Last year at the Sarutobi compound-1

During the last year I spent living in the Sarutobi compound Kanna started teaching me the anbu Taijutsu style which was based on quick and decisive strikes just like the anbu Kenjutsu style she was a master of that she was teaching me.

She also bought me a set of basic weights that I could use till I could learn to make proper resistance seals with a few modifications of my own. I once again upped the difficulty of my physical training this time wearing leg and arm weights of one kg each. I had also perfected making paralysis tags and my personal knockout tags which would knock out a person for upto three hours unless woken up using medical jutsu.

After another three months I had perfected making resistance seals with a few modifications like it increased the level of resistance in fractions instead of in just a jump so instead of ten levels it had thirty levels, Hiruzen checked it out and said it was perfect and applied it on my body and activated the first level and immediately went up to the third level as the seal adjusted according to the weight my body was comfortable with which was another modification I made to my seal based on the medical notes of tsunade so to not overburden the body and also provide the required amount of resistance which was optimum for training my body without damaging it. Even the hokage asked me to apply the resistance seals to his body which could provide nearly 50% more resistance than the maximum resistance provided by my seal in its maximum setting as my dedication to training had lit a fire in him to again start training seriously and again feel worthy of his title of being the God of Shinobi and he again started training regularly removing the any hint of sag from hiis frame and making him as fit as possible at his advanced age

and also started sparring with anbu squads to shake off the rust from all his skills and improved his stamina and endurance to where they were at the end of the third Shinobi war and after sparring with him once I started to see why they called him the God of shinobi as he was probably one of the only persons in the shinobi history in its entirety who was a kage level ninja in probably all the shinobi fields except the medical field. He showed many tricks on Taijutsu and and and also taught me how to properly throw kunai and shuriken which I had perfected in three months such that I could always hit the bullseye on a stationary target and then I moved onto moving targets and started practising to always hit a vital spot on moving targets and practised on how to throw multiple kunai at once with all hitting their targets. In the next three months I had moved onto the sixth level of my resistance seals and mastered the basics of the anbu style Taijutsu and Kenjutsu. I had also created a mind palace which helped me greatly by improving my already impressive memory making it almost photographic in nature and improved my rate of information retention, recall and the speed of my thought process which helped me greatly in studying all the material written by tsunade. I had also moved onto the advanced level of Fuinjutsu and was dabbling in barrier Fuinjutsu and I had perfected the art of imprinting seals with my chakra with just my touch after memorizing all the parts of a seal which was greatly helped by my near photographic memory. I had also perfected making the Fire sealing scroll and also invented a seal to store fresh food in for nearly ten days without spoiling. I had also made and perfected the making of prisoner transport scrolls. I also took to etching seals with a senbon as a hobby and also etched seals last longer than imprinted seals. In the books written by tsunade was also the katas for learning her personal Taijutsu style which fit me perfectly as it consisted of evasion and lethal counter attacks and it also had the basics of her super strength technique which I would definitely try to learn after I had completed the seals for my suplementary chakra network which would make it possible for me to have perfect chakra control with intensive chakra control exercises she had mentioned in her book. I had also perfected the shunshin without any handseals but I was a very long way from reaching the level of reaching shisui's level with the shunshin where he would leave behind afterimages with his speed shunshin. Hiruzen taught me the kunai kage bunshin jutsu and the shuriken kage bunshin jutsu after I had demonstrated to him that I had mastered throwing kunai and shuriken at moving targets and always hitting vital spots while throwing both single projectile or multiple projectiles. He started teaching me how to use kunai tied with ninja string to bind opponents and also taught me the basics of kunai deflection and tricks like hiding a kunai you threw in the shadow of another kunai you throw and how to quickly tie explosive tags to your thrown weapons and how to form a chakra shell around your thrown weapons to increase their cutting power .