As soon as I started intense physical training I asked Kanna who used to be an anbu captain for the optimum training regime and she agreed but she said that she would monitor my training personally as she didn't want me to damage my body due to the training and so everyday I would wake up at five in the morning and complete my morning ritual and meditate for an hour conentrating on the flow of my chakra and then went to the backyard and run as many laps as I can at my fastest speed until I was exhausted and took a break for ten minutes and then do the cool down stretches Kanna taught me and then do four sets of pushups with ten in each set and also the same number of crunches, squats burpees and pullups from a tree in the backyard and other body strengthening and flexibility exercises un Kanna's supervision. Then we would have breakfast at eight in the morning and then I would start practising three academy jutsu I found in of the books Kanna gave me. With all the chakra control and handseals training I did it was not difficult for me to learn the three jutsu it only took me two weeks for me to perfect them to the level of a genin. The normal bunshin gave me the most difficulty and it took me completing the tree walking exercise to be able to perfect the bunshin. I even improved upon the tree walking exercise by having her make a shadow clone and pepper me with rubber balls as I tried to dodge them while walking up the tree and it took me nearly a month to walk up a tree subconsiously all the while dodging projectiles with minimum body movement and this improved both my chakra control and dodging skills massively and also improved my observational skills as i had to predict where the projectiles would hit. I kept on increasing the difficulty of my physical exercise almost weekly for the next three months. I had also perfected another chakra control exercise of my own making that is climbing a tree by channeling chakra to various parts of my body till I was able to do it subconsciously and I also perfected moving on the leaves at the top of the tree by lying on my back and channeling chakra through the tenketsu on my back and gliding on the leaves at the top of the tree. I had also eliminated the smoke generated during using the academy three jutsu. I had also decreased the handseals required for the academy three jutsu to one each as i was able to feel how the chakra was moulded by each handseals while using the jutsu, this was due to extensive practise I had done in becoming familiar with my chakra flow and I was confident that in another month I would be able to do all of them sealless which was my goal for any jutsu I learn as i didn't want any sharingan user to copy my jutsu. I was also working tirelessly on making the use of jutsu instantaneous and such that only sensors or dojutsu users could detect my user of the replacement jutsu. I was also working on decreasing the size of the object I could replace myself with so that I could replace myself with a kunai as my endgoal which would be very useful in combat. I was also working on developing the solid henge Naruto was famous for as it was very useful for spying and reconnaissance. I was also working on learning some minor D rank genjutsu like the hell viewing technique so that I could improve upon them in the future as I knew how useful and dangerous genjutsu were as a small change in perception of where a blow was going to hit may lead to him protecting his liver but your hit strikes him in the spleen getting him killed. I wanted to be a ninja like Itachi killing his enemies with clinical strikes and ending fights as soon as possible with minimum effort as till I complete puberty I will not have the reach and strength that fully grown adults haveand while strength could be remedied by undergoing very intensive training in Taijutsu like Gai but reach was not something I could do anything about and that was why I was thinking about training with a bladed weapon like a katana which would improve my reach as well as add a lethal edge to my fighting style as I much preferred kill strokes with my every move instead of inflicting blunt force trauma like Gai did, I much preferred slipping a kunai into the throat of my opponent while having him trapped in a genjutsu not to say that I don't want to become kage level in Taijutsu but even my Taijutsu would most likely be centred around evasive movements and counter attacking the opponent by hitting his vital spots with chakra scalpels as in my opinion it was a very
underestimated skill and would add a lethal twist to my Taijutsu and increase the possibility of a kill
compared to pure blunt force and make my Taijutsu like the Hyuuga's as instead of tenketsu I would target the vital spots and pressure points of a human body. Also in the six months since I had started physical training in earnest I had also mastered water walking and was able to walk and run on water for more than an hour while dodging projectiles and now I was practicing skating on the surface of the water using chakra allowing me to move at incredible speeds above water but I thought that it would take me another month to perfect it. I had also started making incredible strides once I started actual training in Fuinjutsu and now I could make storage seals and explosive tags as well as some of my personal creations like explosive tags with a lot more power, cleaning tags which cleaned a room with not even a speck of dust remaining, Kanna especially loved this seal. Even Hiruzen was impressed by my progress and started training me on the basics of Taijutsu on the weekends like how to throw a punch properly and how to kick and how to roll with a blow and proper footwork which was very important for both Taijutsu and Kenjutsu and was Very impressed with my perfectionist attitude as I practised everything he taught me in Taijutsu till I was too exhausted to even stand and my knuckles were bleeding from punching a log for a Long time, he gave a very big bundle of medical tape to wrap my hands with to provide some protection while i was practising taijutsu and even offered to teach me bojutsu but it soon became clear that I was not suited for bojutsu but I covinced him teach me a few katas for Kenjutsu which he said that kanna would teach me as was a very good practitioner of Kenjutsu when she was in anbu and even bought a wooden bokken for me to practice with. I had also managed to master the academy three such that I could use them sealless and instantaneously. I had also learnt how to do the solid henge that the original Naruto could do and also perfected it.
I was still working on using the replacement jutsu using smaller and smaller objects but realised that I would need nearly a perfect chakra control to do that which I realized was not possible for me my chakra size was already that of an experienced chunin and still increasing and the benefits of my intense variations of the chakra control exercises were not as much as they should have been and I knew that perfect chakra control was not possible for me as my tenketsu were not able to regulate my incredly dense and vast chakra as I was still young and my chakra pathways were not fully developed and another thing I observed that kyuubi's chakra was not mixing with my own which was a relief as that would make my chakra control exercises a waste of time as the constant mixing of chakra to my chakra would cause my chakra to always be in flux making having good chakra control very difficult and I could forget about ever having perfect chakra control. Kyuubi's chakra was only being used by the seal to increase my healing factor which explained how fast I healed after my intense training every day and how fast my muscles healed after tearing them during my training and making them Increasingly strong. So my next project was to master all the knowledge about human biology and chakra pathways and tenketsu I could in the remaining one year I was going to live in the Sarutobi compound so I asked jiji for texts on the human body and he was surprised by my request but after explaining my reason of being knowledgeable in all fields he gave me a bunch texts written by tsunade herself with a strange twinkle in his eye after he enquired about my training and learned about how good my chakra control was and also agreeing to teach me the shunshin something i had wanted to learn for a long time after learning that I could use the academy three sealless and smokeless and with the same proficiency as veteran chunin and my speed also was that of an experienced genin as i believed that speed was the most important factor in a battle and after hearing this he got another weird twinkle in his eyes.