit had looked at Luna and her friends and indirectly threatened them as well...

"Let's go, then." Priest started walking slowly towards the door of the hospital. And then Pit...

"They are coming!" Luna shouted in panic.

"Protect Danesh's body with the doctor. We will handle them" Yaron talked on behalf of Desomond too.

"You will fight against Priest." Killer intervened. "He is a poison user, he is weaker but dangerous in close combat. Finish him with the bullets. Pit has a submachine gun, so the speed is important against him. I will go after him."

"Ok, then"




Pit and Priest were still on the first floor, walking toward the stairs.


When they both stopped and looked in that direction, they saw a group of ten civilians, men, and women, pointing their guns at them.

Their leader began to walk slowly, continuing to hold his gun towards them. "Your journey ends here. I know that you won't do that but I should ask anyway...Leave your weapons and surrender!"

Pit laughed. "Who are you?"

"You don't need to learn it!" They were the agents of the Malaysian Special Branch, Malaysia Secret Service...

"They are the secret service, I assume, Pit"

"Will you surrender or not?" The unit leader asked again.

"You don't need to waste your bullets, Pit" Priest talked again and moved his hand into his pocket to take a new bottle but he felt a cold iron on his neck...It was a barrel of a gun.

"Do not try it, Mr. Poison! We respect your religion but you are not here for a diplomatic or a religious visit. You are only murderers today. I will definitely kill you, but my superiors want you alive for now."

"Ov, you know our identities?" Pit glanced towards the second group that had emerged.

There were twenty soldiers. The Malaysian Army had made their move too...

"What a surprise... The Malaysian Army and Secret Service have combined their powers against us?"

"Hell yeah! You, Syndicate bugs, will no longer harm our country!"

Priest and Pit realized that the law enforcement officers who had raided them were unaware of the Council's existence. Despite trying to assassinate Danesh there, they had no ties to the Syndicate, and the Council members, on the contrary, hated them. However, they chose to use this confusion to keep their identities secret. "We are sorry, Commander, but we have a business on the terrace."

"Not a chance!"

"Do you know who is on there now?"

"You are talking too much. LEAVE YOUR WEAPONS NOW!" Commander was angry.

Pit and Priest looked at each other. Their opponents were armed and outnumbered. It seemed safer for them to surrender now and flee later. "Let's make a deal then. You will arrest the people on the terrace too. We will surrender if you agree with this..."

"Do you think that we came here by only thirty people to arrest you?" The other group's leader answered. "Our other team already did it. You only have two options here, surrender or die!"

This was Grim's doing. He did not only save the patients and hospital staff by informing the assault in the hospital but also took another action before it...

*** FLASHBACK...Six hours ago...Kuala Lumpur Police Station ***

The phone has rung.

"Hello, Kuala Lumpur Police Station."

"I want to talk with the Chief of the Station."

"I can not do that, sir. Please explain your aim?"

"I located the Deputy of Parliament who has been kidnapped by Syndicate organization!"

"..." Answering the phone, the policeman paused, thinking it was a false report.

"You don't need a rush, officer. I can wait. You can not locate me anyway"

The police guy did not believe but did not want to risk the situation too. "Hold the line, please" He informed his superior.

The superior was eating pizza in his office. He approved the calling...."Who am I talking to?"

"My identity is not important. Do you want to save your brave Deputy of Parliament?"

"Do you know the consequences of fake informing on an important subject like this?"

"Ok, here is the deal. You don't need to effort much. I already saved him but his condition is not good. He was tortured too much. I treated him, he is not perfect now but he will not die. I will hand over him to you in one condition."

"Do you think we make agreements with the shady people by phone calls?"

"No. Take the receipt of your pizza and look it in detail. You will see a note which has been written in small letters. Read through the back to the first, from the last letter to the first. It is the coordinates of his current location. Send a unit into there and take him. There will be no resistance, you can take it easy, he is alone. Please take him to a reliable hospital. The people who tortured him will try to kill him definitely to hide their identities."

The superior was in shock. He did not realize the letters, they were very small. He read it as he told and realized that they were the GPS coordinates. "What kind of game are you playing!"

"This is not a game. You should move quickly!"

"There is no gain for you in this. We will take him if you are telling the truth. Why we should do your request then? You wouldn't release him easily if you were telling the truth, I am not a moron!"

"I know that. That's why I chose to contact you. I am giving him easily because he is a hero. He deserves this...And you don't need to help me anymore, you are right. But I trust you because I heard some rumors about your patriotism from a friend. Years ago, you sacrificed yourself to save your entire team in a gunfight and were rescued at the last moment by someone..."

The chief paused and thought for a few seconds..."Danesh..."

"Yes! That's why I chose you. Some important people's lives are on the line. I need your help to save them."

"Why? You are strong enough to save the most important hostage in Malaysia from such a dangerous organization. Why do you need my power?"

"Because the torturers of your event were the only pawn of the most dangerous organization in the world. And the perpetrators of my event are the members of another dangerous organization. I will try to do that anyway but I am not sure that I could handle it..."

"Damn, who are you, man!?"

"Pasir Gudang Military Hospital... There will be a massive attack. Please alert all law enforcement and prevent a possible massacre!"

*** end of the FLASHBACK ***

Another group rushed there from the upper floor. "Sir, there is no one on the terrace!"

"WHAT!" The leader of the Secret Service's group and the commander did not like this information. He looked at Pit and Priest again "Who was or were on the terrace? And where are they now? Talk!"

Pit and Priest didn't like the news either. They thought they could kidnap Danesh by killing Luna and the others, but now they had all escaped. They, too, had to run after them urgently, but they were still at a disadvantage. "They escaped because of your intervening!" Priest was looking at the commander spitefully.

This was the last game of Grim...

*** FLASHBACK...Five minutes ago...On the terrace ***

Killer was holding his swords. He was bleeding still but he was ready for a new fight too...

The guns of Yaron and Desomond were also ready for a possible attack.

The three of them were in attacking position, waiting for Priest and Pit to arrive, who would soon emerge from the door to the terrace...

Luna, who had sent Harto inside to avoid harm, was stood uneasily on the defensive next to Danesh's stretcher...

And the door has opened.

"Easy, easy, easy..." Someone talked. This sound was not familiar to them... A young girl appeared and has stepped on the floor of the terrace.

"Who the hell are you! Are you also a spy of the Syndicate like that bitch!" Killer talked with anger.

"Not exactly..."

"Exactly? You are with them or not? If you don't want to die, answer clearly!"

"First of all, none of you have such power, but I will answer with all sincerity. Sometimes Syndicate hires me, but I'm here to help you right now."


Hearing Luna's panicked order, Yaron and Desomond started firing their guns, but all the bullets passed through the young girl's body and landed on the building's surfaces.

Although the girl's body looked alive, she was like a ghost...

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!" Everyone was suddenly terrified.

"Relax...And go for a safer place..." The young girl raised her hand and many lights shone through the stones of the floor, dazzling everyone. And when they disappeared, only the young girl was on the terrace...

Danesh, Luna, Yaron, Desomond, and Killer...All of them had vanished...

"I, Blood kept my promise, now it is your turn, Grim. Send me that parasitic entity!" The young girl's body started to fluctuate visually, and then she disappeared too...

*** end of the FLASHBACK ***